Chapter Three: Bela Dimitrescu

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(11:57 AM)

Thrice you knocked, yet not moments later does the hatch behind it behind to clank - your arrival expected, and eagerly so.

If not for the stunningly beautiful woman standing before you, you'd assumed she to be the countess herself, yet, to be one that assumed, is a dead one within these ground.

Blonde hair flows over her chest, the tips dirtied from dried, crusted blood, and perhaps even dirt, an expression of boredom, yet her hazel eyes carry a curious look, you failed to identify. Bloodied lips turn into a lopsided smirk as she glances at you, once up, then back down -churning a sickening feeling in your gut— she was beautiful yet with such beauty laid beneath a beast rabid with a voracious appetite.

Dare you test those vicious jaws and allow her a bite? Or shall you stay your ground? Only time could tell.

When she speaks, she does so clearly, seeming to be a woman of few words, yet impressive intellect, she'd much prefer calculating you and learning your very mind better than you knew it yourself.

"The need for introduction is tedious, as it may be you do not know me, I know who you are, and that is all that should be informed. Understand?"

You reply with a curt nod.

She grins.

A challenge of intimidation as she takes a step forward, into your personal space.

"Now, tell me little one, what is it that I've just told you?"

You recall her words, picking a prodding certain importances within them and answering clearly.

"I need to not know who you are, however, you already know who I am, and that's the only thing that should be known."

Her smirk drops, and for a moment, you think you've failed, taking her meaning the wrong way.

Nonetheless, she clicks her tongue and steps aside, motioning with the boline you never noticed until now, held tight within her grip- perhaps she hid it behind her back?

"Quite an attentive listener! I'm sure Mother will adore you."

Giving an uncomfortable smile, you step past her, unnerved by her gaze that lingered on you.

Ahead, you walk a few steps, your eyes trailing up tentatively, to be met with a stunning painting of three women, surrounded by a podium of golden colors and whitened polished marble.

They each held a modest smile, yet the eyes held such an intimidating gaze you couldn't look away.

In your starstruck gaze, the woman slips behind you, brushing against your shoulder with her hand as she inhales.

You jump, clearly startled by the intrusion into your personal space.

"Oh! I heard your little heart jump," She teases, baring her teeth in a mock of a smile as she passes you. "Such a squeamish, little thing.

Inclining her hand, she ushers for you to follow, and you do so freely.

Her heels clicking with almost malicious intent — however, it could be your brain playing tricks on you as you've just stepped into the beast's den.

You follow wordlessly through the corridor, passing down a flight of stairs and taking a right into a grand room, with marbled statues decorating the floor, an upper floor squared out to allow light in, and plenty of candles strewn about.

Pillars carved brilliantly to golds casually decorating an intricate design, panels of plenty lined with polished wood, and the smoothest flooring you could imagine!

Oh how you would spend hours cleaning, yet, it was to keep your mind at ease in such a place...

You end up getting lost in the scenery, fascinated with the fine architecture within, that you lose sight of the woman -- which leads to you frantically searching for her, your heart set at a pace unlike any you've felt.

It is when you began to panic, did you feel a presence appear from behind you, pressing close, and uncomfortably so.

You find yourself freezing, your breathing paused as your heart rings loudly in your ears, beating so violently you swore it would cease altogether.

"I'd be happy to give you a tour when my mother officially sees you," the woman from before speaks, moving around you to face your front. "Don't tell her this, but I think you'd make quite the..." She pauses, thinking over her words.

"Quite the...favorable accessory to this Castle."

You dare not question her use of 'accessory' finding it hard to talk back to this woman.

She waves her arm, motioning for you to move with her.

"We have a little ways to..." Glancing at your clothes, she takes note of the tattered look. Leaning to the right, she realizes the mess of mud you left behind, and she sucks in a breath through her teeth. "...I can say I'm surprised, you did walk the journey."

With a dramatic sigh, followed by a groan, she grabs your wrist, a strength unlike any you've felt as she began practically dragging you up yet another small pile of stairs and through into the foyer, motioning forward to the couch laid just beyond a rug and a burning fireplace.

"You sit, I must attend to a matter, understood?"

"Yes, Ma'am." You reply curtly.

Either your eyes cease to work, or she genuinely disperses into a swarm of insects, all buzzing amongst another in sway of controlled chaos. You couldn't believe what you saw, yet for how quickly it appears, it vanishes as if never existing, the sound dissipating until the only sound was that of the roaring fire in front of you and your beating heart.

What an introduction to Castle Dimitrescu...


"Is she cute?"

"I haven't seen"

"Has she made Bela mad?"

"I wouldn't know."

"Has she met mother?"

Cassandra sighs, but, begrudgingly answers her younger sister.

"Why don't you go see for yourself?"

Daniela shakes her head, seeming frightened by the mention.

"I couldn't!" She states, looking down. "Well, I could, but wouldn't Bela get upset?"

"Why would she get mad? You could help her out, maybe even offer the new maiden a set of clothes, that way it's less work for our dear sister!"

Cassandra encourages, however, she couldn't care less for the situation, and simply wished for her bothersome younger sister to disappear.

Daniela takes a moment, pondering the idea.

"You know, that might just work? I'm on it!"

In a swarm, her body decays, giving way to the flesh flies that made her a solid.

Cassandra sighs, finally able to relax in peace without the bothersome banter of Daniela...

You, however, were to be the direct center of Daniela's attention soon enough.

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