Chp5 (Back to School) pt.1

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1 week after,
October got up at 6 I'm the morning and went to the farmhouse to start the first day of morning exercises or training for the hybrid kids and then she brought with her a radio to listen to music while all of them started their first day of training. Then suddenly the radio channel change to a different channel by itself and it was playing the song Bring me to live- by Evanescence and when October try to change or turn off the radio it just keep playing the same song is like the radio has a message for them or the radio is just been hunted by someone so she when back to the house and ask for her father help and they went back to the farmhouse to check on the radio and legacy was shocked to see that radio in the farmhouse and he asks his daughter what did she found the radio from and she said it was on the kitchen table So he told her that the radio is supposed to be in the attic not in the kitchen then he told her that the radio was cursed by him and it was many years ago. At that time, there was an evil guy which wanted to rule the world and turned everyone into small kids and trapped them in a time loop forever and never grows old, so at that time I was only 20 years old and I was the only one which escapes from turning into a small kid and I was working on a way to vanish him but as I tried many times to vanish him it just doesn't work out so I thought instead of vanishing him why won't I just trapped him into an object and keep him in the attic and it works and the only thing I could see at moment and in front of me was a radio and I just trap him in it for many, many years until now. It seems like he is trying to free himself out of there and once he is free then he would try to kill me and everyone else who doesn't want to join him in being bad and ruling the world. But I have a plan and instead of letting him break free and coming for me why won't I just go to him and finish it off and once I'm done and out of there then I need you to destroy it okay. I won't be long just a couple of hours only and I will be safe I promise okay in the meantime, I need you and your brother to watch over your younger siblings okay and please do not fight or let any strangers into the house okay I love you all. Alright let's get some weapons just in case my powers may not work in there okay I'm set and ready to go now, okay then he chants the spell " Bring me to once in a time where no one had ever been in a long time " 3 times before being suck into the radio and appearing in the time of the year 1966 October 19, where it all started 106 years ago and he was only 20 years old and still new to his powers.

Engulf ( evil man in the radio) time loop world,

Legacy woke up to the song: Lovin' You- by Minnie Riperton and was surprised to see himself in his old college bedroom and wearing his favourite pyjamas Power Rangers and then on his left side of the room was his roommate and best friend Vincent Oneil. Then he went to the bathroom and freshen up himself before making his way to college to meet his ex-husband to be Eric Hilphen  ( October and Andrew father), Eric was the president of the swimming club and legacy was the president of the musical arts club and they were the college sweetheart of the years 1964,1965,1966 and every other girls was so jealous of both of them together. But Eric was a year younger than legacy but they did not care about the age or worth of the person but all they both care about was the love which they had for each other even though many people who disagree with their love life and try to break them apart but they never gave up and always keep trying and keep strong together. So when legacy was on his way to college then he heard a voice calling to him and he didn't know who was it so he just carry on driving to his college and went he reach there, then he suddenly felt a pain of sadness like missing someone for a long time then it stop and he just when to class and then during reses time  the same thing happened again but this time was two voices calling home and the same sadness feeling he felt earlier, then Eric saw that legacy was in pain and sad so he approaches him and comforted him and was asking him what happened and legacy told him everything then Eric just decided to sing to him the song: Don't worry about a thing- by Bob Marley and then legacy just felt much better but inside of himself he knows who's voice was calling him and then only he just relies that he was trap in the past but he doesn't know for how long he was inside there so he decided to go back to his college room and try to connect to his son and daughter through a spiritual self visit them in their time and telling them that he was in a time loop and in the year of 1966 and his son and daughter was telling him that he was gone for a month and they were so worried that he was not coming back, then he told them that the year he is trap in was the year their father purpose to him and that night itself both of them was made then in the same month they got married couples months before legacy graduation then later the son and daughter know that the evil man Engulf was traped in the radio since 1966, and their father was back to school days, then later legacy told his both son and daughter a spell to chant a way to bring him back to their time before he gets himself trapped in that time loop forever.

To Be Continue.....

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