Chapter 5

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I have school today, which really puts a damper on my good mood from the dinner last night. I hate school; I'm pretty good at it, but I still despise it with my entire being.

I'm currently in the bathroom, debating my appearance in the mirror. Baggy ripped jeans, an oversized flannel, a ton of rings and chains, and a pair of old beat-up Air Forces. I'm too lazy to do anything with my hair, so I just run my fingers through it and fix my curtain bangs. Good enough for me.

I head into the bedroom and grab my bag and textbooks off the floor. Adley, seeing that I'm ready to go, jumps off the bed and grabs her Nemo backpack. I stick out my hand for her to hold and lead her out of the house.

We walk down the streets hand-in-hand so she doesn't get snatched like a wallet in a back pocket. The elementary school and high school are different buildings, but I still walk her to school.

When we reach the large brick building, we do our secret handshake and I give her a kiss on the crown of her head. "Have a good day, Petite Monstre."

"You too. Love you, Y/N!"

"Love you," I call after her as she runs into the building. I've never understood her love for school. Although, she's six years old, so she probably just colors and takes naps.

I turn around and walk a few blocks down the road to the high school. I have Spanish III first, which isn't too horrible. After that I have AP English, AP US History, and then Pre-calculus. Yeah, I know. My junior year is a fun schedule. On other days, I have study hall, anatomy, forensics, and psychology.

Spanish goes by painfully slow, but then I have English, which is a Godsend. The English teacher, by the way, is totally a MILF. But you didn't hear that from me.

I made the English teacher laugh twice during class, but not much else happened during school.

After school, I picked up Adley and walked back home. I don't have to work today, which is good because I have a ton of homework to catch up on.

When we get back to the house, I grab a snack from the kitchen and head to our room. I put on a movie for Adley and set the box of dry Cheerios between us.

One hour later, there are books, notebooks, pencils, and my school laptop spread out on the bed in front of me. Adley is coloring beside me and I'm finding the inverses of functions (fun, right?).

My train of thought is interrupted by the vibration of my phone. I pick it up, and a text from Scarlett lights up the screen.

That One Random Actress: Hey, sweetie! The girls and I had a lot of fun with you guys last night. What are you up to?

Me: We had fun, too! I'm just doing some homework.

That One Random Actress: Well, I guess it wouldn't be very responsible of me to interrupt your education to invite you to get ice cream, right?

Me: As amazing (and totally not irresponsible) as that sounds, I'm really behind on homework so I can't. Definitely another time, though.

That One Random Actress: Of course! You're oddly responsible for a teenager. I'll talk to you later!

Ha, she texts just like a mom. Ice cream definitely sounds great, but I need to keep my grades up. If I don't get a really good scholarship, then I won't be going to college. I haven't done sports since I was put into the foster system, but I'm in several clubs and academics are my main thing. I sigh and turn off my phone, going back to the mountains of homework sitting on my bed.

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