41. I will fix everything

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|Jungkook's perspective|

      "Jungkook! Do you know how fucking worried I was? Where you was?" Taehyung asks me in a low tone, and I don't know how he can be so good at acting— he seems like he cried, but of course, everything is just fake.

     He really gives his best to win that bet, hmm?

      "Non of your business." I mumble and he looks at me intently.

      "Love, I want to explain everything. Please, hear me out." he says, but I don't want to listen.
     I'm tired. I'm tired as fuck because of his lies. I'm tired as hell because I cried hours in row. And I just wanna sleep now.

     "Don't call me 'love', you don't have any right. And I don't want to hear what you want to say. I'm tired, let me sleep." I answer in the coldest tone that I ever had, then I go to my bed, while Taehyung still glance at me, without believing what I said.

    Yeah Tae, I can be like this too. You forced me.

    I don't have any intentions to change my clothes, because is the last thing that bother me right now. I move around, then I face the wall. I hear Taehyung's steps behind me, and I think he is in the bed as well.

      "Just to know... Everything was just a bet, until I felt in love with you. Until you started to be the most important person to me. Until I began to think at you, as my home." he whispers and I don't have the strength to reply, but my heart start aching.

     He seems hurt. Unfortunately, nothing ia real. Is another act.

      "I'm sorry. You probably lost the bet because of me. You had should fuck me while we was dating. And if I think about this... We was together just a few days. Funny, don't you think?" I manage to ask, and I fell my eyes teary again, while I still face the wall.

      "Please don't say that." I hear his voice and I bite my lower lip. "I love you, Jungkook. I was the most stupid guy when I accepted that bet. But please, believe me. While I was tried to make you to fall in love with me,  I felt in love with you. With your smile, with your voice, with your eyes.  I started to search you everytime we was apart, and... I began to understand how it feels to be truly happy. Because my love, you make my happy." he finishes his shirt speech, while I stare at the white wall.

     Tears are still falling on my cheeks and on the pillow, while I refrain myself to thinking that maybe— just maybe— I should have a serious talk with him.

     But no. I can not stand another breakdown. So I close my eyes, I take a deep breath, then I make myself more comfy on the pillow.

      "I told you to not call me like that."

    It's the last thing that I say, before letting myself to fall asleep.

|Taehyung's perspective|

    "Yoongi is really stupid. Why he had to open his unholy mouth?" Hoseok ask me in a low tone, and I still look at Jungkook and that idiot, Jackson.

     He is talking with my Ju— with Jungkook. And I'm more than pissed of. Even if at this moment, I don't have any right.

     "It's not really his fault. Jungkook would find out anyway." I reply then I move my glance in front of me, at the teacher.

    He began to talk ten minutes ago, but I didn't paid any attention. I was looking at a certain someone. I don't have any idea he said until now.

      "So to be more clear, we're going to build tents in the wood next to the hotel. We will spend the night there and make a campfire. I don't want to hear you say that you haven't been on a trip ever again, understand?" the teacher asks us, while a few of students start to laugh.

     I look at Jungkook and I can see very easy that he is tense. Jackson tell Jim something in his left ear, and I refrain myself from punching him.

     "Do you think he will sleep in the same tent as Jackson?" I hear Hoseok, while I wear the most relaxed face— but just me and the God know how much bothered I am because of this thought.

       "Over my dead body." I simply answer, because yeah, I don't agree with something like this.

      I notice Yoongi's face in the crowd and he smiles a little. I dorm return his smile, I move my glance to the teacher again.  To be honest, I don't throw all the blame just on him. I accepted his bet, so I'm the one to blame more than anybody else. I was the one which hurt Jungkook.

      "What's your plan?" Hoseok asks me after, then I look around, trying to see Jimin.

      "I don't trust that asshole, and even if Jimin it's kinda annoying, he can help me. I have to make sure that Jimin will be in the same tent as Jungkook. I have to keep Jackson at distance from Jungkook, at least until I will fix the things." I explain to him, while I look forward.

     I see after Hoseok small smile, but I don't bother to ask him what's happening with him.

       "You don't give up, hmm?"

     I look at the boy that changed my life for a few seconds, trying to imagine that he smiles right now, even if is very clear, that he is lost in the thoughts. And yeah... I can not let this angel to fly away from me. Not for such a long time anyway.

     I have to make him to forgive me. I have to show him, that I truly love him. That nothing is a bet for my anymore. He changed that.

    I look at Hoseok, then I take a deep breath.

      "Of course not." I answer and he nods, then pats my left shoulder.

      I will make sure to fix this mess. I will make sure to bring my bunny back.


       Hi angels! New chapter boom 🖐️ I was in my chemistry class (during a test lol) when I started to write hehe😂❤️

     I hope u liked even a little bit and see u at the next one!!!!

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