Chapter 11

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As soon as we got back to the house, Y/N went upstairs to her room to take a nap. The day had visibly taken a toll on her, and she was mentally drained. She barely even acknowledged me when I kissed the crown of her head before she went upstairs.

Lizzie had stayed here with Adley while we were at the courthouse, so I trudged straight into the living room and collapsed onto her with a heavy sigh.

With my head in her lap and her hands running through my hair, Lizzie asked "How did it go?"

"I mean he got the full ten-year sentence, so that's good...I guess. But it wrecked Y/N. You should've heard the things she said about him, Lizzie. The things he did..."

"Hey, she's safe now, Scarlett. Her and Adley have a good home here with you."

"I know she's safe now, but what about when they take her away? I mean, this is only a temporary arrangement until they're placed in foster homes. I don't want them to go, Lizzie," I mumbled with teary eyes.

It was quiet for a minute. Looking into my eyes, she said "So don't let them go."

"How? What do you mean?"

"Have you thought about adopting them, Scarlett?"

"Well, of course I have, but...I mean that's two more kids, Lizzie. I can only handle so much on my own."

"You wouldn't be on your own. You would have me...and the rest of our friends and family would be happy to help. Hell, I'd love to adopt Adley. I know I haven't spent a ton of time with her, but I love that little girl. And you obviously love Y/N like she's your own daughter. Just think about it, okay?"

"Okay," I whispered. I grabbed her hand and intertwined our fingers. "Wait a minute, where are Adley and Rose?"

Lizzie laughed and said "You're just now asking that? They're watching movies in Rose's room. At least they were, they're probably asleep by now."

"Ugh, Lizzie! Now they're not gonna sleep tonight," I grumbled.

"Aw, poor baby has to deal with hyper kids," she said with faux sympathy, jutting out her bottom lip in a mocking pout.

"Shut up, Olsen. You'll be dealing with them, too." We laid there like that for several minutes, no words needing to be spoken. "You really think I could do it? Be a good mom to Y/N?"

"I know you could, Scarlett. You're already an amazing mother to her, even if neither of you realize it."

"Thank you, Lizzie. You're the best friend I could ever ask for. I love you."

"I love you too, Scarlett." A strange knot formed in my stomach when I referred to Lizzie as my best friend, but I couldn't risk messing up the situation with Y/N over some silly feelings. They'll go away eventually, right?

Eventually I drifted off to sleep, and all the worries faded away.


My stomach growled loudly before I could even open my eyes all the way. I sat up in bed, rubbing the sleep from my eyes. Yawning, I checked the time on my phone. It was well past dinner time, and I was wondering why nobody had woken me up. Maybe they just wanted to let me sleep.

I shuffled downstairs quietly and, on my way to the dimly lit kitchen, I did a double-take when I passed the living room. There on the couch, with the TV and faint kitchen light being the only source of lambency, Scarlett and Lizzie were sound asleep. And they were cuddling. I smiled and took a picture on my phone before resuming my mission.

Considering they were still in the living room and wearing the same clothes as before, I assumed they hadn't had anything to eat. So I looked through the kitchen for something to make. I decided on some plain elbow noodles, considering I had no idea where any other food was.

Twenty minutes later, I had five bowls of pasta. I brought two bowls upstairs to Adley and Rose; I had to wake them from a peaceful slumber, but they appreciated the food nonetheless.

Back downstairs, I carried the other three bowls into the living room and set them on the coffee table.

Scarlett was asleep on Lizzie's lap, so I crouched down in front of the sofa and, after I decided against being normal and shaking her awake, I cleared my throat and said in a deep voice "Miss Johansson, this is your captain speaking. Please wake up. You as well, Miss Olsen."

Her face scrunched up but she didn't wake up; Lizzie didn't even flinch.

I sighed and said "Guys, wake up. I made food." Still nothing. "Scarlett, Lizzie, I have something to tell you guys. I'm pregnant." Silence. "I'm dropping out of school and running away to join the circus." Still sound asleep. "You're like a mother to me, Scarlett. I love you."

Still, neither woman stirred. I gave up and gently shook their shoulders. That woke them up, and they groggily blinked away any trace of sleep.

"Good morning, lovebirds. I made food."

"It's morning already?" Lizzie asked.

"No it's 10pm—that was a joke. Are you okay? Did someone slip sedatives in y'all's drinks or something?"

"You were sleeping, too," Scarlett grumbled as she took a bowl of pasta. Neither of them commented on me calling them lovebirds. Interesting.

"Yeah, yeah. Eat your food."

"Thank you for cooking, Y/N," Lizzie said.

"No problem."

We ate in silence, both of them still sitting on the couch and me sitting cross-legged on the coffee table.

"How are you feeling?" Scarlett asked after we finished.

"Um...okay, I guess. I don't know if it's really hit me yet. More than anything, I'm just worried about Adley. She can't land in another bad foster home; it'll ruin her."

"It'll ruin her or it'll ruin you?" I grabbed the empty bowls and carried them to the kitchen, avoiding Lizzie's question. I washed the bowls in the sink and completely zoned out.

I jumped when Scarlett rested her hand on my shoulder.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you," she apologized.

"No, it's fine. I just spaced a little."

"You don't have to do the dishes, you know."

"I don't mind."

"Then thank you. I appreciate it."

"Hey, Scarlett? Can I talk to you about something?" I asked, drying off my hands.

"Of course, hun. What's up?"

"There's something I've been thinking about for quite a while—since before I even met you. Technically, if I were to get emancipated...I would be legally allowed to adopt Adley. It would be a difficult process, but at least I could keep her safe. What do you think?"

"Y/N, are such a responsible teenager. I've seen firsthand how well you take care of Adley. But you are still a teenager. How would you support the both of you? What about school? I just don't think it's practical."

"Yeah, okay." I'd be lying if I said I wasn't disappointed. Scarlett's support was important to me. "I'm gonna go to bed now. Night, Scarlett."

"Goodnight, Y/N."

Scarlett can think whatever she wants, but there's no way I'm letting them separate Adley and I. Hell, if I have to pack up Adley and run away, then that's what I'll do. Even though our DNA says otherwise, she's my little sister, and I'm not giving her up without a fight.

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