Letter 8

12 0 0

November 12th, 2004

Dear Dad,

            After school, my friends and I waited for Uncle Alex to pick us up. Afterwards, we went straight to the surfboard rental place for my interview. They asked questions like “What made you choose this job?”, and “Do you like surfing?” They were pretty easy questions and I answered each and every one of them without hesitation. I left the place feeling confident and Uncle Alex drove us back at the house.

            My friends were pretty impressed with the interior design of the house. They took a couple minutes exploring the house and my Uncle Laughed a little because they were making comments like “This is so cool” Richard would walk around the house constantly pulling up his pants. He told me that he forgot to put on a belt this morning, so I offered one of mine. He said no thank you, so I shrugged it off. He said that his house looked like an old people’s home. He said that there were crosses, little ceramic baby angels, bibles, and religious paintings everywhere in his house. They were everywhere besides in his room. His parents made an exception because Richard didn’t like his room to be decorated that way. He told me that he has posters of the beach, lakes, and forests. He told me that he wanted to live there or at least by there because he liked nature. It was sort of his thing.

            Daxus described his house to be mildly messy, but his room would be the messiest. He said that he kept his room messy because he liked it that way. Sometimes his mom would ask him to clean it a little now and then, but every time he did, he misplaces everything. Cleaning his room was meant to prevent that, but he said that it works best if he stayed unorganized.

            We helped each other on our homework and we got it all done in less than an hour. Richard asked if I had a game station, I said no. He didn’t seem too disappointed. I really wanted to buy one after that question, just so that he could play it. I didn’t want to waste Uncle Alex’s money though, because he would want me to buy things for myself. I had to sit down and think for a bit in the bathroom. I know I should try to treat anyone and everyone with respect and kindness, but maybe I was going too far with buying a game station.

            Daxus then asked for playing cards. Uncle Alex handed me an unopened pack and I gave it to Daxus. He opened it and asked us if we wanted to see a magic trick. Richard and I said yes, and so he showed us some tricks. I was really astonished when he did a simple “is this your card?” trick. He did multiple magic tricks involving us picking out a card, and him locating it and then asking “is this your card?” Each and every time, Richard and I would get excited over it. Daxus then asked us if we wanted to know how to do it. I said no, because I didn’t want to ruin the magic by knowing how it was done. I wanted him to impress me every time he does it, until I figure it out myself.

            We got a little bored afterwards and we sat in a little circle, and with Uncle Alex up in his room. We didn’t watch TV the whole time we were there and we didn’t plan to. We each looked at each other trying to think of something fun to do, but we gave up. After a couple minutes of sitting, Richard calmly asked us “So, any of you have a crush?” Daxus tried to keep a straight face, but Richard asked him “Who’s your crush?”

            Daxus refused to speak about it and he shook his head saying “No, I won’t tell you” Richard kept asking him over and over again and he added in “please” after repeating himself a few times. Daxus sighed and he said “Okay, I’ll give you a hint, but only one hint. First letter, R, last, R” Richard was a bit confused, but he was determined to figure it out. I wasn’t much though.

            Then Richard asked me “Do you have a crush?” I said no. He thought I was lying, so he kept asking me over and over saying “C’mon, everyone has a crush” In attempt to have him stop asking, I asked him if he has one. He said “Of course I do”, and then I asked who. He paused for a moment and started thinking. He sat down quietly looking at the floor and after a minute he looked up and said “Oh, never mind then”

            Daxus looked at him and said “Embarrassed much to not talk about your crush?” Richard’s face turned red and he tried not to look directly at us. I told him that he didn’t have to talk about it if he didn’t want to. He sat there nodding his head saying “Okay” Daxus scooted over closer to Richard and he put his left arm on his shoulders saying “Aww, little baby”

            Richard told him to shut up, but Daxus got close to his face and said “Make me” Richard then began tackling him to the ground. They wrestled each other on the carpet and I sat there watching them. They were both laughing, and when Daxus got up he hid behind me. Richard chased him around me and accidentally tackled me instead of Daxus. Daxus was behind me so he caught me on the couch. I was sitting on his lap and we bumped our heads against each other’s. Richard walked over to see if I was okay. I told him that his underwear was showing, and that he has to pull his pants up before they fall down again. He said that he could do that later after he checked if I was hurt. He held my head to see if there were any marks or visible bruises, but his pants slowly fell down in the process of revealing his red underwear.

            Uncle Alex ran downstairs and said “I heard that someone’s in pain” He looked at us and how we were positioned. My friends and I looked back at him and he slowly walked back upstairs backwards. Richard had a puzzled face on, but it didn’t take him much to realize what had happened. He just stood there saying “Oh” and tried to comprehend the whole thing. He pulled his pants up and sat down next to Daxus with his hand on his chin. I got off of Daxus and grabbed my own seat next to him. We all were trying to comprehend what had happened and it wasn’t what I had expected at all.

            Uncle Alex dropped them all off to their houses and even drove half an hour to Richard’s house and half an hour back. He didn’t ask what happened with my friends and he pretty much stayed quiet the rest of the day. We got pizza and I ate that for dinner. Uncle Alex took his pizza upstairs to his room and said goodnight to me. After I finished up, I headed straight to bed to read a little bit.

Your son,


P.S. I stayed up all night and I couldn’t get that off my mind.

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