2. Nobble

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Xavier's lips curled up wickedly as he watched Antonio and Rico torment the man who had tried to kill him surreptitiously just two nights ago. That night, Xavier had been invited to Valentino's ball held by Luciano Valentino, a close ally of his. He had let his guard down and had told Rico and Antonio he would attend alone. Luciano Valentino had come clean to him that one of his mobsters had turned against him and allowed the hitman to be present at the ball.

"Please-" the man whimpered in ferocious pain when Antonio had lashed out a few more whips on his back, more blood splattered on the ground.

"Tell us where's Vincenzo and we'll let you go." Rico demanded.

"I don't know where he is! I really don't. Please!" The man pleaded in cries.

"Then you're of no use to us now." Xavier said and stood up from his chair. His callous tone had made the man shivered in great fear for he knew what was coming.

"No no no!" The man shook his head strenuously before his cries slowly died down. Xavier smirked as he watched the man took his last breath beneath him. A sense of satisfaction washed over him as the pungent smell of metal and oil filled the chilly dark basement. He left the grimy, foul-smelling place with Rico while Antonio stayed back to deal with the body.

"Boss we all know Vincenzo too well. He won't rest until you're dead." Rico followed behind Xavier. Vincenzo was his former underboss, before Rico, who turned against him when money was no longer good enough for him. That greedy man wanted power and something more.

"He was a fool if he thought he could simply send a man to kill me. Killian will deal with him now."

He recalled finding Killian in London. When he had found him, the world's deadliest hitman, enjoying his 450th kill, he had stopped to watch as the man killed his victim mercilessly. Xavier had to admit, even he would grimace, witnessing the gruesome death. With Killian on his side, he could dominate the entire mafia world.

Killian's father had worked for Xavier's father back in the 1960s and 1970s. He owed his life to him. Ever since Killian's father passed on, Killian had taken over but was forced to take a break for a while because he had met the love of his life in London. Unfortunately, that only lasted for five years before his wife was brutally murdered by an urban drug lord.

Ever since then, Killian turned off his humanity and had gone on killing spree, killing every last drug lords he came across. He had a lot more surveillance apparatus on him when you compared it with most of the tech that the police had, not to mention a weapon store and any killer would covet.

"Boss the woman who saved you..." Rico paused for a moment to study Xavier's face, as if asking for permission to continue. Xavier nodded at him and he continued, "I ran a background check on her. Her full name is Megan Rose Zaccos. Twenty-one. Currently jobless. Turns out she's the daughter of Talos Zaccos. My men had managed to get some words from his men in London. She ran away from home because her father had forced her to marry his acquaintance."

"Talos Zaccos..." he drawled. The name sounded so familiar to him.

"He was one of your father's back in the days. He had resided in London ever since you took over. He has a good reputation there. The outside world called him a good man but he has a different reputation in the black market." Rico continued to explain.

"And yet his daughter saved my life. A stranger's life..." An impish smile planted on his face as he had recalled the beautiful brunette with her head laying on the bed beside him, her lips slightly pouted as she snored lightly in her sleep.

He let his gaze drift over her. Even when she had changed into her sweet little nightdress, resting in serenity, she still looked utterly irresistible. Fresh, and young and firm. He had wished he knew her well enough to take her straight to bed. Or at least to start kissing her. In actuality, he did. He had leaned in sneakily to steal a kiss from her. He had wanted to know if those honeyed, sensuous lips tasted as good as they looked, and he was pleased with the answer.

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