Chapter 17 : It's Over.

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My hands fly to my mouth. "Oh my god." Tears pour out of my eyes. "No, no, no." I shake my head vigorously, as if doing so will reverse what just happened.


"He isn't dead." I say, staring at the rubble. "He isn't, he-he can't be."

"Lia-" TK says again.

I look up at him, my vision blurred with tears brimming in my eyes.

"Are the seismic sensors still intact?" I ask.

"Yeah, I-I think so."

That's all I needed. Turning around, I run to where the seismic readers were set up to detect the kids.

I put a set of headphones on, and TK does the same besides me, since he's Blake's Captain.

"Everyone, shut up!" Tara says into her radio. It's silent.

I try to control the tremor in my voice.

"Blake." I shout. "Blake, it's me, it's Lia." Nothing. I'm starting to lose hope. "Blake, please, please say something. Please." I beg. I close my eyes as the tears start pouring out again. I remember everything he said to me before we left. I pull out the ring he gave me. "Look, I should have said it then and there, but I didn't. And, I'm sorry. Blake, I can't live without you either. I love you, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you." I shout into the emptiness. "I'll marry you, just please, come back to me." I beg him. "Please." I whisper again. I bit my bottom lip in a weak attempt to stop crying, but it doesn't work.

"I love you-too-Lia." It comes out as a whisper, but I hear him.
"Blake!" I shout, looking at TK. The look on TK's face tells me that he heard it too. "Blake, hang on, we're coming." I take off my headset. "West side!" I shout to the others.

"Lia, you should stay back." TK stops me from running to the house.

"What? But-"

"Stay here, get checked by Tara. I'll go with the guys to get Blake, okay."

I sigh. "Okay. Just-just get him back, please."

"Don't worry. I will remember to skin him when I do as well." TK jokes.

I chuckle as Tara walks up to me. Putting the ring back into my pocket, I sit down so she can check me out as TK walks towards the West side of the house.

"You gave us all a scare, you know that." Tara says as she checks my blood pressure.

"Yeah, you and me both." I reply.

"So, Blake proposed, huh?"

I blush.


"The ring's beautiful." Tara says. "That's why you said yes, right?"

"Shut up!" I say, shoving her playfully.

"Tara, get the Ambulance ready!" I hear TK shout, his voice full of worry and urgency.

A few moments later, he and Travis come into view, carrying Blake between them. Blake has a metal rod in his abdomen.

"Blake!" I shout, running up to him.

"Lia." He whispers, opening his eyes.

"Oh my god, what happened?" I ask, crying as they put him on the gurney.

"He came out like this." TK replies as we rush towards the Ambulance.

The guys help load Blake into the back. TK and I hop in after, and Travis closes the door. The moment the doors are shut, Tara starts driving.

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