Chapter 3

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"Hey, Katie, wake up. Are you ok?" I opened my eyes to the sound of Joe's deep voice. I was laying across the loveseat and I knew I looked like a crazy person. I was probably snoring, drooling, and what the fuck was that dream? I sat up slowly and looked at Joe, I could feel the burning of my cheeks as he offered me a lopsided grin. "You must of been having one hell of a dream, Katie." I rubbed my face and then looked at him, "I'm sorry, God, that's embarrassing." Joe chuckled, "No, not at all. I'm actually flattered." 

My eyes widened, "No, no, no. Tell me I didn't say your name!" I whispered in horror. He looked away before looking back and shrugging. I darted into my room and straight back to my bathroom where I caught a look at myself in the mirror, fuck me, it was horrible. My hair was insane, I had a hand print on my face, I had slept with my mouth open. Ew. I was scrubbing my teeth when Joe appeared in the doorway. "Are you ok?" He asked, true concern in his eyes. I rinsed my mouth before I turned to face him, "Have you ever had a sexy dream about a friend of yours while they were less than ten feet away from you while you moan their name and look like a crazy person?" 

He smiled, a big smile, "It was a sexy dream, huh?" I groaned and pushed past him to the bedroom and threw myself across my bed, burying my face in my blanket. I felt the bed dip where he laid next to me, "Look at me, Katie." His voice was soft, yet firm. I couldn't help but look at him. "First of all, you look sexy all messed up like that. Second, I find it flattering that you have sexy dreams about me. You are a beautiful, sexy, amazing woman." I felt my eyes get wide. "Really, now? Flattering?" He smiled and moved closer, "Very, I think your mouth is perfect to moan my name." 

I felt my self getting wet, he was seriously turning me on. "Joe, if this is something you want then we need to do this as a purely physical thing. Just sex no strings, no emotions."  He brushed his fingers across my cheek softly, " That works for me. After two failed marriages and endless ex girlfriends, I'm tired of the baggage." I leaned into his touch, "I have no desire to do the whole get married thing again, but it's been far too long since I been touched."  He smelled just like in my dream, but his lips felt even better when he dipped down and kissed me. 

The next thing I knew, he had flipped me onto my back and slid on top of me. He pinned my arms over my head with one of his large hands while the other slid down my arm to my chest. He looked down into my eyes as he pressed himself against me, grinding his hips. The feeling was amazing but I wanted more, I needed more. He dipped his head down and kissed me softly at first but as soon as he tasted my lips, it ignited something and he began to kiss me like he would die if he didn't get enough of my lips. 

I couldn't move my arms, so I rocked my hips up into him, eliciting a moan from his throat that vibrated through me, lighting me on fire. His right hand, kneading my breast, pinching my nipple, feeling so damn good, slid down more, across my rib cage, over my stomach, digging into my hip, pulling me harder against him. His lips broke from mine and he blazed a trail down my cheek to my throat where he began to nip with his teeth then soothe with his tongue. My whole body was on fire, I am pretty sure my panties were done for, burned completely. "Joe" I moaned and he stopped and raised his head to look at me. His brown eyes were burning, "Say it again, say my name, Baby." I swallowed, his husky voice making me impossibly more turned on, "Joe" I rasped and his mouth was back on mine, his hands moving my shirt up my body. He broke the kiss only long enough to whip my shirt off.

Then his hot, wet mouth was on my nipple, nibbling, sucking, licking, driving me completely crazy. I swear I have never been so turned on in my life. I couldn't control it when Joe bit down slightly on nipple, I shattered. I moaned loudly and arched my back off the bed. Joe sat back and took off his shirt and the feeling of his skin against mine was amazing. He had a nice amount of chest hair that tickled against my flesh. He hoovered above me slightly, looking down at my flushed face and grinned slightly, "You are really sexy when you come." I blushed and ran my hands down his back. 

He sighed and leaned down, kissing me deeply while moving his hand to the waistband of my shorts. His hand slipped inside and then around to my ass, grabbing it firmly and pressing us together so I could feel just how hard he was. I moaned lowly and wrapped my leg around him, desperately wanting more contact. I needed to feel all of him, skin to skin. I needed to feel him inside me. "Joe, please." I begged. I know I sounded needy but I was, I was out of my mind with it. 

The next thing I knew he was sliding out of his jeans, eyes boring into mine. I couldn't look away even if I wanted to. His large hands slid my shorts and panties down my legs and tossed them some where across the room. He ran his hand up my inner thigh and straight to my core, testing me to see if I was ready. "Hmmm, Baby, you are soaked" he groaned as he traced his fingers over the delicate flesh. I was going to burn alive, I just knew it. Then, I felt him at my entrance. He slowly sank into me. Dear God, it was heaven. 

He started slowly, testing, teasing me. "Come on, Baby, you can hit me harder. I will not break." He kissed me deeply before pulling out and flipping me over onto my knees and slamming into me. I was getting close, he was hitting just the right spot. I could tell he wasn't going to last much longer either. "Where do I come?" He ground out and his thrusts got stronger. "Anywhere you want." I groaned. A few more hard hits and I was screaming my release and he was right behind me. We both collapsed on the bed, breathless. Joe looked at me, brushing my hair out of my face and giving me a grin, "Good god, woman, you are gonna kill me" 

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