Chapter 6:~Greenwood~

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"Elora! My daughter! It's so good to have you home again!," Thranduil greeted his daughter as he hugged her tightly, "It's good to see you again," And he sighed, "Legolas told us what you tried to do? Are you sure you're alright?," And Elora swallowed, "Scared I think it's a better word. If I'm healing that fast, it proves only more how much part demon and Marvena I am," And Elrohir smiled, "We do not judge you for being who you are, Elora. You cannot blame yourself for your mother's choices,"
And Elora smiled.

Everyone sat down at the long table in the dining hall. Elora sat beside Elladan. And Elladan noticed Elora was glancing at the knife in his belt time to time. And he placed his hand on hers, "Elora, it's alright. I'm here with you,"
When the desert was served, Elora couldn't take it anymore. She just wanted to die. And she slowly started to draw her knife in her belt on her dress.
Emersion who sat right side of her, quickly grabbed her wrist, "Elora, no. You have to calm down and listen to me. I'm here with you. And I do not judge you for who you are. You have to calm down," And Elora looked up at him, "Emersion, I can feel him. He's watching me?," And Emersion looked at her confused, "Who?," And Elora swallowed, "The Marvena," And Emersion sighed, "Elora, he knows that you feel that he's close and feels your fear. You have to calm down,"

