Chapter 4

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Wilbur POV
I knocked on the door of 419. Tommy opened and greeted me. Techno walked out out the shower, his long pink hair almost touching the ground. "Aye will! Here to pick us up?" Tommy said, I simply nodded. He grabbed his stuff. Techno did the same and put his hair up into a bun, I'm guessing he did that so his hair wouldn't get dirty in my car, the 2 followed me out, tommy went to the front seat but techno pushed him out of the way. "The oldest 2 are the ones who deserve the front seat, you little racoon" techno blankly said in his monotone voice. The entire drive home all I could think of was Ale- would he allow me to call him by his real name? Either way, I couldn't stop thinking about him, we're normally rivals, he seemed a bit softer, he was just divorced so I'm not one to judge.

In the morning

Quackity POV
I woke up, thinking I would see Karl and Sapnap, no. I saw the hotel room I stayed the night in, I heard a knock on the door. I put on my beanie and opened the door, my cheeks had a tint of pink, it was Wilbur. "Morning, Quackity!" Wilbur smiled, I waved. "I just woke up, let me get changed really quick" I said, his cheeks went pink, was my morning voice really that ho- what am I thinking!? Why are his cheeks pink!? Whatever, he nodded and I shit the door, getting changed into my polo and jeans, I wasn't bothered to do my tie. I grabbed my stuff and walked out. I headed into his car, he presented me with some pancakes. "Got you some breakfast, I didn't know what you liked so I got some pancakes" I smiled. "Thanks, pancakes are my favourite!" I ate the pancakes. When we got to Wilbur's tommy and techno were playing Wii Sport, "ayeeee big Q! Not fighting with my brother for once?" Tommy said, him and techno were bowling. "Not really in the mood to fight" I mumbled. Tommy nodded and went back to the game. "TAKE THAT FUCKIN PIG" Tommy yelled. I put my hands over my ears. "It's too earlyyyyy" I groaned. "I'll take you to your room, big Q" Will offered. Why's he being so nice all of a sudden? I nodded and followed Will into the guest bedroom.

A/N - longer chapter, I have a shitton of ideas today, so I will be pumping out a lot more chapters today :]

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