Chapter 7

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Joe and I had been fucking around for a few months now and it had slowly gotten to the point that he was just staying here all the time. He only went home maybe once or twice a week. I had just got home from work and let Rusty out when Joe strolled through the door and straight up to me, kissing me. A thought about how this felt like something more than the no strings relationship we started off with, flashed through my mind but was quickly replaced with the feeling of Joe's hands roaming my body, pausing in just the right places. 

I let the dog in and we moved into the bedroom. His kisses got more tender, moving down my neck, lightly nibbling and sucking. His hands moved up from my hips, taking my shirt with them. He whipped my shirt off my head and then my bra was flying across the room. He gently shoved me backwards until I was laying across the bed. He made quick work of taking off his clothes before crawling up and laying next to me. He pulls me against him and kisses my lips nibbling on my bottom lip before moving down to my neck, nipping gently. He continues his path downward to my nipples, taking them one at a time, into his mouth biting gently. It feels so damn good and I know I'm dripping wet.

As he is driving me crazy with his mouth, he moves his hand down my body. His fingers go to work, and I am completely lost. He sits up and looks at me, warm brown eyes staring into my soul, "I don't think you know how beautiful you look right now." Then his lips are crashing into mine and he slams inside of me. I dig my fingers into his back as he continues to pound into me. "Turn over, get on your knees." His voice is ruff and so damn sexy. I immediately comply, getting on my knees. He grabs my hips and rams into me hard, causing me to cum hard. He doesn't stop, he keeps slamming into me over and over until he explodes.

He flops over onto the bed, pulling me with him. "Do you want something to eat?" I ask him and he shakes his head, "Not right now, right now I just want to hold you for a while." I nod as he pulls the blanket up over us and the next thing I know I am waking up alone and it's dark outside. I lay there for a moment stewing over what happened earlier. He just seemed odd, I hope he is ok. I jump in the shower, mind spinning about what it all means. He was so tender and sweet, not that I am complaining but it was out odd. 

I heard movement in the kitchen as I was getting dressed so I figured Joe was still here. "Something smells amazing." I said as I walked into the kitchen. Joe was bent over checking something in the oven, he smiled at me as he stood. "Hey there, sleepy head. I thought I would make us some dinner." I smiled back at him, "That works for me, I'm starved." He walks over to me and wraps his arms around me as he presses a kiss to my forehead. I can't help but melt into his arms. We stand there just like that for a few minutes, him just holding me. "It should be done, why don't you grab us a couple plates." He whispers against my hair. I nod and pull away to get them.      

He grabs my after two steps and spins me into him, kissing me hard. "Woah" I breathed as he pulled back. He smiled at me then smacked my ass. I laughed as I grabbed the plates and forks for whatever wonderful noms he had made. We sit at the table with the baked spaghetti and meatballs he made and eat in a comfortable silence for a while. Comfortable until I look up at him and see the heated look he is giving me. A look that has me starting to squirm in my seat. How can someone have that effect on me? He can get to me with just a look, and that's when I think I knew that this was more than just fuck buddies and I was going to end up hurt. 

I vowed to myself then and there that if and when he walked away from this, I would never let him know that I had feelings. There was no sense in making him feel bad because I broke the rules. I would simply enjoy this while it lasted and when it was over, when he walked away, I would put myself back together by myself. "What's going on in the beautiful mind of yours?" His deep voice broke through my thoughts and I cleared my head before looking at him with a smile. "Nothing, just thinking about all the things I have to get done in the next couple of days I have off." He returns my smile and stands up, grabbing our plates and putting them in the sink. "Come on, come cuddle with me on couch, there isn't anything that can be done tonight." 

We cuddled on the couch, watching an old action movie. We were about halfway through it when his phone rings. He sighs and looks at it before getting up and going out on the back deck. I watch him arguing with the other person, I can only guess it's his ex-wife.  I was amazed how much they fight even after the divorce. She was a controlling and jealous person but would cheat all the time. He came back in with a stressed look on his face and tired eyes. I held out my arms and he walked right over to me and right into my arms. He knelt in front of me, head on my chest and arms around my middle. 

"You are my safe place, Katie. I swear you are the best thing to ever happen to me." He tilts his head to look up at me, his eyes are sincere, "She wants to try and get back together. I keep telling her it's never going to happen. I may have considered it before you, but now, there is no way." I grab his face, "Joe, don't let me hold you back from anything." He laughs, "Sweetheart, you aren't holding me back, you set me free. Can't you see that I'm in love with you."                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        

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