5 : The Kiss

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It's been a week since TK and Dad let me get out of the house. Surprisingly, Blake hasn't been getting in my way. We barely talk whenever we're alone in the house.

TK and the rest of the 126 are out on calls right now, so Blake and I are the only ones left. Both of the on duty teams have been out for about two hours, with back-to-back calls.

I just finished binge watching Criminal Minds and eating Indian food. I get up to get my purse from the sleeping quarters so I can take my medication. Leaning on my crutches, I hop towards the sleeping quarters.

I walk into the sleeping quarters to find Blake sitting on his bed, doing something on his phone. His eyes rise to look at me when I hop in. I ignore him as I hop towards my bed. I feel his eyes on me as I pass him and hop over to my bed. I grab my purse, and pull out the medicine I need to take now.

I hold my medicine in my right hand, and try to grip my right crutch as well. After making sure I have a good grip, I start hopping towards the door to go get water. Unfortunately, just as I reach where Blake is sitting, I lose my grip on my right crutch. My crutch and medicine clatter to the floor. I'm about to follow them, when I feel strong arms around my waist. I'm parallel to the floor when I'm pulled back.

I make contact with a big, strong wall that smells like cologne. I feel a strong arm around my waist.

"You can let go of your other crutch now," Blake says, "I got you."

I let go of my crutch, which clatters to the floor, and wraps my arms tightly around the muscular wall. I slowly open my eyes to find myself in Blake's arms. I hear a fast thumping sound. I furrow my brow.

What is that?

I listen closer and realize that it's Blake's heart. I move away from his chest, and look into his eyes. They're soft, kind.

How have I never realized that before?

My hair falls into my face. I try to shake it out, but Blake stops me. He gently tucks my hair back behind my ear, leading to his palm resting on my cheek.

Now, I can feel my heart beat faster. I swallow as I stare into his eyes. He leans closer. Or, maybe it's me leaning into him. I can't tell. A few seconds later, our lips collide. His lips are like soft cushions. My heart skips a beat as his tongue pushes my lips apart. My lips part, allowing him access. He sucks on my bottom lip. I gasp at the feeling.

I've been kissed before. Many times, actually, but this is different somehow. It's more urgent, more serious. There's a deep need.

The hand on my cheek slides into my hair, twisting into it. I realize what's happening when he pulls at the bottom of my shirt.

I gasp and push him away, stumbling back and grabbing the bed post behind me. He moves back too, staring at me as if he saw a ghost. I don't know how long we stand there, staring at each other, but I'm snapped back to reality when I hear the garage open and the trucks pulling in.

I grab my crutches and medicine. I quickly hop out of the sleeping quarters and into the kitchen. I'm getting a glass of water when TK walks in.

"Hey." I say.

"Hi Li." he replies. "You're taking your medicine now?" he asks.

"Yeah, I took my time eating my lunch." I say.


"Yeah." I take the two pills.

"Where's Blake?"

I start choking on the water.

"Lia!" TK shouts. He's next to me in a second.

I calm down.

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