Chapter Six | Im Alive?

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Don't be alarmed! This chapter has a lot of views suddenly and not for the wrong reasons. This chapter was just moved. I think I might just copy and paste it.

I have news regarding movie:27 recently released on April27th! Not to worry, it's not much of a spoiler. It's a tidbit fact outside of the plot description for the movie!


Kudou felt the pain that erupted when he was assaulted from behind. The base of skull was throbbing. He can't remember their face, except for silver. The color silver just kept eating away at his brain. He held a hand to his head to maybe press the horrible ache away but to no avail, he let it pass naturally.

"Where.. he left the restaurant, how late is it?!" He remembers leaving for a second when he saw.. the suspicious transaction happening— how long was I out cold for? He grumbled for having the worst luck as he was about to stand up when he suddenly was yoinked right back on the ground. What? He cocked a questionable brow and saw his clothes, weren't.. his clothes?.. They were.. but why were they so big? There's no way right?

"Hey! Come look at this!" Suddenly there was a blinding light in his face and Shinichi tried hard not to puke. Oh he definitely had a concussion of sorts. "A kid? What are you doing over 'ere all alone?" The second officer showed up with a golden light floating in their palm, calm as a cucumber about the run in and later a third came along who looked like he was getting tired of seeing this type of occurance. Was this normal? He looks at the officers increduslously.

Shinichi sweat dropped and tried not to cuss the officer out. Was there that many lost kids or something!? Im a kid! Shinichi cried within his own headspace and whines out loud. "H-hey, kid? You should be happy your a kid." The first officer frowned said, and helped Shinichi up after fixing the oversized pants, and opted for keeping the shirt over his bare behind.

"Isn't this.. suspicious? You don't think an adult assaulted the kid, right?" The first officer leaned closer towards the officers. It's a quiet, short admission amongst the three before one of the officers spoke up.
"Where's your parents kid? Got an address?" The second officer asked and clicked his flashlight off. Shinichi looked away and thinks, this is going to be a long night.


Shinichi was dropped off with a very concerned looking professor and a new face, who looks way to calm to care. Shes peering down at her own lap with a cup of tea. Shinichi just rubs the back of his skull, naturally he's eerily calm about this too. Agasa, the professor,— a very close friend with his father and inventor, put him down to fetch a pair of clothes that might actually fit him. He needs to contact his parents afterwards.. they're not home right now.

Shinichi should be questioning the professors sudden collection of children's clothes and seats himself across from Haibara. "Your taking this pretty well." The girl said slowly and sets her tea cup down. Shinichi hums, "yea, when your life is surrounded by mages and curses, well it starts becoming a nuisance more than anything.. and panicking, won't get me anywhere in this condition. Not unless I want to embarrass myself." Shinichi sighs against the couch, and pulls the jacket closer to his small frame.

"There's nothing embarrassing about grieving over unpredictable grievances." She said and licked her lips slowly. Probably enjoying the images of skinning him alive, yea?

"You're cursed Kudou Shinichi, and for the moment there's nothing we can do. Not right now anyways.. The curse you've inhabited is now apart of you. The nature of it.. well, you'd have to be around 8 or 10 years old to properly contain a curse, hence why your in this form." Shinichi nodded slowly as he absorbed the insightful information. He always ignored his crazy magick ever since he knew it was at his disposal. "If curses are contained at a young-age—how did my body?—,"

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 16 ⏰

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