Chp9(Village Talent Show)

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3 weeks later,

Legacy and his family plan a village talent show and he places the flyers around the whole village and in a few hours everyone started to sign up for the talent show and they have about 2 weeks to practice their act and send in their soundtrack to Andrew and then when the day comes he will play them.

The next day,
Everyone was busy preparing for the talent show and practising their act at home and the list of performances which was chosen by each performer and they are singing, magic, roleplay and special act from the hybrid kids. The total of acts that will be performed on that day is 11 acts- 3 singing, 2 types of roleplaying, 4 types of magic acts and 2 groups of special acts by the hybrid kids(1st from the boys and 2nd is from the girls). Okay let me list out of the solo act and group name and who is in it, 1st act( duets by October and Andrew singing Secret Love Song by Little Mix ft Jason Derulo), 2nd act( Twins Effect by Medusa and March doing magic tricks), 3rd act( Disney Twist by Legacy mother and his sisters in a Disney roleplay), 4th act( Magic Bloom by Coffee and Cinovac doing changing clothes magic), 5th act( duet by Chriszen and Jaden singing a remix of Waterfall by TLC and Life goes on - BTS), 6th act( musical roleplay by the athlete is about mixed hits from the 60s until 2000), 7th act( Escaping underwater act by lovisa), 8th act( roleplay- love at first sight - by all the couple's), 9th act( Love like Fantasy- original by Legacy his own single), 10th act( special act by the hybrid boy- Hickory, Skull, Robert, Ryan, Qatar, Xavier, Fuill, Jimmie and Gosh), 11th act( special act by the hybrid girl- Quill, Amber, Joel, Victoria, Zoe, Nicole, Faith, Eight and December).

Alright, let's get back to the preparation for the village talent show okay the theme for the stage is nature like and is only 2 people will be doing it( Legacy and Andrew) I will list out the equipment for the stage and the whole area around it, ( dark green, brown and white lights in a leaf shape), sky blue transparent curtains with leaf pattern and flower garden around the whole talent show with colourful roses.

1 week later,

Everyone is almost done with their acts and the stage is also almost done with just a few more touches of decoration and they are done then just wait until the day comes for everyone to see and take pictures of it, then the athlete's group was done with their practices and they went to the store for groceries and they were waiting for the bus to take them home.  Then Andrew and the Twins when to the farmhouse for some boyz time to catch up on their friendship and they were working out by lifting weights and doing some race inside of the farmhouse and suddenly one of the guys from the athlete's group was wandering around and heard laughter coming from the farmhouse so he when to check it out and saw Andrew working out and his jaw dropped in love with him but in his mind was thinking if Andrew is gay or straight and also thinking if legacy would not be happy with his son being gay so what happened was Andrew saw him at the front of the farmhouse and invited him to join them for work out but he was shy and he went away and Andrew saw his face and he knows that the guy was blushing and that why he did not want to join them for work out, so Andrew when back home and ask his father a question hey dad what should I do if a guy was blushing because of me. Then legacy told his son to approach the guy and have a conversation and then he also told his son that he is fine if you like guys he would not be upset or angry and he wants his son and daughter to know that he will always accept them for who they choose to be and always want them both to find the right one once the time is right. So Andrew when to the stage to place a few fake papers birds around the whole area of the stage and then the guy came to the stage to ask if Andrew needed a hand with the decoration and Andrew just ask him for his name and he said hi I'm Olsen Ezekiel and sorry for that day I was just wondering around and saw you at the farmhouse and if you don't mind me asking if you are taken at any chance. Then Andrew reply I'm Andrew Leaf and is okay about that day and I'm currently single so how about you. He said he is also single and he just decided to ask if Andrew wants to go for lunch or dinner sometime and Andrew said yes he would like to go out for dinner tomorrow at 8 pm at his place and Olsen was happy to go out with Andrew for dinner at his place. Then Andrew when back home and told his father that he has a dinner plans with Olsen tomorrow night around 8 p.m. and his sister was happy for him and so as his father also happy for him.

Next day,
October got up and took the hybrid kids to the farmhouse for the last practice of their act for the talent show and then Andrew got up and went down to the kitchen to make fresh orange juice before going for his morning walk with the athlete's group around the village for 2 hours then he has to do cooking for his tonight dinner with Olsen. Then legacy and his sister's just left to the shopping mall to get some new shoes for the talent show then after a few hours at the shopping mall with his sisters they all when back and took a cool bath and relax after walking for hours and carrying all the bags. Then just less than two hours before Olsen come over for dinner and Andrew was almost done making dinner and was on his way to take a bath before Olsen arrived. Then it was 8 pm and Olsen just reach Andrew house and legacy open the door and welcome Olsen in the house and legacy left the two of them alone for their dinner and he when to the farmhouse to check on the hybrid kid's practice and the kid's practice was finished they all went for dinner outside at the restaurant nearby lovisa house. Then Andrew and Olsen were having a good time at dinner and after they finish Andrew walk him back to his house and a kiss on the cheek and hope to see each other again at the village talent show.

Talent show day,

Everyone got early around 7 a.m. and was getting ready for the talent show then at 9 a.m. everyone was already starting to go to the talent show and everyone has their own changing room and sit which are in front of the stage so while waiting for their turn to go on stage they can sit in front and be like the audience after a few hours has passed and the show was going to start and the host is legacy himself and exactly 3 pm they start with the 1st act duet by October and Andrew with their song and then comes to the 2nd act Twins effect and their magic tricks and at 4:15 pm the 3rd act roleplay of Disney twist by legacy mother and sisters, then at 5 p.m. the 4th act Magic bloom by Coffee and Cinovac with their changing clothes Magic and then at 5:45 pm was the 5th act duet by Chriszen and Jaden singing a remix of Waterfall by TLC and Life goes on by BTS and everyone took 10 minutes to break for some glass of water then they continue at 6:20 pm with the 6th act A musical roleplay of the hits in the 60s until the 2000s and it by the athletes group and then at 7:35pm was the 7th act by lovisa doing her solo magic trick escaping underwater and then at 8:20pm was the 9th act legacy performing his own single "Love like Fantasy " and then at 8:30pm was the 10th act special performance by the hybrid boys team and then at 9:15pm was the last act special performance by the hybrid girls team and then the whole show finished at 10pm and before everyone when back they enjoy a one last show perform by fireflies in the sky. Then everyone lay down on the garden and look at the fireflies in the beautiful sky.

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