Chapter 14

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 "Okay, I think that's everything," I said, my eyes skimming over the pile of my stuff in the entryway. "Guitar, amp, pedals, lockbox, clothes..." I mumbled to myself as I went over the checklist in my head.

"Are you sure?" Scarlett asked.

"Yeah, I think so. Thank you for letting me keep my stuff here, Dottie. You've been incredibly helpful through...everything," I said to the older woman.

"Oh, of course! You ain't gotta thank me, honey. You and Adley are always welcome here. And I'm sorry for what you've been through. I always knew somethin' was off with that man, I just wish I woulda done somethin' to help."

"None of that was your fault, Dottie," I said as I put my guitar around my back and picked up some of my stuff. "I'll see you around. Thanks again."

Scarlett picked up the rest of my belongings and quietly thanked Dottie before we walked out to the car. We loaded the stuff in silence, but it was peaceful.

"You didn't tell me you play guitar," Scarlett said as we got into the car.

"It never came up. That guitar was my dad's, so I guess it was just extra motivation to learn," I explained as I propped my feet up on the dash.

"Get your feet off the dash; it's dangerous," Scarlett scolded. "So are you any good or am I going to need to invest in noise-cancelling headphones?"

"Oh, shut up!" I whined, rolling my eyes and putting my feet back down. "I've never played for anyone besides Adley, so I couldn't tell you."

"This is great! You can give us personal concerts!"

"Nuh-uh. No way. Nope. I will not be playing for any of you, thank you very much."

"Really? Not even one song? What if I close my eyes?"

"You can still hear me with your eyes closed!" I retaliated with a laugh.

"Okay, okay, fine. You don't have to play for me if you aren't comfortable. But one day, I will hear you play guitar."

"Thank you," I agreed.

We got home and I brought my stuff into my room. I threw it on the floor to pick up later and stood my guitar in the corner of the room. I had barely sat down at my desk when Adley came running in.

"Y/N! Rose and I are gonna go play ninjas in the backyard! Will you come?" she asked with an excited grin.

"Sorry, Ads, I can't. I've got a ton of homework and a test to study for," I said without looking up from my math.

"Pretty please?"

"Adley, I can't right now."


"'But' nothing. I'm busy. You and Rose can play by yourselves," I grumbled. I heard her leave the room and shook my head, continuing my homework.


Scarlett knocked on my open door about an hour later and walked in, sitting on the edge of my bed.

"What's up?" I prompted, glancing at her quickly.

"Did something happen with you and Adley?" This piqued my interest and I spun around in my chair with furrowed eyebrows, finally pulling my attention away from my textbook.

"What? What do you mean?"

"She's been all gloomy for the past hour. Her and Rose played outside for a few minutes but she seemed kind of upset."

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