"Ithildin, what's wrong?,"Thranduil who had heard their conversation asked. And Emersion sighed, "We have an unexpected guest. The Marvena," And Elora felt her anxiety grow and man in dark cloak, black hair and grey eyes showed up not so far behind Elora.
"You're scared," The man stated darkly. And Elora quickly jumped a little in her seat and turned around and saw the man in dark cloak.
The man smiled at her, "Do not feel try to hide your feelings, my child. As Adrienne can tell your feelings and emotions, so can I. You really are scared of us, aren't you? You're scared of yourself," And Elora shook her head, "No, I'm not. I'm not afraid of you and I'm not afraid of who I am," And the man smiled wickedly, "Your feelings tells me something else. You can fool yourself, but you cannot fool your emotions," And Elora stood up, "Why can't you just leave me alone!? I told you I didn't want anything to do with you," And the man sighed, "Because you're hurting. We just want to help you," "I don't want your help!,"Elora exclaimed, "I just want to be myself!," And the man sighed, "Then you're not yourself. If you don't feel like yourself, then you're not yourself. And that's because you're denying it. You're pushing the part of us away and that's was causing you to feel bad. If you let me, I can help you. I can help you unlock your true self Elora," And Emersion stood up, "I'm not letting you near her!," And The Marvena smiled wickedly, "Emersion, I'm sorry, but this is between my daughter and me," And he used his magic and lifted up Emersion and pressed him against a wall and trapped him in vines.
"Guards!," Thranduil exclaimed. And the guards run against The Marvena. And Keegan sent the guards aside to the ground with his magic.
"You elves must learn not to go against creatures you cannot fight!,"Keegan said wickedly. And Elora glanced at the knife in her belt and she quickly pulled it out a held it against her neck, "You touch them again and I will kill myself!," Thranduil swallowed.
Keegan looked up at her and smiled wickedly, "I can see you try. But go ahead, my daughter. I won't stop you," And Elora slowly cut with the knife in her neck but it quickly healed and Keegan smiled wickedly, "Did you really think it would be that easy? You're not a normal elf, Elora. You can't die like normal elves can. Only we are able to kill you. That's why Adrienne could hurt you so badly. If you wonder how Cirdan was able, it was because we allowed him too. You're our child, Elora, no matter how you try to deny it, it will always show in a way,"
And he went over to her and gently stroked her golden blonde hair, "You're hurting. Badly. But it doesn't have to be that way. If you come with me, I can help you unlock your true self," "Don't listen to him, Elora! He's just trying to get into your head!,"Emersion exclaimed who desperately tried to get loose from the vines, but they only hold him tighter.
Keegan smiled at Elora as he stroked her hair, "You feel so alone here, don't you? You feel like you're all alone in this world, don't you? You don't know who you are anymore. You feel lost and alone. You're scared of what happens when your demon blood and dragon blood starts reacting to your emotions. You're afraid your family will judge you for it, but we won't. Our blood is what makes you so special, so powerful, so unique," And Elora swallowed, "No! Please, stop! Leave me alone!," And Keegan smiled, "Why would I do that when I know my daughter is in pain? Elora, come with me and I can help you unlock the powers you have yet to unlock in you. The powers from me and your true mother," And Elora swallowed and shook her head, "Never!," And she grabbed her knife and stuck it into his stomach and Keegan yelped in pain and everyone gaped.
Keegan laughed wickedly and Elora swallowed in shock when she realised he wasn't hurt at all And Keegan smiled wickedly and grabbed her hand together with the knife and Elora screamed in pain as she felt him burn her hand. "Elora!,"Elladan screamed as he saw how much pain his wife endured.
Elora loosened her grip on the knife and fell to the floor on her knees in pain, crying.
Keegan quickly pulled out the knife out of his stomach, "You can't kill me that easily, my child. I'm not human. And neither are you. We're the same. My blood in you makes me your father more than Thranduil," And Elora felt herself break. But she wasn't a normal elf anymore, she couldn't die of broken heart either. She really was immortal. She knew that this was exactly what The Marvena and the witch wanted. For her to break so she would feel so different so she would come to them herself.
Elora looked up at Keegan who smiled wickedly down at her and Elora felt the pain in her heart grow. "Please! Make it stop!,"She cried, "It hurts so bad," And Keegan knelt down on one knee before her hand smiled weakly and pulled a golden lock behind her ear. Galadriel looked at them worriedly.
Elora looked up at Keegan and swallowed, "Please, make it stop, please," And Keegan smiled wickedly and grabbed her right wrist and used his magic over it and Elora screamed a little in pain as he burned her again.
But she saw that a mark of a silver star was revealed on the inside of her wrist. And Keegan smiled wickedly, "That's my symbol. It symbolises that you're my daughter. It has always been there ever since we injected your mother with our blood. It was just hidden so other demons shouldn't find you when we were not there to protect you. But now, we're here for you, my daughter," And he showed her his wrists that had the exact same mark, "See, you are my daughter. And I'm here for you now,"
And Elora swallowed, "Please, make the pain stop," And Keegan smiled, "Elora, my child, the only way for the pain to stop is that you stop denying who you are and come with me. You don't belong here with those people. You need to be with your real parents. Your real people that can help you with the pain. They're so many out there who has waited for you to accept who you are for many thousand years," And Elora shook her head and looked down, "Please, just leave me alone!," And Keegan stood up, "Elora, trust me. Until you embrace who you are, you will be in pain. And don't think we will leave you alone. We will get you eventually. Because I know, you will come to us in the end," And he disappeared in a dark cloud of smoke.

Emersion could finally break free from the vines and he looked up at Elora who was on her knees, crying. And he quickly hurried over to her and gently put his hand on her shoulder,
"Elora?," "No!,"Elora protested, crying. And Emersion sat down on his knees beside her, "Elora, you have to let me be here for you," "No, I can't let go,"Elora cried. And Emersion sighed, "Let go and hold on to me," And he pulled her into his arms and hugged her tightly as Elora continued to cry.

Legolas looked sadly at Elora and went over to her and Emersion and knelt down beside her, "Ithildin, it's alright. He's gone now," And Elora swallowed, "But he's coming to take me again," And Emersion gave her a kiss on the side of the forehead, "You need rest. We should head back home," And Elladan nodded, "Elora, get Talindra while I tell our guards to prepare the carriage and horses. We're going home tonight," And Elora felt a strange feeling in her stomach. That her body wanted comfort from someone else than her family. And that scared her.

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