Letter 28

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December, 12th, 2004

Dear Dad,

        So, I’ve been noticing that I’m progressively skipping more and more days and writing less and less to you. I promise I’ll try to write more next time.

        Today’s been rough. My English teacher was being a butt today like always and she was picking on Daxus again about how he was writing. She said, “How’re people supposed to read this? Start over” Everyone in the class heard her and they all laughed at Daxus when the teacher took his essay and ripped it in two. After class, I asked Daxus if he was alright, but he just told me to go away. Instead of doing what he said, I told him that I’m going to be homeschooled soon. He didn’t look back at me and you know what his reply was? He said, “Good” That was the last time I heard from him today.

        I went into the library after school and I was so used to seeing Richard there, putting away books and checking if each book was in its place, that I got up to look for him. I looked around for a bit, until I remembered that he was gone. He’s no longer here.

        I forgot that Daxus won’t be seeing me here in the library anymore, because I waited for something or someone to come in through the library’s doors. I felt like something was missing because it was so silent. I missed how we’d fill the air with our laughter and how Richard would bring up random things to talk about, like food, but then Daxus would be there to argue with him just for fun. I’m just sitting here daydreaming of how it used to be. Uncle Alex called me and asked if Daxus or anyone else was coming over, I said no. Nobody’s coming over. I went outside and waited for Uncle Alex to pick me up.

        When I got to Uncle Alex’s house, I headed straight t my room. I did my homework straight away, and read a book afterwards. It was hard trying to read when everything’s on your mind at once. After a couple chapters, I tried to summarize what had happened, but I don’t remember. I usually would remember.

        Uncle Alex came into my room and announced that we’re celebrating Christmas in Australia if you didn’t get better by then. I was really looking forward to this. I was getting a bit homesick and I really wanted to see how you’re doing. I wanted to see all my old friends that I’ve left behind. I remember that when I came into America last month, Uncle Alex promised me that I’d make twice as many friends than before. I wasn’t really expecting this to happen. I wanted to make the best of it.

Your son,


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