4. Toxic Lavender

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"And he looked at me and I just knew he felt it too, you know? He's in love with me! So, what do you think I should do?" I tried to answer Lavender, but she continued before I could even take a breath," do you think I should ask him out? I'll call him my Won-Won! Merlin's beard he's so in love with me! I have to ask him out. The poor thing is just dreaming of me, isn't he? I cant wait to see him again tomorrow."

It was moments like these, every moment she spoke to me, that I wondered how we became friends, if you could even call us that. I'm a fairly quiet person. Bit of a push over really. That tends to happen when you've got narcissistic parents who neglect you your whole life.

Luckily, shes not my only friend. I've still got Lucille, but we only talk through letters. I met her last year during the Tri-Wizard Tournament, she goes to Beauxbaton, you see.

I used to have more friends. Neville Longbottom, Luna Lovegood, and in first and second year I was actually very close to Angelina Johnson. They were good friends, I miss them, but they've found better friends and they seem to get along well. I don't want to intrude.

Lavender keeps rambling on about Ronald Weasley. She does this now and again. Obsesses over boys. She lives in her own little world. Creates things that aren't there. Feelings. Relationships. Like our friendship.

I've been realizing more and more that our friendship is a bit one sided. Theres not much I can do though, we share a room and I can never get a word in. Besides I've seen what happens when people hurt her feelings, and I don't want to be on the receiving end of those glares.

I feel bad for Ronald. What's coming for him won't be pretty. I see tantrums in the near future and I'll have to be the one to listen to them. I should prepare for some late nights attempting to comfort her. I've done it before. Ever the loyal friend. It's a wonder I'm not in Hufflepuff, honestly.

Actually it's a wonder I'm in Gryffindor. I dont know how I got here. I can't even share my thoughts with my only friend here at Hogwarts.

I have a lot of thoughts. Good and bad. At home I'm left with only myself to turn to for comfort. I'm unable to go anywhere, lest my mother throw a fit. I'm only in this world to get good grades so I can get a "decent job with more than decent pay" to care for my mother in her old age.

My home is a fortress of solitude. Nowhere to go and rarely anyone home. I'm lucky if I see another living soul at all for a few minutes a week.

Sometimes I go so long without speaking I'll have no voice at all for days. Lately, however, I've fallen in love with music and I'll find myself humming in a daily basis. I've discovered muggle radio. It brings light and life into my darker days. It's hard to move forward when every day seems stays the same.

Is time even mov-

"Anyways, love, I'm going bedy-by," she kisses my head and smushes my face,"sweet dreams, dove, see you in the morn'!"

Her sugary voice breaks me from my plummeting thoughts and I'm reminded of the time. She made a habit of calling me by pet names very early in our friendship. I tried telling her it made me uncomfortable, but that hurt her feelings. When I say I'm a push over I really truly mean it. Whatever Lavender wants, goes.

I pull my quilt over my legs and stare out the window for awhile. I wish we could wander the grounds at night. I understand the dangers of it, but it's so lovely out. The cold grass, the moonlight, the stars. If I could just go lay in the grass. If I could just be alone in the cold dark for a few minutes.

I sink down under the covers and close my eyes.

Perhaps the next night. Perhaps the night after. Perhaps next year. One of these days, I'll finally have the courage of a true Gryffindor. I'll finally sneak out late and forget the world for just a single moment of peace for myself.

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