Chapter 6 - Always have you

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"Y/n. I'm coming, stay there, don't go anywhere okay?"

"Awwww you're coming alreadyyyy!? I wanted to come at the same time!!!"

"Oh god this girl, stay on the line okay? Do not cut the call I'm on my way"

"But my birthday is twooo years laterrrr"

He pulled up and rushed inside the bar to find you.

"Oh my goodness you look so messed up" he was face to face with a wild y/n who smiled at him like a drunkard with her eyeliner spread all over her cheeks.

"Who's this fine man over here" hange mumbled.

"Hey -hic- h-handsome" you spoke, as he lifted you up in his strong arms and put you over his shoulders.

"Thank you for taking care of her, I'll be taking her home now." He thanked Hange, who was drooling, barely able to stand.

"How are you going home? Do you need a ride?"
Too late. Hange was snoring on the bar counter.

"Guess not.."

"Where are your shoes?'' Yes, you were roaming barefoot, drunk, in a damn bar at one o'clock in the morning with a drunk Hange. He looked around and found your heels inside a huge flower pot. "This girl… she hasn't changed a bit.'' He grabbed your heels with his other hand and carried you all the way to his car and carefully placed you on the passenger seat.

"I m-missed y-you -hicc-so much" you held onto his arm as he leaned in to put the seat belt on you. He gave you a gentle smile and caressed your cheek before closing your side of the car door. He then went around and got in the driver's seat.

"I missed you too, y/n." he softly looked at your snoring figure, before starting the car and driving you to his place.


Your eyes opened to a dark room ceiling, a few rays of light entering the room from outside which dimly lit it. A headache followed as you sat up on the bed.
"Shit, I think I drank too much today." You observe your unfamiliar surroundings.
"Oh no… I caused him trouble again, didn't I?" Your feet land on the cold tiles of the floor. An attempt to stand up and you fall back on the bed.

"Why am I still not able to walk straight? Hold on.. what time is it?'' You find your phone on the bedside table on your right and check the time.
"3 am!? Who passes out for only 2 hours!?" You notice that you were no longer in the dress you wore for work, but you're changed into a nightgown.

Curious, you wobble your way out of the guest room that you were in. You came across a huge hall with a beautiful chandelier in the middle of the ceiling. The hall was beige themed and dimly lit. "Beautiful.." You admired the interior and then came across a huge kitchen area.
"Woah.. this place is huge" you walked over to a photo frame on one of the walls. You smiled at the picture.
"He hasn't changed much.. maybe grown a bit more taller and… well.. more.. ripped." You say as your eyes trail down to the bottom half of the picture, a slight blush appearing on your cheeks.

You move on and find a big room with lights projecting out of the closed glass windows.
"Wait.. he's awake?" You tiptoe your way to one of the windows and try to sneakily peek into the room.
You see a huge empty bed, neatly made, not even a little slight crinkle on the bedsheet. You see a door open, and then your eyes go wide on seeing a man walk out of the washroom, wet and… without any clothes…

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