Chapter 12:~You're a dragon, be a dragon~

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Elladan and Emersion walked through the garden, discussing Elora's disappearance when they heard a guard shouting,
"The Queen has returned! The Queen has returned!," And Elladan and Emersion hurried to the entrance of The Light Kingdom.
Emersion swallowed in panic when he saw Elora in Keegan's arms, "Oh! Ithildin!," And he hurried over to them, "We have to get her to her room. Fallow me," And Keegan nodded and they hurried into the castle.
"It's going to be alright, my child. You're going to be alright,"Keegan whispered softly to Elora in the dragon's language. Elora groaned a little at his words and for the first time, Elora opened their bound. "Father...,"She whispered, barely able for anyone to her. And Keegan swallowed surprised at Elora's words. But he smiled weakly down at his daughter's sleeping form.
Keegan carefully laid down Elora in her and Elladan's bed.
Emersion immediately began to heal Elora with his magic and gave her potion against the demon venom, "Now, she's going to be okay. She's going to be on her feet by tomorrow," And Keegan smiled, "Thank you for saving my child," And Emersion smiled, "She's like a daughter to me. I've helped her survive many things," And he left the room.

Elora woke up some hours later to a slight pain in her body and she understood that the demon venom had awakened her agony of losing her child and Elladan entered the room,
"Elora, how do you feel? The servants said that Emersion said that you would be recovered by tomorrow. Is something wrong? Keegan told me about the spider venom. Elora, what is it?," And Elora looked up at her husband
sadly,"The spider venom made me lose the baby," And Elladan looked at her sadly and went over to the bed and sat down on the edge of it and pulled her into his arms and Elora started crying.

(Two days later)

"Nana!,"Talindra said. And Elora smiled, "Talindra, my sweet little Princess," And the Elladan handed their daughter to her mother and Elora kissed her daughter's face.

Later that night, everyone sat in the meeting hall in The Light Kingdom's castle.
Many from middle earth was there. Among them was Galadriel, Celeborn, Elrond and Thranduil. But even Adrienne and Keegan was there, watching Elora closely.

"If the demons are after Elora, she's not safe anymore,"Aragorn said. And Emersion sighed, "As long as Elora is with her blood parents, she will be safe," And Thranduil looked at the demon Queen and The Marvena, "Emersion, how can you trust them!? After everything she did to Elora!? Elora nearly died because of her!," And Elora turned to her father, "It was the only way for her to reach out to me! They knew I would never accept the truth if they had been kind to me! And that's true, I wouldn't have believed it!," And Emersion sighed, "She's right. We cannot change the past. Elora is their child and there's nothing we can do to change it. But we can protect The Light Elves Dynasty," And Elora sighed, "How can I protect my Kingdom if I still haven't awoken all my powers?," And Keegan smiled, "We will help you with that, Ithildin. But the a new threat is growing and it's coming for you,"

And Adrienne sat down at the table and looked at her daughter. And everyone left the room to let Elora speak alone with her.

"I have lived a very long life. I've survived for 10000 years. Do you know why? Because I was strong. And I believed in myself,"Adrienne explained, "The demons that's hurting you are sheep's. Are you a sheep? No, you're a dragon. Be a dragon!," And Elora smiled at her and put her hand on her demon mother's hand, "Thank you, mother. For everything," And Adrienne smiled, "Having you, Elora. To give you my blood. It was having a child on my own. As a demon, I'm not able to have children on my own. But I'm happy I got to have you," And Elora smiled, "You're the only mother I will ever have. Whatever my father says. You will always be my mother," And Keegan smiled and Elora hugged Adrienne.
Adrienne exhaled in confusion first before she hugged Elora tightly back. "Oh, my dear child. My little dragon," And Elora broke the hug and smiled at them.

Suddenly, they heard screaming outside the castle and Elora, Keegan and Adrienne hurried out to the others.

Adrienne felt her anger rise when she saw Aamon and his friends.
"That's enough! You're staying away from my daughter and her people," And Aamon smiled wickedly, "Adrienne, why don't you hand over your child to us and we leave her precious Kingdom alone," And Keegan drew his sword, "I don't think so," And Aamon smiled wickedly, "You really think you can stop us. Well, I don't think so," And he sent Keegan to the ground and Adrienne hurried over to him, "No!," She exclaimed as she saw the Marvena slowly slipping in her arms, "What did you do!?,"Adrienne exclaimed angrily. And Elora felt a slight pain in her heart, "Elora, no,"Keegan said weakly.

Suddenly, Legolas, Aragorn, Gimli, Emersion, Galadriel, Elrond, Elladan & Elrohir, Thranduil showed up and Elrond went over to Marvena. "What's happening to him? Is he going to die?,"Legolas asked the elven Lord. And Elrond swallowed, "Actually, he might die," And Adrienne swallowed, "He needs Elora. It's the only way to save him. If he dies, Elora may die too. I don't know if her demon blood is strong enough to keep her alive. Elora is bound to us. If we should die, Elora dies," And Elora felt herself grow weaker as she felt her bound with Keegan grow weaker and she fell to her knees.
Aamon smiled wickedly down at Elora, "Not so mighty now, 'Light elf'. You're dear Marvena father is slipping away and so do you," And Elora looked up at him angrily, "Why are you doing this!? What makes you hate me so!?," And Aamon smiled wickedly, "Don't you understand, Dragon Queen?! Because your mother brought something the demons shall not have. Love! She loves you! She loves Keegan. The only way to get her back is too kill you and Keegan. You opened her heart! Your creation made her good. But now that's going to end,"
Elora looked up at him angrily and Adrienne's words echoed in her head:
"You're dragon, be a dragon!,"
"Ecorta, sova, omy, revella, Tittria ," (Save me, heal me, Starlight) Elora pronounced in the dragons language. And she closed her eyes when suddenly, a dragon scream was heard. And the demons looked up in confusion. And Elora swallowed and Adrienne looked up at the sky hopefully.

And suddenly, Nagendra, Starlight and another dragon came flying and Elora exhaled in relief.
Nagendra landed in front of Adrienne and Keegan and screamed at the demons who approached them and Starlight landed at Elora and the third dragon fire dragon shot fire at the demons while Starlight absorb her strength with Elora.

And Aamon looked at Elora confused, "This is not possible! You can't be!," And Elora held out her hand against the third dragon, "Eingana," Elora gently said.
Aamon swallowed and Elora turned to the demons, "I am Elora, Queen of The Light Kingdom! The Last Light elf! Daughter of Thranduil! The Queen and mother of Dragons! By the blood of the last Marvena, I am The Dragons daughter! And I swear to you! That those who'd harm, you will die screaming!," And Aamon swallowed and the demons bowed before their Princess.
"My Princess, My Queen, I swear loyalty to you,"Aamon said and they disappeared.

Elora hurried over to Keegan and grabbed his hand, "Father, I'm safe," And Keegan smiled weakly at you, "You are more special than I could have ever imagined you would be. You're my daughter," And Elora smiled in relief that her dragon father was alive. And for the first time, Thranduil realised that Elora had other parents. She had him and Shalendra, the mother she never knew. Then she had her demon mother and dragon father who loves her more than anything.

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