His New Start

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Deku was ready to take the offer. He ended up getting to the roof Eraser said to meet him early, he didn't want to miss the meet up time and end up going back on his decision because he got nervous. He always had bad anxiety so he knew that if he had to think it through any longer he just wouldn't do it. He'd wus out just like everything else in his life.

Soon enough Eraser landed on the roof at exactly 11. "So I'm guessing you have your answer?" Deku nods.

"I want to do it, I'm not telling you my reasons why and I will only give you the bare minimum information about me but I'll do it." Eraserhead grins.

"Alright then problem child" Deku smiles slightly though it is unnoticeable under the mask

"I'm not a kid" he huffs.

"Sure problem child" at this point Deku just grubles but has pretty much accepted the nickname.

"Do we get to know how old you are at least" Eraser asks.

"Nope" Deku says deadpan and then stands up. "Well it's been nice talking to you Eraser but I should run. Oh right!" Deku exclaims and then gets out a piece of paper and a pen quickly writing something down. "That's my work number, your gonna need it to get a hold of me!" He runs off after that.

Deku didn't know why but he felt happy for the first time in a while. Sure he's had times where he's been neutral or somewhat happy when a job goes well but this has been the first time he has truly looked forward to something in a while. He just brushes it off though and thinks nothing of it, running towards the first scream he hears.

Within the next couple of days he gets a text which to be honest he was way more happy about than he should have been. Over the past couple of days for no reason really other than his brain fucking him over he was having a really bad case of depression. The worst thoughts were going through his head at a blinding speed and he was overall too exhausted to do much. Not to mention he was still pretty anxious at the job he had just taken.

Anyway Deku was currently crying into a plushie bear he had since he was a baby (He managed to grab it from his home at one point). As to why he was happy at the text, in his depressed and confused head he thought that they knew that he wouldn't be able to respond right away so they sent a text for him to answer at his own convenience. Which to be honest they did think about the likelihood of him answering due to Deku seeming quite socially awkward and just decided a text was easier. It wasn't even that big of a deal but to Deku at that second he thought it was the nicest thing anyone had ever done.

Finally his depressive episode was done after a couple of days. Normally they lasted way longer but he forced himself to get out of it so that he didn't have to keep UA waiting any longer than he could help. He had to use some brutal means to get out of it but to him it was worth it.

He text back that he would be able to meet up whenever and they scheduled a meeting for the next day. Thankfully they didn't question the big gap of time that it took for him to answer which he appreciated. He decided to get some vigilanteing done before he went to bed. Nothing special happened other than the usual cases of muggers and rapists, it still tired him out though so he passed out as soon as he hit the pillows at 1am.

Deku woke up the next day with a little excitement. Sure he was still worried about what UA wanted with him but he couldn't shake off his love for heros and especially that school. He got ready and ate a bigger breakfast than usual. He hadn't eaten for a week since his depressive episode confined him to his bed and he didn't want his stomach to protest while he was meting with some of the strongest heros who taught the best students.

He remembered the time that they scheduled the other day. It was only 7 and the meeting was at 4 so he had 9 hours to kill. Deku groaned but decided to go out.

He wanted to sit on a building brooding until the time came that he could go to the school but alas people would be concerned at the possibility of him jumping which to be honest wouldn't be too far off but he was still annoyed. In the end he settled for looking at heros patrolling and helping them in their fights. He was wearing his vigilante costume under a big dark green hoodie. He noticed a while ago that less people would look at him when he wore darker clothes so he didn't have many brighter clothes anymore. Sometimes he hated it since he really liked brighter and even more pastel things but then he remembered how much he bleeds on a daily basis so he hardly even wears bright clothes at home.

After a couple of hours he went to a cafe and got a small lunch and a coffee. It was still only just past 1 so he still didn't have to go to the meeting yet and Deku was getting bored. He still couldn't use his ability in a way that would help the heros greatly because they would notice the change in power and go after him. Deku really hated being a vigilante sometimes. He still wondered what could have been if he wasn't so stupid that day and just went home. Could he have gone back to school, trained his newfound powers? Could he have made it to UA with his new ability? Would his mum still be alive?... "Nope! Bad thoughts away!" Deku whispered to himself a few people herd him and turned their heads but he just faced the table trying to stop people from paying attention to him. It worked and he continued to drink his coffee.

By the time he was done it was only 2. He groaned again, he really didn't like waiting for things because it would always be the thing that his mind would obsess over but alas he must wait. He spent his time helping a few more heros and even healing people here and there since sometimes would get nicked by some falling rubble. He sometimes thought the people who watched the fights were a bit dumb, they could get in the way or hurt but then again that did used to be him so he payed it no mind.

Finally it was 3:30 and he was around 15 minutes away so he decided to make his way there and be early. He did want to make a good impression and being punctual was the first point.

Once getting there he was greeted by the principle of the school "ah Deku your early!" Deku was desperately holding back his fanboy side.

"Yeah thought it would be good to be early since I'm sure you guys have strict schedules or at least you would." Deku said after a moment.

Nezu chuckled "you would be correct, in any case let's make our way to the meeting room."

"Lead the way." If things went well this was it...

His new start.

A/n oops haven't posted for a hot minute sorry 😅 I had a bit of a writers block for this story in particular, I'm writing another one aswell but I decided that I would only start posting it once I either finish this one or if I finish it. Plus I'm working on others aswell honestly I don't know why I do this to myself but E ig. Anyways I'm hoping I'll be able to write this one easier now but I doubt it so expect kinda spaced out chapters.

Again sorry 😓

ALSO you guys got me over 200 reads wtf! This is my first story 0-0

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