Chapter 3 - Enmity

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"No... t-this can't be... y-you're my b-boss?"

"Mhm. The one and only, Eren Yeager."


You couldn't believe your eyes.

(Is this real?
Eren? Of all people?
How did he even manage to get such a high position in a company like this? I thought he was a hopeless loser whose life purpose was to annoy me.)

"H-how?... I.. this.. I'm so confused"

His lips curl up into a smirk as he begins to speak;

"What was it that you had told me this morning?

"Your face makes me wanna beat you up"

Was that it?
No... no.. There was more...

"What would a pervy creep like you know about reputations?"

Is that what you had said earlier? Hmm.. I see..
Oh I'm not done yet.. I remember more..

"Yes I'm the company's new assistant manager, unlike your ass that's always up to no good."

That's what you told me in the morning, am I right?" He taunts.

"I-I'm sorry... I didn't know.." you reply, looking down as you don't have the courage to face him anymore.

He walks towards you and stops right in front of your face.

"Look at me when I'm talking." He demands.

You hesitate, again, you don't have the courage to face him anymore. You humiliated him a lot in the past and now he is going to get back at you.

(Damn it Yeager. I hate you so much.)

"Did you not hear me, Miss y/n?"
He holds your chin, forcing you to look up at him.

"Look at me when I'm talking." His tone was rough and threatening.

"Maybe I really am the pervy creep you accused me of being all these years"
He said, tightening his grip on your jaw even more.

He comes way too close to your face, looking you right in the eyes.

"What was it that you said to me after I confessed to you back then in front of the entire school?....

That you are way out of my league? And that I'll always be a hopeless loser no matter how hard I try? That I will never achieve anything because I'm worthless? That's what you said in front of everyone, am I right?

Not just that, you slapped me in the face right after I told you I'm in love with you and laughed at me.

I remember everything crystal clear. The entire school made fun of me, all because of you.

You ruined my school life, my friends left me, my teachers hated me and thought of me as a creep.

The reputation that I had of being a student, all of it was washed away.

So much for loving you, is that right?" He smiles, his eyes piercing right through your soul.

"Well guess what? Y/N L/N." He said, bringing his mouth to your ear.

"I'm gonna teach you how to talk to your boss" His tone is low and intimidating.

He ran his finger down your face and then your neck and then wrapped his hand around it.

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