14 : Shopping...Shhh

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"Morning!" I say, throwing the curtain open.

"Babe." Blake groans before turning over and going back to sleep.

"Oh, wake up, sleepy head!" I say.

He groans again.

"It's April twenty-second!" I exclaim, jumping onto the bed. "Wake up!"

Blake opens his eyes and looks at me. "Hey." he says.

"Hey." I reply. "Get up, we have to go." I say after a moment.

He stares at me like I grew horns.

"What?" I ask.

"You planned a surprise for me?" he asks.

"Huh? Why would I plan a surprise for you?" I ask.

He opens his mouth before closing it. "Never mind. Where are we going?"


"Shopping?" Blake asks.

"Yeah. It's our day off, and I need clothes." I say.

"Oh. But do I have to come?"

"I want you to come, Babe. Char has work, and no one else is gonna come with me." I say. "Plus, you can tell me what looks good on me and what doesn't." I add.

"Hmm. Okay, sure. Why not." Blake agrees.

"Yes!" I exclaim in victory. "Get up, go take a shower." I say, pulling him up.

"Take one with me?" he asks.

"No time."
"You don't have time to take a shower with me?" Blake pouts.

"Oh, come on." I say. "Don't pout." I lean closer to him to give him a quick peck on the kiss.

But, Blake had different ideas. When I lean closer, he pulls me closer to him and turns around, pinning me to the bed. His face is just inches away from mine. We're both breathing heavily. Blake stares into my eyes. I can see the love in them, how much he cares about me, loves me.

"I love you." He whispers, his voice husky. My heart beats faster.

"I love you too." I reply.

He leans closer and kisses me. It starts off slow, but then becomes intense and heated. I slide my hands into his hair, tugging lightly as his tongue pushes past my lips. I lose myself in him as he kisses me and holds me tight.


We finish shopping at around six.

"Can we finally go home now?" Blake asks as I text TK.

"No, I have to drop off the clothes I got for Nia." I tell Blake.

He sighs.

"Okay. Let's go then."

It takes twenty minutes to reach TK's house. TK texted to say that Carlos and Nick are at home.

Pulling into the driveway, Blake and I get out. I grab the bags for Nia from the back seat and we walk up to the door. Blake knocks. A few moments later, Carlos is at the door.

"Hey Lia!" Carlos says. "Blake."

"Hi." I greet him.

"Hey man." Blake says.

Carlos hugs me, then Blake after we walk inside.

"Clothes for Nia." I tell Carlos as I hand him the bags.

"Oh! Thank you so much!"

"Don't mention it."

"Nia's growing so much faster than you ever did." Carlos jokes. We laugh. "Sit." Carlos gestures to the couches.

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