𝘊𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘍𝘰𝘶𝘳

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Jacob's POV

it was the next day and i can't believe i kissed Y/n. she was a pretty good kisser. i actually really liked it. i'm starting to catch feelings. i keep telling myself that i can't catch feelings for her. i think i like her. i can't stop my feelings. i had to go to school to see who got the part. i want to know if y/n got Juliet. my sister walked me to school like always. when i got there the casting was put up already. i got Romeo and Y/n got Juliet!! i tried to find Y/n. when i did i ran up to her. "hey so we both got the part!" i said and her face lit up. it made me happy to see her happy. she gave me a hug and i kissed the top of her head. i'm not sure why. i just did. she looked up at me and smiled. she went to the bored to see who else was in the play. i felt someone grab my arm. it was my sister. "Jacob!! your not supposed to talk to her! you hugged her and kissed her head!! what the hell are you doing?!?" she told me. she sounded mad. she's upset because she's gonna get in trouble for not looking after me. "are you insane?!" she added. "yeah maybe i am!!! i kinda like her Emma..." she looked at me like she just saw a ghost. "what?" "i kinda like her..don't tell mom and dad!!!!" i said. "Jacob what's wrong with you?! you used to understand that you can't hang out with her! now your running around with her?" she said "yeah i am!!! well not really.." i said "okay i wont tell...but Jacob you need to think this through....i don't think it's a good idea.." she said. "i'm not going out with her! were just friends!" i said. even though it's obvious i like her. i hate when i make it obvious.


i was so happy i got the part of Juliet! i am really starting to like Jacob now. when he kissed my head i almost died. i really like him. of course this sucks because i'm gonna get in trouble if my parents find out. i don't i'll ever tell Jacob. i don't think he likes me back anyway. i made it to my first class. Jacob is this class with me. he sits a few seats in front of me. in the middle of class he kept looking back at me. he kept smiling at me. i smiled back. i was in my second class and Jacob was not with me.

Jacob's POV

all i could think about was Y/n. she's great. she's nice, pretty, smart. i think i want to date her...i know it sounds like a lot but i do want to date her. i want to kiss her again. really bad. i decided to text her during class.

Y/n's POV

i got a text form Jacob. it said to meet him near the supply closet. i asked to go to the bathroom then left to go find Jacob. i wonder what he wants. why would he ask me to go to the supply closet? i finally found right beside the closet. "hey Jacob! what did you-" he cut me off by grabbing me and kissing me on the lips. i melted right into it. i really enjoyed it. he pulled away and looked at me. "I really like you..." he said. "i really like you too..." i said. he saw someone coming down the hall so a pushed us in the closet. we both tripped and fell on each other. "you okay?" he said helping me up off the ground "yeah i'm fine" is said getting up. "sorry i just saw someone coming.." he said. i slightly giggled. i kissed him again on the lips. he was smiling like a dork. i loved it. there was no more space between us. he kept pulling away to get more air. "so will you be my girlfriend?" he asked as we put our heads together. "yeah i would love too.." i said. we continued to kiss a little bit more. "no one can know about us" he said. i agree with him. if anyone were to find out they would tell our parent's. our parent's would hate us if they found out we were in a relationship. "yeah we can keep it a secret....it will be hard though" i said and he nodded. "okay let's get back to class..." he said and we both went our own ways. i can't believe that just happened! i got a boyfriend?! i'm dating Jacob Tremblay now! i went back to class with a big dorky smile on my face.

it was now drama class and we get to try on costumes today. Jacob wasn't here yet. i put the costume on and i really liked it. Jacob finally got here. i was backstage where no one was because they were getting ready. Jacob came and sat right next to me. "you look really pretty" he said a looked at my dress. "thank you" he then kissed me on the cheek. i slightly blushed because i'm still getting used to this relationship thing. Jacob then went to go get dressed in his costume. he came back and he looked great. after rehearsal i walked home. i was upset i couldn't walk home with Jacob. i laid down on my bed and looked at my celling. i started dozing off thinking about Jacob. i felt so love struck about him. even at dinner i acted weird. i just kept the dork like smile on for the rest of the day. i was laying on my bed watching TV still thinking about Jacob. when i heard a knock on my window. i opened it and saw aJacob. "what are you doing here?" i said helping him in. "well i thought you might need some company...and i really missed you." he said. my heart melted. he started kissing me. a lot of kissing. there was a knock on my bedroom door. it was my dad. Jacob hid under my bed. "Hey dad!" i said as he walked in. "what was that noise?" he asked. "eh what noise?" i acted like i didn't here anything. "i swear i heard something..." he said. "maybe it was Tim? or Thomas?" i said. he nodded and left. that was close. Jacob came up from under my bed and sat right next to me. he continued to kiss me but this time he was kissing me all over my face. "i wish i could spend the night.." he said "you can we just have to be careful not to get caught." i said. if he leaves early then it will be okay. we watched a movie and we fell asleep in each others arms. it was great. this was his first time sleeping over. he fell asleep right on my chest. i played with his hair for a little bit.

i woke up the next day and Jacob was still sleeping. ii looked at the time and we start school in 10 minutes!!!! i shook Jacob up and told him to get ready. i was getting ready while he was trying to get out the window. i don't know how he's gonna pull it off. i got ready and went downstairs. 

Jacob's POV

i was outside my house and i saw my family at the dinner table. i have to walk in through the front door. i walked in and they turned to me. "Jake where were you?!" Mom and dad both said. my sister's sat there silent. "i just went for uh....morning walk!" i said. it was the first thing to come to my mind. "since when do you go on morning walks?" Erica said. i gave her a death glare. "well...don't scare us like that again...." mom said. i nodded and ate breakfast. Erica kept glancing over at me. i'm not sure why. i went to my room to go get ready and Erica came in. "i know you snuck out last night" she said. i turned to her. what the fuck does she mean?! "where did you go?" she asked. "how do you know?" "i went in your room to give back a book i borrowed and your weren't in your bed and your window was opened" she said. i looked at her. "you can't tell anyone" i said "i won't but don't get her pregnant Jake...mom and dad will kill you" she said. i was a little shocked. how did she about Y/n? no one knows. well i don't know if she knows it's Y/n but she knows i have a girlfriend. Erica left. i stood there shocked.


 okay so this chapter is my favourite so far!!! i really hope you like it!! please don't for get to vote and please tell me what you think. if you have an ideas for the next chapter let me know. and if you have any requests for my other book like me know.

words: 1531 <3

𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘊𝘰𝘮𝘱𝘦𝘵𝘪𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯 𝘑𝘢𝘤𝘰𝘣 𝘛𝘳𝘦𝘮𝘣𝘭𝘢𝘺 {DISCONTINUED}Where stories live. Discover now