Marriage of convenience (Muslim style ;) )

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My first attempt at publishing I just need to erm...not sure mines gone blank :/. Start again, here's my first attempt at publishing a story I'm working on other novels at the moment and this is just a rough idea so my writing won't be as good and sometimes I may make mistakes which I don't mind you pointing out.  Wrote the first three chapters last night as a spur of the moment. You know how the idea just comes to you and you want to write it down as fast as possible?

Two muslims meet in sad circumstances, both are lost both are trying to find a way in life. But what if Allah has brought these two together to save one another? What starts off as a convenient match slowly turns into two jigsaw pieces fitting together perfectly.

Chapter 1-the day of the surgery

'Will my mother be okay daughter you'll take good care of her?' The young girl had enquired staring into the light brown eyes of the british doctor. He was white skinned but a slight tan and strawberry blonde hair with a striking jaw-line. He had faint stubble which she itched to touch but had decided to ignore.

Her mother was the most important in the world to her right now. She smiled sadly at her mother who was in dire need of this operation.

Doctor Alexander stared down at this beautiful creature. Sadness in her eyes which had dark circles due to lack of sleep. He engulfed the sight of her hair it was black curls so soft and shiny he thought. Her face was small and delicate with a small sharp nose, small but full lips and her eyes contrasted against tanned skin. When she looked up at him he stared into hazel green eyes and was moved by the sadness behind them.

'Please!' She whispered 'she's all I have'

Her mother lay on the bed in a deep sleep a loose scarf wrapped around her head. The doctor wondered if they were muslim the mother wore a scarf but the daughter didn't. Arab they must have been he thought. Or Indian? Well the mother looked full Egyptian but...the girl well she could be mixed raced. After all he was half-Egyptian and half-white.

His gaze went from the mother to the child. The mother had a frail heart and she had weakened when her husband died last year. It was sudden he had gone in his sleep but the mother had never gotten over it. Who would get over losing their life partner he thought. He shook himself out of this. He didn't care about this young girls life he was here to perform an operation.  

'I will take care of her' Alex replied in a deep voice. His arrogence reappearing. Okay so he had been side tracked by the emotional scene. But that didn't mean anything.

She looked up at him and frowned. She didn't like the way he seemed to be arrogent and walked with a non-chalant attitude. He smirked to himself. He was amazing and he knew it. He was performing a dangerous heart surgery on her though only thirty years old he had been pushed years ahead to complete his education. He had graduated from medicine by the time he was 20.

A couple of hours later the mother was wheeled into surgery. She had been asleep for a very long time. Laila had been instructed to stay in the waiting room whilst the operation took place. She took out a book and began to read.

Alex was washing his hands getting himself ready for theatre. Piece of cake he thought as he stared long and hard into the mirror. Then a couple of days rest and he would be having his birthday party at his new posh house he had just bought. Cindy would be there...beautiful Cindy. Giving himself a wink in the mirror he walked towards the lady sleeping on the table. Halimah her name was, her husband Josh had died suddenly no one could understand why.

Death what a scary concept as he brought himself into concentration mode. He cut open her chest and began.  Hours went by he thought she was going to be okay. A small smile came to his face he couldn't wait to tell th young girl the news,  until her heart beat started to fade. This wasn't happening as his heart beat quickened at once. His hands began to shake and he began to tremble. Something wasn't right there was an odd presence on the air. He swore he saw a small tear pass down Halimahs closed eyes and then her heart stopped. Tears passed down from his eyes as he realised he had to break the news to the daughter. The daughter he had given his word too.

He slowly walked out the theatre solemnly his eyes cast downwards. This was a horrible feeling. His first death experience. He leaned against the wall outside the waiting room before preparing himself to break the news.  

Laila lay asleep on the chair of the waiting room and was awoken by a gentle nudge on her shoulder. She slowly opened her eyes and stared into the beautiful eyes of Alex. He had a sunken look upon his face and she knew what was coming.

'Nooo!!' She wailed she gasped as she couldn't breathe. She fell from the chair onto the floor in a heap hurting her bottom but she didn't care. The tears kept sliding and she couldn't stop the waterfall. She had no idea what would happen next to her life. She had no one to turn too.

'I'm so sorry' Alex said sadly.

He reached out to touch her but she flinched away from him.

'Don't touch me!' She screamed

She looked up at him with such hatred and venom. Alex was known for his ego he was arrogent and stuck up. But one look into this girls face made him want to cower behind something.

'You promised me...' She said between huge breaths as she forced herself not to cry. She was struggling to breathe' you promised would look after her!'

'Ssshhh!!' He said soothingly trying not to make things worse.

She slapped him hard across the face.

'Don't you shush me!!' And she tried clawing at him but he grabbed both he hands with his and held her to him. She felt a hard chest beneath his clothing as she was enveloped in such raw mascunlinity. He held her tight to him wishing he could stay within this embrace.

Deep down she knew he hadn't done anything wrong. Something from far within told her this was meant to happen and that it was Allahs Divine Decree. But on the surface she didn't want to admit it. He held her and she clung to him as she closed her eyes. He brought a large hand up to her head and soothed her by placing is there. She could do nothing but weep as the loss of both her mother and father hit her. Drained of crying and being held she fell into a deep sleep. He carried her to a spare bed and told the over night nurses to look after her. Before leaving he knew this wasn't allowed but placed a small kiss on her forhead. Bye Princess he thought.  He would come back to check on her in the morning. He shook his head as hard as possible. Come on now what was wrong with him? Running a hand though his short hair.

Morning came and he walked to the room with an apology in hand. He would offer whatever he could to help out. Financially if she needed money or a place to stay his apartment was big enough. He had a meeting to get to about the operation obviously these things happened but he still had to be questioned. He thought she was going to be okay that the woman would make it. The suddenly things took a turn. He shuddered involuntarily when he remembered the feeling it's as if death was in that room.

He went to Lailas bed to find it empty. With only a note left on the bed opening it he gasped. He read MURDERER in block capitals his eyes widened. The freak he grunted out in frustration.

Marriage of convenience (Muslim style ;) )Where stories live. Discover now