Chapter Seven: Maidens Life

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Her hands grasp at your hair, examining it closely as she inclines her head.

The silence of her chambers was one of pure intimidation, a looming glow over her features that left little to the imagination of her vicious nature.

The candle lite bounces off her golden eyes in such a way it entraps you to stare, looking the beast in the eye and challenging not to cower when it looked back.

Defiance, perhaps ignorance, or even a foolish act of bravery. The lady couldn't quite place it, yet she was intrigued to learn more.

"Hmm," she grins, although it looked more like a snarl.

Perhaps the beating of your heart was not of fear, and rather exciting, an enticing feeling to be within such a presence as Lady Dimitrescu.

Her hand is oversized as she places her palm on your heart.

"Most of which in your position would cower, I'm curious as to why you lean to me instead".

It was not a question, it was a statement, a firm belief that you felt inquisitive in her sovereignty.

You couldn't deny the feeling that pulsed through your heart at the sight of the powerful Lady.

She was a sight, unlike any you've glimpsed, a wonder who not many had such a blessing to see.

You were not sure of these feelings you were having, and you were unsure if you ever would.

Speaking slow and from your heart, you maintain eye contact.

"My Lady, I must say, I am unfamiliar with the gentle touch of another...woman."

She raises a brow, smirking.

"Trust me, darling, the touch of a woman like me is not one to be mistaken as gentle, I could rip that pretty face off if I so desired."

You shrug.

"Yet, you've not. You are choosing to be kind, no matter if it is a ploy, or perhaps genuine, you still can be humane."

This elicits a laugh, though not one that meant she was laughing at what you said, but your audacity.

"Oh, you are either absurd or brave to assume I have any humanity in my being, I'm afraid in due time that little...innocent, bubble of yours will be popped."

She reaches to inhale a deep hit, taking a nice, long moment to let it overcome her.

"You have humanity, though you hate to have that said, you know deep down you're just like me...not a maiden, a woman, still lost in who she is, and what is her worth..."

You trail off, watching the way her eyes flicker.

"...You are powerful, you are a mighty being of death, a countess of old, and child to the all-knowing Miranda, yet you are still a woman of human tendency, no matter what may have occurred to cause your current form."

Her hand, with a grip, so vice you barely have time to react as it grabs your neck, forcing you still.

Her teeth grind together, lips pursed and seething anger pursues her, yet, she could not speak against your words, and for that she hated it.

How dare you raise such a vile truth. Speaking as if your opinion mattered...but why did it hurt her so much to hear it?

Alcina hates to admit you right, so she does not, choosing to scare you best to her ability before switching subjects.

"Allow your tongue to flow so freely and I'll tear it off."

You nod, best you could.

"Apologies, my lady, I am but a maiden in your home, and presence, you may forgive my...insensitive words."

She tuts, releasing you from her grip.

"My head maiden, Loisel, shall see you to your chambers soon, I've had enough of your mouth."

You couldn't help the rise of guilt.

"Of course, I apologize for my presence."

You lower your head in a curtsy, giving a brief exit as you wait outside her quarters.

If only you'd glance back to see the curious, if not longing look, your lady had given you.

Minutes pass, and soon, a woman you assumed was named Loisel.

She had jet-black hair tied in a neat bun, a few strands from her bangs hanging just along her forehead near her thick eyebrows. Her eyes are dark brown, almost black, and her skin pale, almost ghostly.

Yet her features were defined, shard cheekbones, a diamond-shaped face.

She was someone most middle school girls in your old home would be jealous of.

She has a kind smile, practiced.

"It's wonderful to meet you, I am Loisel Loux, but you may call me Loisel, our lady sent for me, and I ask that you follow while I show you to your rooms."

Her voice was thickly accented, a french growl to her English words, it wasn't uncommon for others of different regions to reign, so it comes to no shock.

"Of course, thank you."

She turns her back, making way to our quarters.

"Where do you come?" Loisel asks.

You shrug. "A girl's home, I grew up there, after some issues in my younger years."

"Ah, so, an orphan?"

She was quite inquisitive for a head maiden, yet you didn't mind, perhaps you two would get along better than expected.

"In a way yes."


"A bit yes."

You two share a back-and-forth conversation, not learning too much information but enough to get a little comfortable next time you see the other.

"Here, just on the left is yours, you may find me directly adjacent to yours right here." Loisel points to a door next to yours. "You may inquire me through the times of early dawn and early dusk, any later is strictly against protocol."

You wondered why, but considering the grim reality of the castle, you presume it was for the greater good that you stay locked in your room at night.

"I understand that you don't want to speak to me too much, I take no offense to it, only I inquire that you keep that wall up, do not allow it to fall within this place, we've lost too many to the mistaken comfort they felt." she glances around, unsure. "Do not make the same mistake they did."

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