Chapter 6

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"I'm sorry." Joe said, looking down at me. I met his eyes and smiled, "For what?" He sighed, "That I haven't called or came by in a couple of days and that was fast and a bit rough." I chuckled, "First of all, I came a few times so that was great. Second, you don't owe me anything. This is just sex. You don't have worry about all that baggage." He rolled to his side to face me, "I know that, but being a decent human means at least calling someone. Believe me, I wanted to come and see you but things kept coming up. If it's ok with you, I'd like to stay the night. I just really don't want to be alone."  His warm brown eyes seemed heavy and I nodded, "That's perfectly fine with me. Let me grab a quick shower and I will make us something to eat." 

He grabbed his pants, "I have a bag of clothes in my car, so I can shower when you're done." I nodded as I ran into the bathroom as he stepped out of the room. I was just slipping my clean shirt over my head when Joe came in the bathroom. "Hey, I'm done, it's all yours." I told him as I slipped out and headed to the kitchen to find food. Joe was just coming into the living room as I popped a homemade pizza into the oven. "Pizza good with you?" I asked and he nodded as he plopped onto the couch. "Good it should be done in about fifteen minutes. So, find a movie." I told him as I cuddled into the couch. 

Twenty minutes later, we are stuffing our faces while laughing at the Blues Brothers. I can barely keep my eyes open by the end of the movie and I look over to see Joe sleeping too. "Joe, I'm going to bed, you coming?" He blinks his eyes open and nods as we slowly move towards the bedroom. I flick off the light and snuggle under the covers and just as I start to drift to sleep, I feel Joe's arm wrap around me. 

I woke up later that afternoon alone. I stretched and went to the bathroom before heading out of my room to see what Joe was up to. I see him pacing on the back deck, arguing with someone on the phone. When he was done he looked up and his eyes met mine. He strode into the house and straight up to me, pulling me against him and kissing me deeply. "I have to be inside you." His voice was gruff and full of need. I simply nodded and he turned and led me back to my bedroom. As soon as we reached the bed, he shoved me back on to it and started pulling my clothes off.  I returned the favor, pulling his shirt over his head before he laid on top of me and kissed me hard. 

His hands traced my body, stopping to cup my breasts. He rubbed his thumb across my nipple making it stiffen. I let out a low moan of pleasure. The next thing I felt was his hot mouth on that nipple. He gently bit the nipple before running his tongue over it. I arched my back, God, it felt so damn good. I dug my fingers into his back. "Oh my God, Joe." I moaned out as he continued to feast on my breasts. I swear I was ready to explode and he seemed to notice this as he bit down just a little harder, sending me over the edge. 

He moved to the other nipple and this time when he bit down, he slammed himself into me, hard. This had me flying over the edge again. He lifted his head and stared into my eyes as he continued his fast pace, hitting me hard and fast. I was like a deer in the headlights, trapped in those dark brown pools of lust. This man knew exactly how to use my body and I loved it.  He dropped his head and captured my lips as he hit me harder a couple more times, reaching his own release.  His lips traveled all over my face, showering me with kisses. "You're gonna be the death of me, woman." He groaned as he rolled off of me and onto the bed next to me. 

"Wanna talk about it? If not, that's totally fine." I said looking up at him. He sighed, "I really don't right now. Right now, I just want to hold you for a little while and forget that the world outside this bed, exists." I smiled and cupped his cheek, "Deal, but know that I am always here for you." He leaned into my hand and sighed, "I know." He kissed me, slowly and sweetly, and it was wonderful. Sweet, gentle kisses turned into deeper kisses and another round of breath taking sex. 

After another nice and quick shower, we settled in on the couch to watch a movie while Joe cooked some steaks on the grill. We watched a couple movies, ate a nice dinner, and had sex again before Joe said he had to go take care of some bullshit with his ex-wife. I was more than fine with that because my lazy ass was going to sleep for the next twelve hours at least. I was off for another day and I was going to take advantage of it. I had some errands to run when I woke up again but for now, me and the pillow that smelled so damn good, were going to sleep.  

I was having the strangest dream when my phone woke me up. Of course, it was a telemarketer. I rolled over and tried to go back to sleep but it was no use. With a groan, I pull myself out of bed and looked at the time. I had only been sleeping for about four hours. I was still so tired but couldn't stay in bed so I grabbed my blanket and curled up on the couch. I turned on a movie and fell asleep. 

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