Chapter 11:~Training & magic~

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When Elora woke up next day, Adrienne sat at her bedside with a kind smile on her lips. And she placed her hand on Elora's forehead, "Your fever is gone. It seems like the poison has left your body. Here, I brought you some breakfast," And Elora placed her hand on the necklace Adrienne had given her.
Adrienne smiled, "It's the symbol that you're my daughter Elora just like the silver star symbol on your inner wrist symbolising that you're Keegan's daughter," And Elora ate her breakfast slowly.
When she was finished, Adrienne smiled, "I left you some new clothes on the chair over there. I thought they might suit you. Come down when you've dressed and brushed your hair. There's a golden hair brush on the dressing table," And she left the room.

Elora sighed and slowly got out of the bed. She brushed her long golden blonde hair and braided her hair into a long braid.
And she put on the clothes her new clothes and left her room. (She's not having the necklace in the picture)

Keegan smiled at Elora, "That seems to suit you well, my young dragon," And Elora smiled, "I love it

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Keegan smiled at Elora, "That seems to suit you well, my young dragon," And Elora smiled, "I love it. Thank you," And Keegan went over to her, "Well, let's begin. Fallow me," And they left the cave.

Legolas, Aragorn, Gimli, Faramir and Éowyn rode through the woods. Gimli on Legolas horse, of course.
"Legolas, how is your father?,"Faramir asked. And Legolas sighed, "Furious. He's having a hard time accepting Elora's disappearance. Having Elora with him is like having mine and Elora's mother by his side. Elora is so much like her," And Faramir nodded, "I understand,"

Elora and Keegan walked through the beautiful new bloomed green woods.
"Where are you taking me?,"Elora asked a little bit scared and concerned. And Keegan smiled, "You'll see," And Elora sighed, "That's not an answer, you know," And she stumbled forward and landed on the ground. 'Why Valar!? Why did you have to do this to me?!,' Elora thought angrily.
Keegan turned around and smiled teasingly at her, "You should watch where you're going," And Elora looked at him angrily, "Ha ha! Very funny!," And Keegan went over to her and stretched out his hand to her.
Elora took his hand as Keegan helped her up. "Come, we're almost there," He explained. And Elora grabbed her bow and white knife that had fallen to the ground when she had stumbled and they continued through the woods.
"So, here we are,"Keegan explained when they arrived to a clearing. And Elora looked at him confused, "And what are we doing here?," Keegan turned to her and smiled, "Here, we're going to practice magic and abilities you have from my side. From my blood. And the first thing that every Marvena learns first is to shape shift into a dragon. We can transform into whatever dragon we want if we just focus and let the nature around us guide us as we focus on the dragon we want to be. You are the dragons Queen. Mother of dragons. Don't you want to be able to be one of them," And Elora nodded, "Yes. That would be wonderful but. How?," And Keegan smiled, "Do as I told you, my child and you will shape shift into whatever dragon you want. Let me show you,"
And he closed his eyes, took a deep breath and focused and the next thing, he transformed into a giant fire dragon,"
Elora gaped in shock and smiled impressive.
Keegan turned back into his human form, "Now, your turn. Focus. Close your eyes, open yourself up to the nature around you and let it guide you as you focus on the dragon you want to be,"
Elora did as he asked and Keegan smiled, "Now clear your mind. You can do this, my young dragon. I know you can," And Elora swallowed.

