6. Hagrid's Little Beastie

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Once upon a time, one Rubeus Hagrid got his hands on the egg of a magical creature (not unlike he has before of course).

His friend, Mr. Scamander, had found it on a shore in Greece. Mr. Scamander thought it was a selkie egg and knew his good friend, Hagrid, had been searching for one. Hagrid had prepared an enclosed area of the Black Lake just for the occasion.

See, Hagrid had always wanted to teach Care of Magical Creatures at Hogwarts, and while he already has many magical pets in his possession, Hagrid wanted to also have some untamable creatures on hand in order to demonstrate to the students how dangerous some creatures could be.

So, when Mr. Scamander found the egg, he made his way back to Hogwarts to give the gift to his friend.

Little did they know, that egg was not holding a selkie within.

A few months went by with the egg being in Hagrids care. Then one evening, as he was taking his now daily walk to the Black Lake to check on his litte beastie, he heard it. A faint whining. Almost a cry.

Hagrid sped his up his pace, worried something might've happened to the egg. As he approached the shore of the lake, the crying became louder and he could just see something squirming around on the edge of the water. Once he saw the beast in its entirety he paused in his step.

This was no selkie.

He began walking forward again, much slower now. The creature, no, the baby before him was interesting. He'd never seen one in person like this. Not a selkie, not at all. A merfolk.

Hagrid began to worry that Mr. Scamander may have unknowingly taken this child from its family. However, before he could begin to plan out the letter he must send out to his friend on the matter, he must take care of the child.

Hagrid knew much on the subject of merfolk. He had a fascination with intelligent beings such as werewolves, half-giants (such as himself), centaurs, and merfolk alike. He knew if he got the child dried off its tail would transform into legs, and as he could leave the child out there to freeze (as it was winter), he would have to take it in and wrap it up; nice and snug.

Hagrid pulled off the pelt around his shoulders and wrapped up the shivering, screaming child. As soon as it was nice and cozy in his arms, it calmed. Rubbing the pelt around the baby to help warm it up, Hagrid made his way quickly back to his hut. He would have to feed the fire he had going back home and find a place for the baby to sleep.

Back at his hut, Hagrid had found a small cot and place the child in it. He gathered some wood from the pile outside and threw them into his fireplace. He gather more pelts from around the house and prepared to tucked them in around the baby, but then he had a thought. Was the baby a girl or a boy?

Surely the child was dry enough now for the transformation to have taken place, he thought. He slowly unraveled the now sleeping merbabe and took a glance before wrapping the pelts back around the poor, freezing thing.

After feeling the cold reach his bare skin again, he'd awoken. His big eyes stared up tiredly at the half-giant above him. He gave a big yawn and allowed himself to fall back into sleep's dark grasp.

A boy. Hagrid had a baby merman in his possession. Now to write to Mr. Scamander and figure out if this child could be returned to his parents or if Hagrid now had a child to raise.

Hagrid had to admit, the thought was appealing to his heart. To share his hut with a child. He never thought he'd have one of his own and the thought excited him.

With a hesitant smile, he took one last look at the babe, caressing his cheek, before turning to grab his quill.

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