5. Tryst

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The day dawned crisp and clear. The first rays of sunlight lit up his room. The dawn chorus of melodic birdsong drifted in. Xavier laid there, his head resting on his hand as he watched his woman in adoration. The sound of her light, steady breathing filled the room. His hand reached out and grazed her bare arm tenderly.

Megan stirred in her sleep, and then slowly opened her eyes, squinting as she allowed her eyes to adjust to the beam of sunlight. When her visions became clear, her eyes continued to widen when she noticed Xavier staring down at her.

"Sleep more tesoro mio (my precious)" He covered them in the duvet and tried to pull her to him but Megan had sat bolt upright, shoving his hand away from her.

His lips twitched, he cocked his head to one side and narrowed his eyes. "Is something wrong?"

"I..." she stuttered. The drumming in her heart was instantaneous, memory of last night flickering back to life. She clutched the duvet all the way up to her chest, hiding her bare body from him.

He stared brazenly into her eyes, as if daring her to say the words.

"I'm sorry. It was a mistake."

And she did. Vexed, he lifted his chin up a little at her intrepid behaviour. Her eyes unknowingly darted to his naked body and her face glowed red and felt hot to touch.

"So you wish to take back what happened." He stated, not asking her a question.

She nodded warily, her eyes were dark pools of fear.

"How are your thighs?" He avoided, remembering he had spread her legs so wide she was moaning in cries.

Looking puzzled, she assured him. "They're fine." She continued staring at him, waiting for his response in reverent.

The last thing she wanted was facing the wrath of this man. No good will come of it.

"You've given yourself to me. Warmed my bed. Do you think I'll just let you go?"

Her mouth formed into a perfect 'O' shape as she studied him, trying to work out his intention.

And he continued, "Before, there was a chance I could have possibly let you go. But you need to know that's not possible now."

No way...

Megan gulped audibly. She made no attempt to hide her incredulity. She wished he was speaking Italian so she would not understand what he meant but his beautiful, rich velvety voice in that thick Italian accent definitely made his English sing.

"I mean..." she paused for a moment and cleared her throat, trying to find the words. "What we had last night was amazing. We're adults. You want me. I want you. We had great sex. But all good things must come to an end eventually eh? Isn't that how the world works?" She laughed and shrugged nervously.

"Not in my world." He said coolly, showing her he does not kid.


"Last night I told you." His jaw clenched tightly as he tried to control his rage. "There's no going back. You don't remember?"

"I thought you meant the sex."

"That... and all of you too cara mia(my dear)." A puckish smile crept across his face as her startled eyes met his.

A wicked person who bit the throat with his fangs that dropped with poison and paralysed the entire body. This man was a snake. He had used that against her.

Terrified, she was but not entirely upset about it because a tiny part of her had wanted this. Wanted him. Was it because of the way he made her feel safe in his arms? Or was it the way his eyes said something to her every time she looked into them? She was not sure.

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