10. Famiglia

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"He will be coming over tonight. He wants to see you and Rosa." Xavier explained and stroked her arm gently, as if telling her not to worry.

Looking puzzled, she blurted out. "But I'm scared."

"No tesoro. You don't have to be." Xavier took a seat beside her and soothed her.

"You should be. I mean I'm a hitman but I'm still scared shitless sometimes when I see him." Killian embellished and Xavier could tell Megan's whole body went rigid.

"Will you shut the fuck up?" He turned to Killian and growled. He eyed him as though his bullshit meter was ticking in the red zone.

Killian raised his hands in the air in a surrender posture and bowed apologetically, his eyes held a glint of humour. "I was just kidding Megan. Babbo is a cute grizzly bear. You will love him."

"Yes you will love him." Xavier repeated after him and gave her a half smile.

"Or not." Killian added, provoking Xavier. He loved doing that to him ever since they were little.

"Fucking hell! Timeout! Get out of here you little shit!" Incensed, Xavier bellowed and stormed towards Killian, ready to kill him.

"Fuck! I'm sorry! I was just kidding." Killian fleed immediately, out of their sight.

Xavier sighed and swirled to check on his little tesoro. Megan, listening aghast to his brother's prankish disclosure, was ashen faced. She was paralysed to her spot.

"Tesoro breathe." He rushed to her side when he could tell she was having trouble breathing.

Fucking Killian.

He was going to kill him later.

"Is he going to hurt us?" She asked, her face was dead serious worried. Her timorous voice startled him.

"Of course not. Babbo loves all of us. He wants to see his granddaughter. He will love you like Chiara loved you when she first saw you too. We're all family tesoro." Xavier reassured her.

What the hell happened to her? Xavier pondered.

She seemed so different now. She was a feisty little woman two years ago. She was ballsy and spontaneous. Yes she was scared of him at first when she had found out about his identity but she got over it quickly. Her confident and intrepid behaviour had him hooked.

But now, she was fearful and unassertive. The light in her eyes were gone. She was not the same woman who had stood in front of the Trevi Fountain with desire and hope coursed inside her.

Did he do this to her?

Was it him?

"Bella nothing will happen. I will always protect you and Rosa." He promised and wrapped his arms around her. The look on her face had made him want to hug her and ease her fear.

Megan could feel the dull ache throbbing in her chest when he said that. As if it was an obligation for him to protect them.


"You look beautiful Megan. Papa said he can't wait to meet you!" Chiara said earnestly and admired Megan through the cheval mirror.

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