Chapter Three | Dinner Sounds Good, PT.One!

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I had a lot to write for this scene, and I wasn't sure if I should've made a pt-one and pt-two. Idid just that! :) I hope you enjoy! This chapter was a lot of fun! I didn't edit it, but I'll go back over it tonight and fix up any mistakes! ENJOYYY (I did do parts. I did in fact come back, and edit. Some of it—🤫)


Shinichi shut the large door behind him. No one was home right now, so fortunately he had an evening to himself before his father returned—shinichi glances up at the ceiling trapped in a trance trying to listen for any signs of life.
There's a good chance his father is hidden away in a room. He's not running from his editor this time around. Personally, the detective has an inkling of a feeling it's just an excuse to travel to foreign countries. When Shinichi was younger he'd have moments of sadness whenever his parents left him to his own musings,(after an age Shinichi could qualify as "grown-up" enough; Shinichi was apart of the enabling). He wanted to go with them, and Shinichi finds himself tired of being alone. Sometimes.. he feels put off by the sudden exclamation. In situations, outside of his inter-personal scope, he's the one exposing a murderer's vulnerability. Sounds kinda harsh, he sweat drops as he dryly chuckles, putting it that way.

    The detective enters the kitchen, now harboring wish-washy thoughts regarding his.. supposed-not abandonment issues'. Running a tired hand over his solemn features doesn't affect his mood in a positive manner. It just smooths out the tense wrinkles between his brow bone.
    "I almost didn't hear you come in, Shinichi." Yusaku appears in the kitchen from the living room, seemingly waltzing around the house unawaress he might scare Shinichi or Yukiko. His father drags his slippers further into the kitchen, and Shinichi minds himself as he fixes himself a new pot of coffee. Fortunately his father did not leave the morning brew to stain the glass. "Thanks, for emptying the coffee." Shinichi gestured toward the coffee-pot, now purring to life, not as smooth when he first used it. He jots down a mental note, he'll have to buy a new one. Otherwise he will leave it until, ultimately it meets its end.

"Hm.. It's well loved. Just proves, how much of a coffee-holic my son has come to be." Shinichi snorts in affirmation. He's not wrong. "You're not wrong about that. Sometimes I cut back in the afternoon. I'll leave it for some mornings, and whenever Im working into the night on a case." Shinichi steps back whilst the coffee-pot fills up. He turns to place his brief case atop the chair, and neatly folds his jacket over his arm, only to drape it over a hook near the foyer. Back tracking into the kitchen, his father has made himself quite comfortable by the island. Yusaku waits in the spot Shinichi found him this morning.

        "There's a concern I wish to address with you.. as well. But first, how are you adjusting to the information from this morning?" Shinichi stalls for a moment in the midst of examining his own fingernails. His father really knows how to shake him to his core without any underlining motive. "There's nothing I need to adjust too.. Whether or not I like it, they were still apart of your life. Im your son, and I love you. It just bugs me you canoodled with a thief." The detective can hear the smile in his father's voice as he listen from his spot by the island counter-top.
    "Is it because he was a criminal?"
    "are you implying said criminal is either alive or has quit their job?"
    "I didn't think thievery was a job."
        Shinichi turns on his heel to throw a look over his shoulder,
"No, answer my question." He squints in his father's general direction before fixing himself a cup of coffee. Yusaku, continues to drag on the silence, until Shinichi comes up to the island counter to use it as a means to support his weight.
    "My answer relates to this.. sensitive topic I wanted to discuss with you. Promise not to get upset, but I won't be bothered to defend myself because, you didn't exactly, hide it." Yusaku slowly lowered his own cup he must've dragged in with him. Shinichi closes his eyes briefly. His father must've come across his notes, and small bits of evidence huddled together not quite in order in his father's collection of books.

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