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I woke up from my nap and saw Roze sitting on the edge of the bed. I smirked and slid over to her gently taking her hand to kiss it as I laid on the bed. "Hi." She said with a smile. I smirked. "Did you sleep?" I asked her. "She shook her head. Not yet. Claude is about to take Papi, Terra, and I to the airport. We're leaving for Florida." So soon? Already? Her lawyer must've called her and told her something about Gary.

I got out of bed getting dressed and as I was buttoning my shirt Roze hugged me from behind. "I love you." She said. "I love you too, baby. Um, can I finished getting dressed?" I asked her. She nodded with a giggle. "Of course. Sorry." I picked at my Afro before yawning. As I was getting my heels on, Roze came to me with a to go cup of tea. She was really ready to go. "It's Caribou. Your favorite." I looked at the alarm and saw how early it was. "Wow. You got there right when they opened, huh?" She nodded stroking my hair fondly. I was glad she was feeling better. I sat my tea down to finish getting my heels on. "Terra is coming with us?" She nodded.

"I think I will adopt her after all. It'd be best. Did you hear about Gary?" I laughed. "Baby, I've been sleeping. What happened?" "He passed away. Sybil doesn't want to press charges...she doesn't know what to do. But Terra can come with me." I was shocked that he passed away. I honestly didn't know how to react to the news at all. I kissed her forehead and decided to turn the conversation to Terra. "You're sweet for that." I grabbed a pair of sunshades. "Did Claude already pack for me?" "Mmhmm. Let's go."

As we were in the car, Roze and I were in the back seat while Terra was up front with Claude and Papi. Rozie was holding my hand and stroking my inner forearm. She was telling me she loved me a thousand times, I told her I loved her a thousand times more. We shared soft kisses and soft whispers to one another. This was Roze. The Roze I knew before her assault happened. When we got to the airport I saw Claude grabbing the bags out of the back and Roze pulled my face towards her to kiss me and grab my hand. "Let's go."

We went to the ticket machine and she was doing everything. She even had a credit or debit card in her hand. "It's weird how these things are touch screen." I said. I sipped my tea and she turned around to give everyone their tickets....but Claude and I. I was confused. "Um, baby I think you-" "No." she shook her head and turned to Claude. "Take my bags. I'll be there in a minute for boarding." My heart sank. "Rozie?" My voice cracked. Roze looked at her ticket. "Prince, I love you, but I think for a little while we need to be apart. You've helped me so much and I'm so glad that you have. I'm very grateful, too." I felt sick.

"Baby...wait-" "Listen..." she held my face. "My healing process needs to be done by myself in my home air." I felt tears coming. "Wh-What about Spain? What about-" "Prince...listen to me. Please. When I'm emotionally healed, we can go to Spain, but for now I want to be in Florida. I want to talk to Mami, and Papi isn't happy I'm doing this." I'm not happy about your decision either, Roze. She kissed me and I kissed back but only lightly. "Can we talk everyday? Can we...can we email? Do you have everything you need? What about counseling?" A tear fell from her cheek. "Yes. Maybe. Yes. And I'm getting a new counselor. That one helped but...this one is special." I dropped my hands from her waist.

My own tears fell and I didn't know whether to beg her to stay right here in this airport or if I just let her go. "Roze...think about this. Please? I-" "I'm not breaking up with you, Prince. Even if I'm somewhere else on Earth, I have this." She pulled out a chain from under her zip up and it was one of my rings on a chain. I forced a smile before she kissed me. "I have to go." I held her hips. "Roze...what-...what did I do?" "N-Nothing. You didn't do anything. Prince..." her face scrunched up as she sobbed. Her father came towards us. I was listening to them speak in Spanish and Mateo kept bringing up "her plan". I let go of her. "I'll come see you. I promise." She pulled away from her father to kiss me one more time before she left and I stood there in the middle of the airport probably looking goofy.

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