Legolas, Aragorn, Gimli, Faramir and Éowyn rode through the woods when they heard familiar voices.
"I don't know how to do this!," A familiar female voice said. "Yes, you can! Focus Elora, it's inside of you Ithildin! You have to believe in yourself and focus!," A manly little familiar voice said.
"Did you hear that? That sounds like Elora,"Legolas said confused and hopefully. And Aragorn nodded, "Let's take a look," And they got off their horses and snuck over to the clearing not so far from them and hid behind some bushes and stones.
"It is Elora,"Legolas said quietly, "Let's see what they're doing,"
"Focus Elora. You know it's inside of you!,"Keegan said. And Elora sighed and closed her eyes again and focused and she felt something build up inside of her. And she shape shifted into a silver dragon.
Keegan smiled, "Not bad. For a first try. Now, focus on your elven form and you will transform back into your elven form," And Elora transformed back into herself, "I did it," And Keegan smiled, "You did. And when you have practiced more, you will be able to shape shift faster and to other dragons and creatures," And Elora smiled, "Thank you. For saving my life, I mean," And Keegan smiled, "Well, I saved you from being scratched at least. You wouldn't have died of the spiders because of who you are so. But it's alright," And Elora smiled, "You know, I've been alive for a very long time. And I'm very good at seeing when friends are more than friends," And Keegan turned to her, "Right. What are you trying to say?," And Elora smiled, "I know how much you love her. And there's no wrong with that. Love is the most powerful magic of all. And it's blind. Why don't you tell her how you feel?," And Keegan sighed, "Because she's a demon. And I'm a Marvena. The demons would never allow their Queen to be with a 'dragon'," And Elora smiled sadly, "If she really loves you, she wouldn't care of what her people think. My mother was a silvan elf Princess. My father is a Sindar. They were going to marry because my father wanted an alliance with her Kingdom. They despised each other from the beginning but eventually, they fell in love. And then, they had me and my little brother, Legolas," And Keegan smiled at her, "You're not like the others Elora. You're special. Thank you," And Elora smiled, "Well, what now," And Keegan was about to say something, when he felt a dark presence and he went over to her,
"Elora, go back to the cave, back to Adrienne, now! I'll be right behind you," And Elora swallowed in fear, "What's wrong?," And Keegan sighed, "Just do as I say! Go!," And Elora ran away. And Legolas and the others ran after Elora.

Keegan turned around, "You can come out now, Aamon," And a demon with dark hair and dark eyes showed up, "Keegan, I wondered where you have been. Because, I saw that you have something wonderful for us," And Keegan looked at him angrily, "You wouldn't dare!," And Aamon smiled wickedly, "She's very beautiful. She's going to suit very well as my slave," And Keegan looked at him angrily, "You have to go through me first if you want her!," And Aamon smiled wickedly, "Well, this will be fun. Because my friends is already after her," And Keegan swallowed, "No! Elora," And he run away.

Elora ran through the woods until she came out into the open ground.
"Elora!," Legolas exclaimed. And Elora turned around, "Muindor? What are you doing here?," And Legolas sighed, "We explain later. Now, let's get out of here," And Elora sighed, "I can't. He will come after me again. Legolas, this is my home now," And suddenly, Keegan came running, "Elora!," And Elora turned to him, "What's going on?," And Keegan sighed, "You're in danger. We have to get you and your friends out of here now," And Éowyn swallowed, "What danger?,"
Suddenly, two other demons grabbed Keegan's hands. "Let go off my hands!,"Keegan said irritated. And Aamon showed up, "So you can use your magic against us? Sorry Keegan. None of us wanted to come to this," And Elora swallowed, "I'm here for my family. I'm not going to touch anyone of you," And Aamon put his hands on her arms, "No, you're not!," "Stop this! Stop it now!,"Keegan exclaimed. And Aamon sighed, "If I don't do this, other demons is on their way to do it for me. You're too close to her, Keegan," And Elora swallowed, "Please, you don't have to do this!," And Aamon smiled wickedly, "Quick and painful," And he was about to suck out her life force, when Adrienne's demon guards grabbed the demons who held Keegan and Adrienne grabbed Aamon, "This ends now!,"
And Aamon looked up at his Queen, "Your love for the elven Princess has blinded you," And Adrienne smiled wickedly, "Elora is my daughter! And I don't like when my subjects touch what's mine!," And Aamon sighed, "So what's your suggestion?," And Adrienne smiled, "You leave my daughter alone and I gave you a free week," And Aamon sighed, "We can rest?," And Adrienne nodded, "Yes," And Aamon and his demons friends disappeared.

Legolas exhaled and smiled at his sister.
Adrienne went over to Elora, "Are you alright? Did he hurt you," And Elora smiled, "I'm alright, I think," Adrienne smiled in relief and hugged her tightly, "Well, now they will not bother you again," And Elora smiled when felt a slight pain in her heart and fell backwards.
Keegan caught her in his arms and Legolas hurried over to his sister. "What's wrong with her?!," And Keegan looked at Elora's arms and saw that they were burned and he sighed, "Demon venom," And Adrienne swallowed, "She's still recovering. And we cannot cure something that's a part of us. We have to get her to a wizard," And Legolas swallowed, "We have to get her to Emersion," And Keegan looked up at the elven Prince, "Who's Emersion?," And Legolas sighed, "The closet person she has ever had to a father. He's Cirdan's little brother," And Keegan nodded quickly, "It's going to be alright, my child. We're going to get you help," And Elora nodded weakly and Keegan lifted her into his arms and they set off to the Light Kingdom.

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