Chapter Five | Phone Numbers are Exchanged!

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Shinichi steps outside after a long evening filling his belly, and feeling flustered underneath the warm lighting and a certain magicians teasing smile. He rubs a hand over his bloated gut, feeling absolutely satisfied and ready for bed. Hes the only one standing out front, except for a handsy couple deciding what they should do for the rest of the night, so he takes a moment to walk a few paces away from the inside warmth and the hormonal couple.

Breathing in the cool air he finds refreshing, and Shinichi gently presses a hand into his skin. The warmth seems to have evaporated but his cheeks still carry the same pinkish hue.
"Metentei! Don't rush off without saying goodbye, will you?" There's that boyish charm as the magician interrupts the detective's train of thought, carrying himself a lot lighter and bubbly than before. Shinichi snorts, and minds the common eye roll over the shoulder in response to the exuberant behavior. Not that he minds.

Shinichi turns to face the magician head on. Beneath the street lamp, the features on Kaito's face are shadowed beneath the height of his bed-ridden hair.
  Shinichi isn't shorter than the other, but it does leave an impression. He lifts a hand to his mouth whilst his gaze divulges itself by feasting on the sewer grate. He didn't possibly, think that was sexy.. alluring, yes, and definitely frightening for his future. The brief image flickers in his mind, and he huffs as his hand retreats and shoots back down by his hip.

The movement startles the magician, and for a minute they stand still beneath the only light within five feet from them. Shinichi knows Kaito watched the whole internal struggle happen. "Kudou?" Kaito's voice isn't distant, like when an officer comforts the victim's spouse, loved-one or friend. It throws Shinichi for a loop. Maybe he's so used to comparing the disconnected-friendships at the precinct since the start of his career.. to the start of new friendships before they even begin.
     The detective has been active for about a year now, officially. He spent a good portion while he attended high-school until he finished university. Offering up his second-opinion or physically getting hands on. Keibu always vouched Shinichi was an intern, shadowing for future reference or a discussion project.

The detective has gotten to know the officers stationed at Beika's Police Headquarters but he can't help the grimace every time Keibu comes up with a shit excuse. Shinichi's main struggle, was the age-gap. If not for his reputation, the mages and non-mages dispute against him would've been the least of his worries.

"I'm alright, thank you." Shinichi creates a little distance by taking a step back. His hands are feeling lonely, more cold as the seconds drag on. He jams them in his pockets in hopes to suck up any heat he can. His fingers get all twitchy just thinking about it. "Then would you be alright, ..exchanging numbers?" Shinichi blinks up at Kaito as they face another, and Shinichi listens with rapt attention as Kaito's voice gets much softer with a hint of nervousness. It's in the way his head ducks ever so slightly, and the gentle rubbing with his thumb, against his phone. There's a pause as Shinichi soaks up the information. He never knew someone could feel anxious receiving his number—not unless it's a criminal. Shinichi swallows a lump in his throat.

The magician's eyes are searching as the question is left in the air, leaving possibilities in its wake. Did he want to have Kaito's number? If not as a potential prospect.. but a friend? Shinichi beat the reaction to roll his eyes, as if a young-man such as Kaito had the intention to court a total stranger. Maybe the convincing lie was able to calm his heart a little.

Shinichi pulls his hands free to check the breast pocket of his coat. His knuckles do in-fact look red. The magician can't help but notice the grumbling pout on the detectives face when his hand stops mid-way. Kaito hesitently gestured to his own phone before switching it off silent.

Shinichi flips his phone open, still stuck in a phase of disbelief when the magician didn't purposefully make a comment about his prehistoric phone. Hattori always makes it a point to make fun of him. The magician is teasing by nature.. and the detective doesn't seem to mind the soft laughter whenever Kaito poked light fun across the dinner table. "Here," Shinichi willingly shoved the phone closer, and Kaito readily beams up at Shinichi when he's given free rein.

Luckily his parents didn't spy on their exchange.. By the time Yusaku, Chikage and Yukiko come out, the magician and detective are standing side my side near the railing. Shinichi's spies over his shoulder as the magician leans against it, and there's a good chance no one is allowed to do so.

The detective hadn't realized how close Kaito reached out to him. He sits squarely against Kaito's shoulder, and it's comforting to know the magician hasn't thrown him off or conjured up an excuse to create some distance. Something about keeping all limbs inside the sidewalk.
  "The weathers a' touch cold, huh?" Shinichi hums in response to Kaito's question. His eyes flicker in the direction Kaito shifted his feet. He notices Kaito's burning gaze is directly facing the full moon. The sight is.. beautiful.

"I got it! You two look so charming in this photo!" Chikage charges forward with a phone in hand, with much grace, standing in 6'inch stilettos. Shinichi winces silently and he can feel his toes scrunch up in his shoes. Never. Kaito's not too far off when his hand absently reaches out around Shinichi's wrist. The detective chooses to ignore it when his own parents are busy chatting, talking over excitedly over his mom's phone. What is on that phone??

Chikage situates herself between them after politely requesting she sit down. Shinichi blinks up at Kaito—his eyebrows are raised and their hands are awkwardly avoiding getting squished, very inappropriately underneath an older-woman's bosom. "See, see! I didn't notice how dark your eyes are Kai." Shinichi marvels as Kaito gets swept up in his mother's new-found interest.

The detective can't help the jittery laugh when Kaito proceeds to make silly faces. The cold really has bitten away at his own ears and nose, and the magician takes great care distracting Shinichi. "Don't patronize me, hush! You naughty boys."
Chikage put her phone away back into her large handbag, only to slap both their arms simultaneously. Not that it hurt, Shinichi watches her stand on her feet, and non-too steadily, so he eagerly finds an excuse to move his body just to warm  up a bit. Even if it's to get his heart pumping.. for less provocative reasons.
"Thank you honey!" Chikage continues her path forward more carefully after the near slip up, and when Shinichi returns his full attention back to Kaito, he looks at Shinichi with a soft smile that's, almost.. bridging onto a snicker.

"What are you scheming?" The magician slaps away the idea. Literally. At least his skin feel's less rigid and more tingly. "We should, head home. I might as well ditch my parents. Our rents." Shinichi minds his step when he follows suit behind Chikage, but unlike her, he stops to face Kaito. "It was a pleasure meeting you, Kuroba."

"Take care of the rose."
Shinichi forgets the vibrant color in his cheeks, for the cold and the uncomfortable brand new dress shoes, and a waiting hot cup of black coffee back home.
He hugs Chikage good night, and casually waves his mother and father farther down the sidewalk. Where they can't bombard him with hugs, and quips regarding the recent-to-non-existent development with a magician.

Magicians are different from mages. Their masters of escape, and illusions.
Mages are troublesome. And mages feel entitled to utilize their abilities as they see fit.

Shinichi has a strong sense of justice, so facing a few mages, after spending a night out sitting across a young bachelor, he's feeling pretty.. unawares. Of the dangers wondering in the middle of the night.




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