9. Mio

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Towering over her, a legion of emotions flooded in his eyes when she gazed at them. His dark eyes burned straight through her. She had seen the lustful glance he shot her but there was something more to his steely blue eyes. Something she could not make out. He trailed a finger down her neck, between her breasts, down to her stomach and rested his hand on her waist. His touch sent fire through her, and she shivered at the sensation.

His mind coursed with carnal lust, raw and insatiable. He had not touched a woman ever since she fleed. He missed the way she tensed and arched when he entered her. He lost control when he was inside, releasing the beast in him, possibly scaring her. He missed watching her legs quivering and convulsing underneath him as he made her come uncontrollably. He was obsessed with his inamorata. The one and only.

Xavier lowered his stance, leaning in for a kiss but came to abrupt stop when he realised Megan had covered her mouth with her hands.

"No..." she mumbled through her hands. She knew if they kissed right now, he would bring her to his bed and make love to her again which was the last thing she'd wanted. She hated the doubt and insecurity she felt in their ambiguous relationship.

With a groan, he dipped his head lower, placing a powerful kiss on the side of her neck, forcing a moan out of her. He continued to attack her neck with aggressive kisses until her hands left her mouth to shove him away. A wicked smile crept across his face and he took the chance to claim her mouth this time, not giving her time to react. The kiss was possessive, dominating and tenacious. And hungrier. As if telling her she was his.

Without breaking the kiss, he hustled her to the nearest wall, his hand seizing hers above her head while the other hand wrapped around her waist. Caging her in, he wanted to let her know he was not letting her go. He'd be damned if he let her escape again.

Megan whimpered and tried to turn her head sideway, denying his kiss but his massive hand released her hands and held her head in place.

"You're mine." He said in a deep husky voice against her lips and bit her lower lip hard enough to draw blood.

She glared at him when he finally pulled away from the kiss, his lips turned up into a Cheshire smile when he stared at her lips in satisfaction and pleasure, admiring his work. She wanted to slap him for his smugness.

"I have missed you so much amore mio. Do you have any idea how crazy you have made me when I found out you were gone?" He said in a low menacing tone, pulling her towards him. "I dream of you every night." He whispered coarsely.

Her traitorous heart galloped a mile. She had promised she wanted to give them a chance. To start over for the sake of Rosa. She had wanted to devote her life only to Rosa. She was her everything.

Yet she was petrified with the insatiable handsome man now. She was afraid of falling deep in love with him and he would soon become her everything. She was afraid that he would not love her back and he would not be there to catch her when she fell. Just thinking about it made her heart ache. She thought she would be inured to him but he still held so much control and power over her. It was unfair and one-sided.

"I'm not doing this. I will not be sharing a bed with you. This is absurd!" Chastisement beneath all that velvety softness in her voice.

"You have no say in this." He growled.

"I'm not the old Megan anymore! I'm Rosa's mother. I have my own right. If you don't want me to leave again, then you will listen." She scolded, jabbing a finger into his chest.

Eyeing her in amusement, his brows lifted and his chuckle was deep and throaty. "Even if you run away, I would search to the end of this world until I found you bella. The only place you can stay is in these arms. So I suggest you come to terms with that. The earlier you accept this reality, the easier it is for you."

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