𝘊𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘛𝘸𝘰

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(How it all started..)

{there is a texting part in this chapter so the bold text is going to be you for jacob's side and then for your side Jacob is gonna be the bold text.} 

Y/n's POV

i woke up at 8:15 today for school. I have school at 9:00. i went for a shower and then brushed my hair, got dressed and then i went downstairs . my family was sitting at the table eating. i sat down with them.  "do i have to go to school?" my little bother asked "yes!" mom answered.  i was done and so was my older brother. His name is Tim. "Tim watch your sister at school!" dad said. i rolled my eyes. me and Timmy started walking to school. my little brother doesn't start school till 9:15. "i think this is stupid" i said "what?" "you watching me all the time!" i said upset. "well mom and dad make me do it! it's annoying my girlfriend is so confused" he said with his head down. "who are you dating now?" "Shelly! it's been shelly for 3 weeks now" he said getting angry. "3 weeks? i thought you only date girls for 2 weeks.." i said and he started chasing me down the street. i survived and made it to school.  

Jacob's POV

me and my older sister were walking to school. i saw Y/n and her older brother running down the street. "don't look at them" Emma said. "why not?" "mom and dad wont like it" she said looking at her phone. we made it to school and i was still watching Y/n. i think she's really pretty. i can't tell anyone that. everyone at school know's that me and Y/n aren't supposed to be talking to each other. 

me and Y/n have a class together. we have a history class together. we both do after school drama class. our parents made us do the drama class because they wanted us to get better. i have been doing drama classes since i was 12 i'm now 14 almost 15 so i have been doing it for a while now. same thing with Y/n. i remember when my parent's found out that Y/n was also in the same drama class. they flipped out. 


i walked through the front door from school. i just got back from my first drama class. mom and dad made me sign up for it because they wanted me to get better at acting. to be honest i don't think it will help. it's just drama classes from school nothing special. but i understand why they wanted me to do these classes. there is a small problem, Y/n is in my class. we have been going to the same school since ever! and now were both doing the same after school class. my parent's wont be happy. mom and dad were sitting at the table, my sisters were on the couch. "hey! how was your first class?" mom asked. "it was okay.." i said "it will get better once you meet more people" dad added. "who's in your class?" dad asked. uh oh. "oh um people.." "what people? anyone you know?" mom asked "well just a few.." "well who are they?" they sounded curious now. "well...Y/n is in my class" i said trying to go to my room. "wait! come back here" dad said. i went back to the table. "she's in your class?!" mom said. "yeah she is.." 

"he can't do classes anymore!" dad said "but he has to it will help!"  "but y/n is in his class! she will ruin it!" "no she wont!" i said. "she's a good student and i wont talk to her! just don't take me out of drama classes" i said and the nodded. they made me promise that i wont talk to her. they also made me promise to never take the same way home as her so we don't run into each other.  


they wouldn't stop that night. they kept talking about how Y/n is gonna make me fail. they are acting like me and Y/n are dating. were not even friends!! i do wish we could talk to each other. because it would make thing's easier at school. my first class was history. with Y/n. she sit's in the front i sit in the back.  everyone got in there seats and waited for the teacher. then the lesson  started. there was a project we had to do in pairs. and the teacher was picking who we were working with. i hate this. "Lola and Jackson, Laurie and Kayden, Maddie and Stuart, Lucy and Chris.....oh and Y/n and Jacob" she said. Fuck. how are we gonna do this? Y/n looked at me. the bell rang and everyone started getting there thing's. Y/n walked up to me. "so how are we gonna do this?" she asked. i think that's the first time i heard her speak to me. "i don't know but don't tell your parent's! we will figure it out" i said sitting up. she nodded. "shouldn't i get your number? so we could talk about this soon as we are done with the project i will delete it!" she said. i agreed and then we gave each other our numbers. "my parent's will kill me if they saw your name in my phone" i said "then make my name something else...i'll make your name...Kate!" she said and i slightly giggled. "okay your name is....Mike!" i said. she laughed. she has a really cute laugh. "i will talk to you when i get home" i said and went to my next class. 

after school i went home and ran to my room. i put my bag down and grabbed my phone. i decided to talk to Y/n. 


Hey! what do you want to do for the project?

umm i was thinking we could do a slide show if that's okay

okay that sounds good! we will have to do a lot of it in school because we can't go over to each other's house

i ended up talking to her for a little bit longer.  she's really nice. she said she's working on a new movie so it's gonna be hard for her to go to school. same with me. it's gonna be hard because were both gonna be busy.

it was now late and i was on my phone laying in my bed. i was on instagram. i kept seeing  ship edit's all over my explore page. it was kinda awkward. a lot of people say we would be cute together. our parents hate that. 


hey guys sorry it took so long to make this one! i really hope you like it! i also wanted to know if you guys would like me to pick out outfits for the chapter. i love clothes so i wouldn't make ya'll wear something ugly🙄 i just know a lot of people don't like that. anyway let me know what you guys think! 

words: 1181 <3

𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘊𝘰𝘮𝘱𝘦𝘵𝘪𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯 𝘑𝘢𝘤𝘰𝘣 𝘛𝘳𝘦𝘮𝘣𝘭𝘢𝘺 {DISCONTINUED}Where stories live. Discover now