Chapter Four | Dinner Sounds Good, PT.two!

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Shinichi was devastated. He is devastated. Kuroba is proving to be a worthy advisery. Kaito briefly mention's he's not dating anyone, and has no intention of pursuing someone. Suspicious. The warning bells in shinichi's head immediately vanish when a personality such as Kuroba is not dating anyone. Why wasn't he? The magician is youthful! Certainly someone like that can settle down or have fun without..
"Do you have any goals in mind?" Shinichi doesn't filter the words before they rudely interrupt Kaito. Despite Kaito's forth coming nature, and keen interest in the beginning of this double-date, before Shinichi intended to enjoy his night for all purpose,—Kaito resigns himself from making conversation with Shinichi (both male kudou's choose to pro in their decision to make little to no sound).

"Im so happy I came back! My cute-lil' Shin-chan sometimes gets too self-absorbed in cases! Luckily both Yusaku and I popped in!" Yukiko is very forthcoming with the information, she flutters her lashes as she shifts her elbows over the table. Her look is very suggestive towards the young-Kuroba, but not in the way a passerby or stranger might doubt. "Shinichi's so analytical! Soliving cases! ...I've heard your world is not ruled, but surrounded by magic, right?"
The magician tries not to make it obvious but the eyes shifting to and fro, absorbing everyone's reactions, except for his mother's. He's collecting the right words, and Kaito's response still eludes the young-detective. Yusaku has to hold back a knowing smirk when he hears the young-man's choice of wrords.
"To become a great Magician." Yes, Shinichi believes him. There's got to be more though.. Shinichi hums upon hearing the cheer in the magicians voice. Shinichi pointedly waits for Kaito to divert his attention just so the detective can exam the magicians facets.

The magician smiles wide and big, to whatever Yukiko says. Shinichi minds himself as his attention veers towards the waiters who're easily sweeping across the floor using magick. So much for gathering clues on the magicians person. In passing he can spy the particles sparkling in an' array of a singular color. Some platters are floated onto the table with careful precision. From what the detective gathers, the staff doesn't have anyone working the floor under the age of twenty-one. Shinichi squints as he wiggles in his chair more comfortably, only to land himself in a odd position, with the chair bobbing back and forth on its heels'. "Detective, you're quite famous for your athleticism, we can't have you twisting an ankle, can we?" Shinichi flashes the magician a look when he gently places a hand on his wrist. He dislikes being told what to do, or handled differently than what he's used to. But the sleuth worded it in such a delicate way, the sudden flare to show his reluctance diminishes like a calming wave cooling his features back in to place.

It's not like he's getting himself in trouble... Shinichi's eyes shift uncomfortably—he wouldn't say, charmed.. but Kuroba is very persuasive. He'll take up his own curiosity instead, and investigate any place relating to magick despite his lack of connection with it, unlike his mother. Who was very enthusiastic about showing Shinichi the ropes. The magician didn't let up the loose grip whilst their family chattered amongst themselves, and without moving his head, Shinichi can hear his father making easy work distracting the women.
"What's got you so attached, Detective?" Kaito was silent in question, and Said detective could barely catch what the magician said. Because it floated over his ears ever-so softly that he followed the direction in which caught Kaito's attention. Now they're both peering past the open kitchen window. magick.

That's right, do the Kuroba's utilize magick? The detective forgets about the floating mixture of colors working to make their food—hopefully it's their food. Shinichi is finding it hard to ignore the hand on his wrist, and keeping any harsh reaction from happening out of reflex, Shinichi tenses up as he scoots forward. "You two are awfully quiet. Don't tell me you guys aren't getting along?" Chikage lands a warm hand over her son's shoulder. Shinichi is grateful the magician's mother ignores their joined hands. Or rather the gentle grace of the magicians tools grazing the inside of Shinichi's wrist. The detective's parents, unfortunately for him, are very intent on making a scene out of it or poking fun at their only son until he's crippled, and beat red in the face.

"No way, mom! The magick of this place is very captivating! Literally," Shinichi is grateful Kaito makes it a point to divert their parents' attention. Now they're ogling at the floating instrument's either at a waiters side or used for a quick clean-up, and swift food-delivery. "Thank you," Shinichi keeps his voice low and its quite easy to imagine Kaito might've lost his voice in the rising sounds returning to a vibrancy when his ears seemingly zone back out—when did he stop listening? Kaito's index finger brushes again, against his skin. Now prickling with chills, running up along his forearm. His palm feels sweaty when the touches become more persistent. Shinichi blinks when he notices the small smile forming on the magicians face. Then he can't help ignoring the ambience surrounding them. The tapping is loud in contrast to the music, chatter and their parents not so subtly watching them. It's kind of hard not too.

The sleek black suit fitted on the detective is sleek and leaves everything to the imagination, whilst the magician adorns clothing loose, and taut in places that leave for divine fantasies. The Kudou's and Kuroba thought otherwise. Both female's drag their gazes back to Yusaku, whose peacefully sipping tea, that no-one noticed landing in the author's hand. Both woman share a surprising look, nonetheless pleased with the result of their meeting. "The Morse-code is a sweet touch.. Should we pretend and continue our gushing at a later date?" Chikage downed the last of her alcoholic beverage, cocking her definitive brows in a manner that would prove, housewives did meet up to drink wine, and discuses the newest juicy gossip after their husbands leave for work.

'no-need-to-thank-me-Metentei', Shinichi reasons this is somewhat of a normal occurrence with the magician. One person, whom he just met, should not have the power to command how much the detective can blush. Shinichi let the moment weigh over them as his thoughts strayed close to the magician.
one, His mother knew the Kuroba's. Their close friends, but how well does she know the magician? Shinichi pinches his lips together in refute that he may or may not be jealous of his mother.
Two, Shinichi just met Kuroba.. and where was his father? Shinichi chooses not to ponder on the last question.
Three, Does Shinichi want to pursue anything with Kaito? He's not opposed to their closeness, but the detective would prefer to make their, future interactions be more private. His mother is a chatter box, and Shinichi's father would certainly tease him despite leaving that task to his wife.

The magician seems normal enough— Shinichi tends to come to conclusions fairly quickly when it comes to his personal affairs, like planned blind-dates by his truly or the time he rationally decided to willingly enter the dating pool in the middle of lunch, at his university during lunch break, when both Ran and Sonoko are at his sides. It was a silly little dating app. Sonoko was very passionate and very keen on pointing out Shinichi non-existent love-life. The detective blames his mother for the quick suspicion born from the ex-actresses good intentions.

Shinichi is released by Kaito when their hot dishes come sweeping over head. There was no reason to question the maigican's taste, and the discussion what might be their favorite, didn't occur to them. The talking dies down as the kudou's and Kuroba's move on to enjoying the rest of their night.


I hope you are liking the story so far! Im having a hard time, in fact, trying to figure out Shinichi's quirks. I don't watch 'Detective Conan: Case Closed' as much as I watch 'Magic Kaito' or 'Kaito Kid 1412'. I might be butchering their titles..
It just proves, I DONT OWN THE FRANCHISE, it's ADAPTATIONS, and CHARACTERS! I don't own anything! :)

Oh! Thank you for the votes!
See you next chapter! (Maybe, that's if you decide to come back again!)

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