7. Captured

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Two years later

"Xavier..." Killian marched into his study room.

"Still no news?" Xavier asked in dejection to which Killian nodded in lament. A bitterness crept into his face.

In spite of the despondency, Xavier was still the boss of the Italian mafia. Together with Killian, they had taken over a few new territories, including the Chinese triads, the Hong Kong triads, and the Japanese Yakuza. The last two years, all Xavier ever did was drowning himself in work and more work. More blood was shed. Megan leaving had awakened the lethal creature inside him. Power became a dangerous thing for him. The more he had it, the more he craved it.

He and Killian had made many trips to Thailand to hunt his little bird in vain. He had lost control. Every time he flew back to Rome, he would infiltrate a new business and a new territory, expressing his indignation elsewhere.

He swore if he ever found her, he was going to lock her up and make her suffer. Like she did to him. He did not know what was it with her that made him so obsessed. All he knew was he wanted her in his life.

"Get the plane ready in an hour. I'm flying to Phuket this time. I have to attend an art exhibition for the kids charity. Chiara and Ginevra will be coming with us too."

Ever since Megan left him, he had taken an interest in her avocation. In hope to find her, he had formed smart partnership with the corporate sectors and organisations in Italy and Thailand to sponsor arts programmes such as exhibition, education, acquisition, restoration and publication. This time, he was invited to an art exhibition that was only held once every four years.

Xavier boarded the plane within an hour, together with Chiara, Ginevra, Rico and Antonio. Killian had stayed back to superintend his affairs. Chiara and Ginevra tied the knot after a year Megan left. He cajoled Adalberto that Chiara and Ginevra loved each other and if he truly wished to see Chiara happy, he would not separate them. Adalberto used to be a ruthless stony man but age mellowed him.

"Do you think you'll ever find her?" Chiara asked, her lower lip protruded in a sulky pout and Ginevra who was sitting next to her wrapped her arm around her waist.

Chiara disliked the woman who made her brother miserable, the woman who tormented him. Yet she felt for the woman too. Perhaps she was afraid of Xavier. After all he was a dangerous man and many wanted him dead.

"I don't know sorella." Xavier closed his eyes and sprawled on the chair with his head resting comfortably on the cushion. He was dog-tired. The casinos and nightclubs are nocturnal business and it had required a lot of his hands-on involvement which took a toll on him.

"Let him rest bella. He's had a rough day." Ginevra said and patted her head softly.


"Sofia I'm going out to get some things for Rosa. I need nappies and some other supplies. Do you need anything?"

Megan peeped into her bedroom and then hovered at the door. She tilted her head and a warm smile crept across her face when she observed her fifteen-month-old daughter, Rosa sitting on Sofia's lap. Sofia was holding a children's book in front of the toddler, pronouncing the word 'banana' several times. Rosa giggled and babbled the word after Sofia.

"I'm fine. I don't need anything."

When Rosa's eyes, the exact same colour as her father, landed on her mother, she smiled at her with small teeth flashing.


Rosa was a smart, sharp and inquisitive girl. She was picking up more and more words every day now, generally repeating back any words said to her. Megan automatically went to reach for her and caressed her soft plump rosy cheeks.

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