Chapter Four: Daniela Dimitrescu

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The fire crackles beyond just the speckled rug, flowers lining the edge, as well as old splotches of blood dried just at the rims of it.

Looking further, you heed the burning of clothes, similar in the look of rags, and sharing the old worn-out look of poverty -- perhaps maidens' clothes laid to rest when no longer adequate for the status of this castle.

You attempt to sit with confidence, however, not once could you shake the feeling of eyes watching over you from the floor above. It would be rude of you to sneak a look, just in case it was one of the denizens looking about, or worse, the lady herself.

You couldn't shake the distant sound of buzzing, a constant murmur louder than the blazing fireplace set just a few feet away. Easing yourself with a breath, you settle the rush of nerves as you wait - however, the storm of buzzing seemed to only grow closer in the time you kept your back turned.

'Just your imagination, nothing more.' You assured yourself, taking the much-needed time to adjust to the situation you've practically been thrown into.

You could comprehend why you weren't given notice the night before, however, with the reputation of maidens running away when given such a warning, it made sense why you didn't have any other choice.

You shake your head, sighing deeply in thought of the chaos you expected to unfold within a place of suffering.

The eyes of which you could not see, gaze maliciously, yet ever-curious over the banister above.

Red hair twirled between gloved fingertips as hazel eyes look with a narrowed gaze, unsure.

How would she approach? Especially when your heart sounded as if it would cease if pushed too far.

Glancing to the right, just beyond where you entered, her sister, Bela could be seen silently gesturing to a maid.

Daniela switches her gaze back to you, the figure sat on the couch in such a manner you looked like a statue, she had to do something to ease your nerves!

Mustering her best whisper, she taps the wooden banister.




Oh, you moved slightly!

"Pretty lady!"

Your head turns, however hesitantly, a slight drag to your neck that indicated stress. You confront the gaze of a hooded figure, leaned curiously over the railing as she motions with her finger, wishing you to come closer.

You take notice of her similarities to the blonde woman, however, her figure is a bit more petite and her face, less defined, and appeared softer.

The woman lifts her arm to reveal a folded pile of clothes, a white contract to her blackened cloak that covered her form.

Again, she lifts her hand, motioning you closer, and for a moment, you consider moving but, an abrupt slamming of an object stops you in your tracks.

Instinctively you snap your gaze back to the burning flame, your heart hammering against your chest.

Daniela sucks her teeth, narrowing her eyes in glare, frustration reaching its peak toward her eldest sister.

Why must she have to retort to fear as her main tactic? It was unnecessary and frankly did nothing to refine the already fragile mindset that was a human.

Daniela presses forward, her body picking at the edges with insects, materializing closer in a fit of impatience.

"What's your name?" She pressed, trying to give rise to some form of discussion.

With a soft voice, you respond, messing with your fingers.

"Ms. Lumiñita."

Daniela ever so nimble places herself onto the cushion beside you, acting as the true predator she was and eyeing you closely.

"Quite formal, don't you think?" She teased, poking into your personal space effortlessly, Daniela scoots closer.

You find her to be friendly — there was consoling energy surrounding her, unlike the first woman you greeted who felt, oppressing, and harsh.

"Did you travel that distance in just these clothes?"

She sounds genuinely concerned, a pitch to her voice that felt, dare you say - comforting.

She takes her opportunity, presenting the clothes previously shown to you from before, excitedly displaying them over her lap.

"I think you'd take a preference to this set, don't you think?" She grins, the chubbiness of her cheeks upturning in a childish grin; she was precious, even with the dried smears of blood over her mouth.

You hide your nerves, pushing them to the back of your mind, in an attempt to keep them at bay.

Placing the best, polite smile, you reach your hands out, accepting her kind gesture.

"Thank you, Ms?..." You trail off, looking toward her as the smooth fabric is pushed onto your hands.

She straightens herself, happy to have you speak.

"Oh, you can call me Daniela when it's just us, but for your sake, I would advise referring to my sisters and me as, 'My Lady', it's only for respectful expressions, I'm sure you understand!"

A solid key of advice, no wonder you liked her so much, she's genuinely trying to help, and not for some personal gain.

You take it with a hopeful smile, a swell of joy set in your chest.

"Thank you, My Lady, that's incredibly thoughtful of you," you began, however, you notice the pair of glowing eyes staring from behind her, just beyond the grand doors to the foyer. "It seems, your sister is not taking well to us speaking..."

Daniela doesn't seem bothered by this fact; instead choosing to keep her eye on you and laughing softly.

"Yeah, that's kind of her thing, you get used to it." Casually, she shrugs with a roll of her eyes, brushing it off. "Now, come on, let's go see if these clothes fit!"

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