Chapter 13

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Scarlett instructed us to throw some necessities in a bag and we scurried to follow her orders. Ten minutes later, Scarlett, Lizzie, Rose, and I were getting in the car and pulling out of the driveway. The only thing left between my sister and I was six hours of road.

Lizzie was making phone calls for at least an hour. I wasn't listening; in fact, I don't really remember much from the ride. I pride myself with the ability to completely zone out and live through the boring parts of life on autopilot. Although, that does become an issue in school. But that's a problem for another day.

Three hours in, we stopped at a rest area to use the bathroom. I swung by the vending machine to grab an energy drink to feed my severe caffeine addiction. Lizzie made sure to chastise me for my unhealthy choices. Rose asked to try it. I said no like the responsible person I am, and then gave her a sip as soon as the adults weren't looking.

Consequently, I was bouncing around the car in the fourth hour of the ride. Playing 2000's throwback hits and singing my heart out, scolding Rose for not knowing the songs, and hoping that my hyper side wouldn't make Scarlett change her mind about adopting me.

Let's just say that by the fifth hour, I crashed hard. And it definitely wasn't flattering; limbs sprawled across the seat with my feet in Rose's lap, mouth hung open, snoring, and even a bit of drool to top it all off.

I woke up when the vehicle began to slow down. Sitting up and yawning, I looked around and realized we were driving through a suburban neighborhood.

"Good nap?" Scarlett teased from the driver's seat.

"Heavenly," I deadpanned. "How much longer?"

"Like five minutes," Lizzie said, turning to face me with a wide, excited grin. I couldn't help but mirror her anticipation.

As promised, we pulled up to the house five minutes later. Scarlett didn't even have time to kill the engine before I was swinging open my door and hopping out of the car.

The front door of the house opened and Adley sprinted out, jumping over the front steps, which I would've scolded her for under any other circumstances; she's way too small for that.

I met her halfway up the driveway and scooped her up in my arms. I swung her around in a tight hug, just trying to calm myself down. I know we weren't separated for that long, but it felt like a lifetime because I didn't think I would ever see her again.

I set her down so she could run to Lizzie, and I turned to wipe my eyes without anyone seeing. I could hear them all crying and greeting each other, but I was too choked up to say anything. Regaining my composure, I walked over to stand next to them and smiled slightly as I watched our little family reunion.

The road getting to this point may have been rocky, but it was sure as hell worth it.


I almost felt bad for Scarlett and Lizzie, because Adley and I would not shut up on the way home. She told me all about the foster home and the nice family and the creepy doll in her room.

But then we dropped that subject, determined to preserve our good mood by pretending the past 24 hours hadn't happened.

When we finally got home, I was so relieved. As much as I love them, six hours is a long time to spend trapped in a car with two small children.

We walked inside and I sent Rose to set up Just Dance while Adley and I brought her stuff back to her room. I suggested Just Dance in the car because those kids had way too much energy.

I threw the duffel bag on the floor of Adley's room for her to take care of later. I turned to walk out but Adley quietly said "Thank you for coming back for me, Y/N."

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