Chapter 4

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Your POV:
I hadn't a single idea on what Ash was doing, and I hoped it wasn't something reckless. The look on his face when he left said otherwise. Something deep within me told me that Ash following Marvin was a suicide mission, same as following him. I didn't know what else to do. Zoning out, and thinking was a thing I was so used to doing. Wondering deep down what on earth could've happened.

I sighed, getting up from the floor and leaving the abandoned buildings. To be honest, it is the perfect place to take a kidnap victim as no one will find you. Shaking the thought aside, I just began walking to the hospital. I had a feeling Eiji would be there. What I was unaware of was the fact Dan was following me until he placed a hand on my shoulder, causing me to shrug it off.

"Sorry. I forgot." Dan paused, noticing my bleeding shoulder. "Let me bandage that."

"Fine." I said, letting him bandage it.

"Where are we going, by the way?" Dan asked.

"The hospital. I have an acquaintance there." I answer.

"An acquaintance? Who?" Dan asked.

I didn't reply and began the walk to the nearest hospital to where we were. I knew Dan was following behind since it was obvious. I just chose not to comment on the matter. Once we got to the hospital, I began walking inside but Dan wasn't following.

"What's wrong?" I ask.

"My katana." He replied.

"That's your problem. You're the dumbass who brought it." I sighed.

"I'll just stay outside." He replied.

I sighed again, heading inside the hospital building and looking for Eiji. Eventually, I found him sat at a table with two older men. One I recognised and the other I didn't. The one I recognised was from the bar earlier on today. Getting closer, I could hear the conversation.

"We're pulling out for now after what happened. It's too bad, but we'll head back tonight after we go meet Max in prison." The guy from the bar said.

"And what did you want to see me about?" Eiji asked.

"Yeah about that." He replied.

"Is it about Ash?" Eiji asked, leaning forward slightly in his seat.

"He's planning to fight a mafia don with just one trump card. He's going to be killed for sure." The guy paused, leaving Eiji and the guy from the bar to let out a gasp.

"Eiji, I need you to convince Ash to give us his "trump card"." He said, placing both balled-up hands on the table.

I scoffed, catching their attention before I spoke. "Good luck with that." I say, joining them.

"What is this "trump card"?" The guy from the bar asked.

"I'm not sure, but Golzine is persistently chasing after Ash. He must have something serious." The guy said.

I realise now by the way he speaks that he's a cop. Which means I have to be extra cautious 'cause I have a concealed firearm and blade.

"But why me? I have no power." Eiji asked.

"Because he saved you. He tried to save you even if it meant risking his and Skip's life. He might lend an ear to what you say." The cop replied.

I saw this going nowhere. Just because Ash saved him, doesn't mean he's gonna willingly hand over whatever trump card he has. I sighed, deciding it's best to hear what Ash has to say and see whether or not Eiji can "get" this so-called trump card.

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