5. Love of Death

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"One wish," I repeat him, my voice barely above a whisper.

"Just the one, yes," his voice rasps.

"You truly love me?" I gaze up into his eyes. The darkest, deepest black I've ever seen in all of my existence.

"More than death itself," he hisses insistently.

He's been asking for so long. "What would make you happy, dear," he'd ask, "I'll give it to you. All you need do is ask."

"I want to feel the rain again."

There was a pause. I look down from his frozen expression. This was the one thing I know he would never do. Because this means bringing me back to life. I don't even know if it's at all possible, but it's what I want. That's what he asked for.

"The British Ministry of Magic has recently uncovered the Veil," he began. I look up at his face once more, unsure what this meant.

"The Veil is the gateway between the worlds. Their world and the next; our world," his speech is hesitant like he is unwilling to tell me these things.

"This Veil, it is something only I have the ability to pass through from this side. Dearest beloved, you're asking me to break my eternal oath," he sounds as if desperate to change my mind.

"That is my one desire," I respond unwilling to settle for anything less," it is what I dream of in the nights and what I ache for in the mornings. I long to feel again."

The figure that stands before me is in a dark shroud and he lurches over me. His form is boney and his silhouette willowy. His face forlorn, for he knows he can not change my mind. It has been decided.

Life is my wish and Death is to grant it.

"I shall see what I can do for you, my love," he mopes and swishes his cloak over himself, disappearing.

This was a victory. I celebrate in my thoughts, unwilling to outwardly portray my excitement. I act decent and proper in this realm to keep up the impression Death has of me. He thinks of me as his jewel. I am his pride.

Though truly, in my life before, I was quite the unbridled minx. I was a witch just a few years fresh out of school. I had gone to a school for magic called Hogwarts. There I had been placed in Gryffindor house and I had the best of times playing pranks on my peers with my four best friends. Merlin, how I miss them. I hope they are well.

You see, there was this war, and I was killed while trying to protect my friends. I don't know what's become of them.

I let my mind wander as there's not much else to do around here, Death doesn't like me conversing with my fellow dead. This is probably why I can't seem to let go of the life I had before. All the time I spend reliving memories and imagining where my friends are now.

I spend hours pondering this time. Thinking back on their smiles and our laughs. One friend in particular I've began to notice my thoughts changing about him. I sometimes remember things he would say and the more I think on them the more I have to wonder if he were hinting at things. Dropping clues and hiding meanings behind his words.

"You don't need him, you've got me," he'd said the first time a boy had broken my heart," us, I mean! You've got us!" He'd insisted. Back then I was too wrecked to even recognize the slip up, but now I wonder if he'd meant it. I had him.

"You look enchanting, certainly better than that ginger that James keeps chasing away," he'd said that on the night of the Yule Ball. I had felt so insecure about my dress. My father had picked it out since my mother had died when I was a child. It's color didn't do my pasty skin any favors, but Sirius insisted," you're not pasty. You look like a porcelain doll," we'd stared into each others eyes, my arms wrapping around my waist because of my insecurities and his arms reaching out to unravel mine from around my body," not that you're fragile. You're unbreakable."

I smile at the memory of him. Sirius Black. I wonder what kind of man he is now. I've been gone for about fifteen years now. Out of desperation, Death didn't let me look in on the living world. I still don't know how the war ended if it ever did. I'm always away in my thoughts and memories and Death knows that I miss it all. That's why he tries to distance me from it, but the further I'm kept the harder I cling.

I'm broken from my thoughts by the reappearance of said being. I look up at him and I'm sure my eyes are filled with hope.

"An old woman who died of old age is willing to attempt crossing over with me through the Veil. Because of how she died, she will die again once she passes through the Veil, for her body cannot support life any longer," his words seem to come unwillingly. He doesn't want to do this, clearly, but since I want it so desperately he is trying just for me. I reach out a thankful hand and rest it on his arm before he continues," this is to be certain of two things: carrying a soul under my cloak will allow them to pass through the Veil with me, and once a soul has entered back into the land of the living, its body is returned to it."

I nod once appreciatively. He places his skeletal hand over top of mine and lowers his head, saddened. I pull my hand back and allow myself to float away in order to get back to my thoughts. He slouches and walks away, once more leaving me to my thoughts.

If this works, if I get my life back, first thing I want to do is find Sirius. I hope he is well.

At some point, I must've dozed off, because next thing I know, Death is pulling be towards the Veil. I can see written on his face that he is both happy to be able to grant me my wish, but also sad that I am leaving him.

"There are people on the other side of the Veil currently. Once through you should explain to them what has happened and you will tell them that they are to help you reinstate your life else they've me to answer to," he speaks sternly and guides me along.

We face a tattered black fabric that ripples in a nonexistent wind. This must be the Veil. Through the thin cloth we can see blurred figures and bursts of light. That looks like fight!

Before I can warn Death of the dangers beyond the Veil, dangers that will certainly threaten my newly gifted life, he wraps his invisible cloak around me and holds me close.

He knows whats happening out there. He knows that he is throwing me in harms way! He wants me to die again so that I will stay with him! What a conniving beast he is!

Right before we reach the Veil a body falls through. Without the time to react and move out of the way, the soul falls into me and we both are pushed back into Life. We fall in a heap to the floor.

There are spells being thrown all around us, shouting and screaming and laughter filling the air. I hear multiple curses and defensive spells being cast as I try to stay as low to the ground as I can.

I realize, much to my embarrassment and much too late, that I'm laying atop the man who'd fallen through the Veil. He coughs a bit, catching his breath from having died just moments ago, and my face looks down to meet his.

I let out a gasp and apologize before rolling off of him. I lift my upper body a bit and look around quickly. The spell casting seems to have come to a halt and everyone is staring at me and the man.

I look around the room to all of the people and my eyes catch on one quickly," Remus!"

He gapes at me and I look around once more. Theres a young boy to my right, standing behind the man who's still laying beside me.

"Sirius! You're alive!" the boy shouts with a huge grin. He drops to the ground and squeezes the man in a hug.

My eyes widen as I take pause. My breath quickens and I stare after him. The boy lets go of him and he turns to me.

"Sirius?" I feel a hot tear run down my face. I hadn't realized how I'd felt about him until just then. He looks amazing.

I watch as his eyes widen in recognition and his lips mouth my name. I nod as more tears fall.

"You haven't aged a day," he whispers. I let out an huff and leap onto him. Remus lets out a loud guffaw and runs to wrap his arms around us as well.

It is a reunion better than any I've imagined over the last fifteen years.

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