Letter 14

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November 20th, 2004

Dear Dad,

            I haven’t written a letter in the past three days because all I did during my spare time was worry about the amount of homework I’d have when I get back. I couldn’t read my book the whole time, but walking along the shores helped me clear my mind and relax a bit.

            I have your letter and it was sent on the 17th. I noticed that my letters take longer to get to you than your letters. Not to complain.

            Anyways, I went back to school today. It turns out that I have a project from my English teacher and art teacher all due next week before thanksgiving. For my English project, I have to write two persuasive essays, one with cited evidence and one using only my opinions and personal experience. In the end, I have to compare both of them and write a paragraph essay stating why the one with evidence is better. I personally think that having opinions and personal experience is a bit better because I’d rather read an essay with feelings than an essay with cold hard facts. That’s just me, but it’s unfair that my English teacher didn’t let us choose. It’s also unfair that she’s giving a small amount of time to everyone. She said that it was supposed to be assigned to us two weeks ago, but she forgot. I asked for more time since I was suspended, but she said that was my fault and she expected me to turn in the project on time like everyone else.

            For my art project, I have to paint on a fairly large canvas that captures my personality or identity. The styles I can only paint in are impressionism, semi-abstract, or abstract. She also wants me to paint in a warm or cool color scheme. Black and white is optional too. I asked her if it was okay if I could paint realistically, or at least try to. She said no, because she thought I wouldn’t or couldn’t manage it. I thought I could paint better than she thought I could, but she just said that in all her years, she still hasn’t met an artistic genius, just artistic wannabes. I told her that I have a friend, Daxus, who was a former art major, and that he went to a really good art school in Las Vegas, Nevada. She laughed a little and said “Ha, he probably couldn’t catch up with everyone else” I told her that she was wrong. I told her that he has the capabilities of any other artistic genius. She stopped me and asked me why he stopped going to that school. I said that he got tired of art and that he was no longer enjoying himself with set expectations and rules. She shrugged and sat back at her desk.

            I tried to ignore all negativities that came from anyone, that included any comments from kids telling me that my shirt was gay. This started a small rumor around school. As you know, lies are what bothers me the most.

Your Son,


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