Chapter 4

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I blushed deep red as he chuckled at me, pulling me into his arms and against his chest. "Baby, you are so sexy. I could watch you come forever and never get tired of seeing it." I looked up at him, warm brown eyes looking at me. "I am glad I pleased you." I whispered and he chuckled, "Sweetheart, you most definitely pleased me. I know that was quick but it's been awhile for me, so I'm sorry." 

"Don't apologize, I enjoy every moment and I came too, if you remember. I haven't came like that in a very long time." I told him, seriously. He cupped my cheek and pulled my lips to his into a deep kiss. "I need a shower. I'm sticky." I said breathlessly. He nodded, "Me too." I quickly pulled my shirt and panties back on before grabbing clean clothes. "Hmm, I think I have something that will fit you." I told him, glancing over my shoulder at him. He nodded as he stood and threw his boxers back on and stepped into the bathroom.  I grabbed him some clothes from when I was bigger, mens sweats are more comfy. 

I hear the shower start and shuffle into the bathroom in time to see him step under the flow of water. I couldn't help stare for a moment. "Hey, you getting in here or what?" He voice shook me from my thoughts, or lack there of. I threw off my clothes and stepped in the shower were the steam was starting to build up. Joe grabbed my arms gently and tugged me against him, under the water. His large hand sweeps the hair from my face, then slowly turns me around. The next thing I know he is massaging shampoo into my hair, a moan leaves my mouth. "That feels sooo good." I hear him chuckle behind me, "Lean your head back." He said softly. He proceeds to thoroughly wash my hair before soaping my entire body, paying special attention to certain parts that have me screaming his name.

I look up at him playfully, "My turn." My hands trace over his body, being very careful to avoid that one certain area. I was enjoying teasing him, when he groaned, "Baby, you are killing me." I gave him a small, evil smile before sinking to my knees and looking up into his eyes as I took him into my mouth. I watch as his eyes roll back into his head as his hands bury themselves in hair, simply holding on as I start to move. Oh the sounds this man makes just turn me on even more. I feel him keep growing and swelling and I know he is getting close because his breathing has changes. "Baby, I'm going to explode, let me pull out." I shook my head and picked up my pace. "Last chance." He gritted out as his entire body teased up and his hands pulled my hair. I loved it, his hot cream shooting down my throat. 

"Sweetheart, you don't have to do that." He told me, gruffly as he regained his composure. I cocked my head as I stood, "You don't like it?" He laughed, "I loved it, every bit, but you don't have to swallow it." I grinned, "I like to swallow, it's a waste not to." He shook his head, "You are something else." I shrugged, "I know." We got out of the shower and quickly dried off and dressed. "Those are my sweats, by the way." I didn't want him to think he was wearing my dead husbands clothes. He just shrugged and grabbed my hair brush. "Um, Joe, you don't have any hair." He looked at me with the, 'duh' look, "I know, smart ass, turn around." I turned, maybe I'm just too drunk for this to process, but this seems like an awful lot of after care for fuck buddies. He brushed my hair until it was tangle free and then braided it loosely. I turned and looked up at him, "Thank you, can we sleep now?" 

He chuckled, "Come on, you climb in and I will turn out the light on my way to the couch." I suddenly felt a bit needy, I wanted him to sleep here with me. I think I was drunk because that isn't me. "You can sleep in here, if you want to." I said quietly. He stood there for what seemed like forever, mentally arguing with himself before he flicked off the light switch and climbed into the bed next to me. I wanted to say something but he rolled  towards me and pulled me against him. The next thing I know, I'm dreaming. My dreams were normal, obscure, blurry dreams. I woke up alone and sighed, maybe it was just a dream. I'm not surprised, I haven't had sex in so fucking long. 

I was in the bathroom, brushing my teeth when I heard a noise in the kitchen. I quickly spit and grabbed my gun from my dresser as I made my way out of my room. I quickly and quietly crept through the living room and popped my head around the corner into the kitchen to see Joe standing at the stove cooking something. I sighed and he looked at me and laughed, "Forget I was here?" I nodded, "I kinda thought I had an alcohol induced fever dream or something." He laughed as he made his way over to me, gently taking the gun out of my hand and setting it on the counter. "Every bit of last night was very real."

I smiled up at him as he grabbed my arm gently pulling me into the kitchen, "Come on, I am making breakfast." I followed him and was surprised to see him making omelets with veggies and cheese and sausage. "That look amazing, what can I do to help?" He threw me wink, "Set the table?" I got out the silverware and again it struck me that this seemed a bit more than just friends with benefits. On the other hand, this is something I would be doing for a friend so what the hell do I know. "Hey, you in there?" I looked at him and grinned. "I'm not all the way awake."

We sat down to eat in comfortable silence. "I can take you to get your truck whenever you want." He said, startling me and causing me to laugh. "I am no hurry. I am off today." He looked at me for a long second, as if weighing his words carefully before saying, "How about this, we finish breakfast and then maybe watch a movie before we go." I nodded, "That works for me. You pick the movie while I wash the breakfast dishes. No arguing, you cooked, I clean." He sighed, "Fine fine." He moved into the living room and I loaded the dishwasher and wiped the stove and counter.  

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