Chapter Eight: Sisterhood

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(1:38 AM)

Bloodcurdling screams echo throughout the stone-laid chambers, with crimson ooze dripping into a thick puddle in an unleveled portion of the ground. Your nightmares endured through the inexhaustible night, and cold lay deep in your spine.

When you jumped awake, the buzz of bugs seized your attention, and the darkened room seemed suffocating.

You struggle to keep yourself calm, ignoring the itching feeling of being watched and tossing it aside as nothing but you frightening yourself.

You were nervous, the day ahead laid a new life, entirely new to you within a place unfamiliar and archaic.

Every corner of the room lay with cracks in the walls and squeaky boards of wood that whine when the wind blows. It was elegant in the light, but ominous in the dark, what seemed like a harsh reality of this castle and the people within.

You think back to Lady Dimitrescu, how for a moment she seemed content with you, perhaps at peace. Then you thought to the words of the Loisel, how her tone was serious and words harshly true, she seemed afraid but of what? What lay within this castle that causes such distress? Curiosity is a dangerous thing, and if you allow it to fester unanswered it would be the consequences of your actions that bleed you dry.

Curiosity in a place like this was hazardous, and Loisel did well to tell you just that, even if it was in her cryptic way, that is how you understood it and how you would go about your remaining years in this castle.

Absolute, and passive, the mentality of a servant, which is what your only purpose now lies within.

So, ridding your mind of those questions, and idiocies, you lay your head to rest, close your eyes and find the best comfort in the castle walls.

Sleep doesn't find you, rather what startles you to wake is three solid knocks on your door that rattle the very foundation.

Shakily you voice the acceptance of entrance, to which the door squeaks open, and the buzzing of flies sounds from the hall and carries through the walls, constructing three physiques beyond your bed.

The voice of Daniela is a welcoming one, although you fail to say the same for the others. Solidifying into the individual daughters of Castle Dimitrescu. There was one with raven hair, a figure lithe and confident, similar to Bela, if not furthermore deranged than the rest. She emitted coercion, but never spoke a word, keeping still and silent like a predator stalking her prey.

"How did it go? Did she like you?" Daniela bounces herself onto the bed, the frame shaking.

Bela rolls her eyes.

"She is alive, is she not?"

"Well, obviously but I'm trying to be civilized unlike the two of you!"

Bela shakes her head, standing at the edge of the mattress with her arms crossed and attitude present.

Daniela ignores her sister, paying close attention to you instead.

"I heard what Loisel told you, are you going to listen to her?" She asks, curious.

You make a face of uncertainty, mouth opening and closing with consideration.

"Of course, she isn't, when has a maiden ever listened to Loisel?" the one with the dark hair in the back chimes in, extending her arm to shut the door with a slam.

"Well, Loisel is just as backstabbing as you, Cassandra, perhaps thats why," Bela says to her sister, accusingly.

The one, who's named Cassandra, smiles.

"That's why she does well," approaching, Cassandra sits beside Daniela, her overall attitude malicious and posture carefree.

She was the huntress of the family, Bela was the diplomat, and Daniela was the bashfully naive spirit.

Even though they smelled of perfume mingled with flesh for a day, you couldn't help but feel some type of familiarity with them.

It could have been Daniela and her open personality, which put your mind at ease knowing someone was by your side, or perhaps an old acquaintance you failed to remember... Nevertheless, the thought fails to register, and you find comfort in these women, a soothing ointment to the burn of life. All three were different, but much of the same, they were sisters together, and although different in personality, they were the same in their hearts.

"If the game I must play is betrayal, I must say I'm not too familiar," you state the obvious.

Bela nods in agreement.

"Very true, but that is another reason the lady chose you, you are honest and weak." You attempt to not take offense to the insult, for it was true if the lady were as intimidating, and critical of mundane things as so claimed, then you were sure she knew all about you before she decided.

"Word of advice," Cassandra chimes in, looking at you in such a way you felt worried for your safety, "do not take anything Loisel says to heart, she is a liar, which is why she is alive, you take your orders from Lady Dimitrescu, do not let Loisel convince you otherwise."

She leans against the post of the bedframe, flicking her boline in her fingers.

Bela nods and Daniela hums in agreement.

"And why are you helping me?" you ask, unsure of the intent.

Cassandra rolls her eyes and sighs, while Bela takes the lead in answering.

"Because Loisel was only fun when she was younger, now she is nothing but a hag who envies youthful women, it's about time she has a rude awakening."

You recall the young appearance of Loisel, unsure if they spoke of the same one you knew.

"And, how would I ensure I take her down?"

Bela shares a look with Cassandra, annoyed.

"Manipulate her." Bela began.

"Torture her!" Daniela continues.

"Kill her," Cassandra finishes.

"preferably in that order." They say in unison.

It gains a chuckle from you, and you find them that much more comforting to know and have as what you assumed were companions. The night ahead was long, but you assumed they wouldn't be leaving soon.

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