A talk with Eraserhead

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"Ahhh thank you Deku, our normal bodyguards probably wouldn't have been able to handle a person like that!" The pop stars manager said gratefully.

Deku just hummed back, too tired to give a proper response. Call him an asshole if you want but using his quirk the way he did that day took a lot out of him. Healing his own heart takes a lot of energy. Plus all the other ways he was using it left him quite drained.

"Ah right you must be tired, well here's your payment for today we'll give you a call if we need you again okay?" The manager said with a smile.

Deku took the money with a bow and made sure to wave on the way out, just because he was tired doesn't mean he wasn't going to attempt to be polite. After closing the door he started making his way back home.

As he approached his place he kept his senses sharp, straining to hear every little sound to make sure he wasn't being followed and after making sure no one was around he made his way inside with a sigh.

"Ah dump sweet dump, honey I'm trash!" he chuckled to himself as he made his way to his bed "god I need more of a life" he says as he hits the bed and passes out almost immediately.

Deku woke up to the sun shining on his face. He got up with a groan, popping the joints that stiffened overnight and made his way to his fridge. It may be an abandoned building but he managed to get electricity up and running and had all of the essentials. After having a quick breakfast he put on his vigilante costume and left the house. He didn't have any bodyguarding jobs and he skipped patrol last night so he thought he would make up for it by helping out where he could.

After spending the day powering up licenced heros and healing a few civilians it was night. Night was when he could truly shine. It wasn't like the day where he was limited in his actions because licenced heros didn't exactly like vigilantes. At night he could go all out, plus there was way more crime and villains about. He made his way up a building, activated his enhanced senses and waited for a target to take down.

After a few minutes he heard a scream which wasn't too far from him. So he started running across buildings until he got to the alleyway he heard the scream come from. It was an attempted mugging, there was a brown haired girl currently trying to wrangle her bag from a villain who had some kind of animal quirk. Either way Deku didn't care and decided to step in. He jumped down from the roof he was watching from and used the momentum to stomp the guy to the ground, knocking them out. Snatching the bag from the villains hand he said to the villain "Hey I don't think this belongs to you."

"Here you go miss" he said to the girl who was still pretty shaken from what happened. "Th-thank you..." she replied still shaking.

"So what happened?"

"He just kinda... came out of nowhere and tried taking my bag, obviously I wouldn't let him but still that... that was scary..."

Deku hummed "So do you have anyone around or were you just out alone"


"Do you think you'll be okay from here? Do you want me to walk you home or call a taxi or something?"

"No, no, its ok, don't worry I'll probably just call one myself." She chuckled weakly

"Alright well I'll leave you to it then just try to make sure you have someone out and about with you next time, it can be pretty dangerous at this time of night" Deku says as he starts to make his way up the fire escape to get back to the top of the building.

Deku huffed out a sigh of relief as he got back to the top of the building but just as he did so he heard some footsteps behind him. He quickly got up to attack drawing his knife from his thigh and getting ready to stab now and ask questions later. The person who snuck up on him blocked quickly and retaliated with a kick which he managed to block. He took a quick look at his attacker and realised 'Holy shit' "Eraserhead?!"

"Oh you actually know who I am?" he replied. Deku was silently freaking out, his favourite hero was right in front of him, sure his favourite used to be All Might but now he prefers underground heros a bit more.

"Of course I know who you are, you're one of the best underground heros around!" Deku says letting his fanboy self take over for a minute, it's not everyday that you meet your favourite hero after all.

"Uhh okay? Anyway look kid you know you shouldn't be doing this, vigilantism is illegal, and you could get hurt" Deku just groans in response.

"I'm not a kid! And anyway it would be a miracle if I actually managed to get hurt with my stupid quirk!" He then pauses and thinks about what he just said 'shit'.

"What do you mean with your quirk?" Eraserhead questions almost glaring at the vigilante in front of him.

"Uhhhhhhhh... that's not important, what are you doing here anyway?" Deku deflects.

"I think it's pretty important but whatever, I'm here because the commission has started to take notice of you and considering what you are doing is illegal they want me to bring you in, but honestly I don't really think you are a threat considering what I saw you do just now so I'm going to ask you nicely to just stop."

"How 'bout no?" Deku says as he prepares to jump off the building to run away.

"Wait!" Deku pauses "What did you mean it would be a miracle if you did get hurt with your quirk?"

"What I said, you can't really be hurt if it heals without you really trying..." He says as he jumps of the building and runs away at a speed which Eraser knew he couldn't even hope to match. 'He sounded so... sad that his quirk heals him...' he thought with concern. After a minute of thinking over what the vigilante said to him he made his way back to his home to sleep but even then his sleep was messed up by the vigilantes words.

'Why did he sound so sad?'

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