Chapter 10:~Poison~

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When Elora woke up, she was laying in a warm bed in a giant high cave. She glanced aside and saw a light stone fountain with crystal clear water near by. But she couldn't get up. She felt so weak. She felt ill.
She suddenly felt a soft hand stroking her forehead. "Where am I?,"She mumbled. "In safety, my child,"Keegan whispered soothingly. And Elora groaned in pain, "Why?,"She mumbled. "Shh...,"Keegan whispered, "You've been poisoned and it's still in your body, affecting you," Elora groaned in pain again. "It hurts," And Keegan sighed, "Iston, Iellig, iston," (I know, my daughter, I know) Keegan said gently, speaking to her through elvish to try to calm her down and Elora seemed to calm down by his words.
Suddenly, Adrienne showed up at Elora's side, "My child, how do you feel?," And Elora was about to answer, when she suddenly had a coughing fit. "Shh, Elora, you have to calm down," Keegan said gently, helping his daughter sitting up, stroking her back gently in circles. "I'll get some water," Adrienne said gently and left.
Elora bended forward, started vomiting, luckily she was vomiting at the stone ground below the bed. "It's alright, Ithildin, it's alright,"Keegan said gently, "It's the venom. Let it out," And Elora sat up again and Adrienne came back with a glass with cold fresh water. "Here, drink, my child," And Keegan gently handed Elora the glass with water.
Elora drank a little bit of water and handed it to Keegan who put it down on the bedside table beside the bed.
Elora leaned bended forward again, starting vomiting again. And Keegan sighed sadly. Even if Elora couldn't die of the poison, it was still affecting her badly.
Keegan handed the glass of water to Elora again and Elora drank the last bit of the water and Adrienne poured up a new glass of water to her and placed it on the nightstand.And Adrienne smiled, "Sleep now, my child," And Keegan smiled, "You should be on your feet by tomorrow," And Elora laid down in the bed.
Keegan gave Elora a kiss on the forehead, "Goodnight, my child, sleep well," And Adrienne gave Elora a kiss on the forehead, "Sweet dreams, my child," And they left the room.

Elora woke up some hours later by the need of vomiting. And she vomited against the floor and drank a little of the water.
She felt her stomach growling. How long was it since she last eat. It was when she ate breakfast this morning. And that was hours ago. It was almost dinner time.
But she looked around and noticed that the door to the room in the underground castle in the giant cave stood a little bit open.
She didn't dare to yell for them. She was still scared that they would hurt her if she did. So she carefully got out of the golden four poster bed with white silk covers.
She felt her legs shaking a little but she managed to stabilise herself and she went out of the room and carefully down the white stairs.

She walked through the great giant corridor, fallowing the sound of Keegan's voice that felt miles away from her.
Suddenly she heard footsteps coming closer and she felt herself growing weaker. And she fell forwards when Keegan hurried to catch her in his arms, "My child. You're still too weak too get up. Why did you leave your room?," And Elora swallowed, "I was hungry," She admitted, trembling, fearing that she had upset him. And Keegan sighed, "My child, why didn't you call for us? We would not hurt you because you're hungry," And Elora swallowed, "I thought you would get upset. I'm still scared of you," And Keegan sighed, "You don't have to fear us, Ithildin. We would never do anything to hurt you," And he carefully lifted her into his warm arms. He was surprised when Elora leaned against his shoulder, crying.
Keegan gave her a kiss on the side of the forehead, "It's alright, my child. I'm here for you,"

Keegan gently sat her down in the bed and kissed her forehead, "Stay here, I'll be right back with something for you to eat and drink," And he left.
Keegan came back some minutes later with something for her to eat and drink.
He gently helped her to eat. And helped her when she needed to drink or vomiting and he sighed deeply. He didn't know if Elora had known that she had been with child. He knew Elora had a some months old daughter. But the venom had claimed her unborn child's life.
"Elora, did you know you were with child?,"He asked gently, not to scare her. And Elora looked up at him confused, "No, I had no idea! How do you know? How long have a been pregnant?," And Keegan sighed, "Elora, the reason you're in a nightgown is because you're clothes were very bloody when you had been asleep for some hours. We have got new ones for you. But... Your child...," And he sighed, "You're child didn't survive the poison Elora. You had miscarriage in your sleep," And Elora felt herself break. "My baby," And Keegan quickly pulled her into his arms. "My gwinig!,"Elora cried in pain. And Keegan stroked her back, "Shh, it's alright, you're alright," And Adrienne entered the room and went over to Elora and sat down on the other side on the edge of the bed, stroking her daughter's back, "It's going to be alright. Everything is going to be alright,"Adrienne said gently.

Keegan laid down Elora in the bed again when the young elleth had fallen asleep of exhausting of crying and the affects of the venom that caused her to become very tired. And he blew out the candle and they left the room and closed the door behind them.

Even though Elora was asleep, thoughts of her family went through her head. What was her father and family going to think when she returned? Would they accept what she really is? Or was Keegan right? Was he, Adrienne and the other demons her family now?

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