Chapter 7

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"Congratulations, you passed," the man said without a hint of enthusiasm.

"Wait, really? I passed?"

"Yes, you passed. If you'll follow me inside, we'll get your picture taken and fill everything out." He stepped out of the passenger seat and led the way into the brick building. Since I don't own a car yet, I had to borrow Scarlett's for the test.

After everything is taken care of, I walk out into the parking lot and find Scarlett practically jumping up and down with excitement. I speed-walk over to her with the biggest smile on my face.

"Well?!" She prompts impatiently.

"I passed! I got my license!" She pulls me into a giant bear hug and I start laughing. I don't even realize that I'm crying until she pulls back with furrowed eyebrows.

"Sweetheart, what's wrong?"

"Nothing I'm fine," I say, shaking my head and laughing through the tears. "It's just that, I'm hitting all these big milestones and I don't have anyone here to...I don't know. Next year I'll be graduating and stuff and I just- it's stupid, I'm sorry."

"It's not stupid, Y/N," she says, holding my face in her hands. "You're allowed to wish that your parents were here to see you succeed. And I know I'm not your mom so it doesn't mean much, but I'm here for you. And I'm sure as hell gonna be at your graduation."

That only makes me cry more, except now I think it's tears of joy. I hug her again and mumble into her shirt, "Thank you, Scarlett. It means a lot more than you think."

She doesn't say anything, she just kisses the top of my head and hugs me tighter. I laugh and pull out of the hug saying, "Okay, that's enough sappy shit for one day. Let's get out of this parking lot before a kid hits us trying to parallel park."

"Deal. And watch your mouth, young lady." I shrug and give her a sheepish grin.

"You're such a mom."

"I literally am a mom, Y/N," she deadpans.

"Case in point."

"You're a dork."

"I know," I retort with a smile. She rolls her eyes as we get into her car.

"How about we go pick up Rose and get some ice cream? If we get lucky, maybe we'll beat the rush hour traffic."

"That sounds good, but in my experience, there is no such thing as luck." She's quiet for a couple of minutes as she drives. At a red light, she suddenly looks over at me with a dumbfounded expression.

"Was that a Star Wars reference?" I only laugh in response.


"Rose, we brought you ice cream!"

"Ice cream?" She peeks around the corner, racing into the entryway when she sees us standing there with ice cream. "Hello, Y/N!"

"Hey, Rose," I greet her, handing her the dish.

"Are you gonna spend the night? Is Adley coming? We can watch movies and build a fort! It's Saturday so there's no school tomorrow so I think we should have a sleepover," she rambles.

"Oh, uh, I don't think I can, Rose. I have to go pick up Adley from a friend's house in an hour." I had asked Mrs. White to babysit Adley for a few hours while I took my driver's test.

"Pretty please," she begs with a pout. "We can go pick up Adley and bring her here!"

I sigh and look to Scarlett for help, who merely shrugs and gives a look that says 'it's alright with me.'

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