Chapter 8

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I know I look like a deer in the headlights right now, "What? You can't be in love with me, what is everyone gonna say about that?" He grins, "First of all, I most certainly am in love with you and I think I have been for a very long time. Secondly, fuck what everyone else says. The only opinion I care about is yours. So, what's going on in that sexy brain of yours?" Those deep brown eyes bore into mine and I'm lost. "I don't know what to think, I mean of course I'm in love with you but I was preparing to have to let you go." His grin grows wider, "Listen to me, I ain't going anywhere so you never have to let me go." 

He stands up and picks me up off the couch, causing me to squeal. He carries me off into the bedroom and throws me on the bed. He crawls up and covers my body with his, staring into my eyes, "You are so damn beautiful. I can't believe how lucky I am." Before I can say a word, he kisses me deeply, burying his hands in my hair. This kiss was different from all of our other kisses, I could feel his love for me. He pulls back and looks at me with a small smile. "What?" I asked him, slightly worried about what was going on in his mind. "I love you." He said tracing my  cheek with his finger tip. 

I smiled back at him, "I love you, Joe." He answering smile was huge. "Say it again." I laughed, "I love you, Joe." He started planting little kisses all over my face. When he reached my lips, he lingered, nibbling and sucking on lower lip. When he pulled back, he looked at me and asked, "So what do we do now?" I cocked an eyebrow, "What do you mean?" He brushed my hair behind my ear, "Well, we  love each other, so what's our next step?" I smiled, "Wanna move in with me? You are here all the time anyway." He just stared at me for the longest time. As the silence grew, I started to get nervous. "You don't have to, it was just a question. Please don't feel like you have to do anything, I promise you won't hurt my feelings." 

"Baby, I would love to move in with you, I was just in shock. I know this place is your sanctuary." His smile was blinding. "Really? You want to?" I smiled at him and he nodded. "I don't really like my tiny apartment and just the thought of being able to wake up next to you every day."  I felt my cheeks heat up slightly. "You wanna see me when I first wake up on a regular basis?" He nodded, "You are very sexy when you first wake up. Your hair is all messed up and crazy like you were just properly fucked. Just about everything you do makes me want to fuck you hard. I am constantly thinking about you, even when I should be focusing on work, I'm thinking about you." 

"Well, that doesn't sound safe, Deputy." I told him with a raised eye brow. "No, romantic." He shot back. I shrugged, "I don't really know that much about romance." He grinned, "Let me show you." Then he kissed me deeply. His hands began to roam my body, squeezing all the right places to make me moan. "Joe, please." I begged. "Please, what, Baby?" He breathed. "Please, make love to me." I moaned. "With pleasure, my love." He whispered in my ear before he began to kiss down my body. 

His kisses were soft and he took his time, worshiping every inch of my skin with his mouth. "Ah, fuck, Joe. You have no idea how good that feels." He stopped and looked at me, "Baby, you haven't seen nothing yet." I didn't even remember him taking off my clothes but the next thing I knew, his tongue was on my clit and I was arching off the bed. He was feasting on me and I could barely catch my breath. I came hard, screaming his name. He sat up and I met his eyes as he licked his lips, "You are delicious." I swear I almost came again. 

He moved up on the bed and kissed me deeply, the combination of his unique flavor and the taste of me on his lips was amazing. "On your knees, Baby." He whispered and I was only too happy to oblige. I turned over and he knelt behind me, rubbing his hands across my ass before grabbing my hips and  slowly sinking into me. He let out a low moan of pleasure, "Baby, you feel so damn good." His strokes were slow and strong but I knew he couldn't keep that pace for long and I was right, he began to pick up his pace, hitting me harder and faster. "Yes, Joe, please don't stop." I screamed. "No worries, Baby. I ain't stopping until I feel you cum for me, and I mean cum hard." 

His fingers reached around to my clit and began to work it while he continued to slam into me and in seconds, I was cumming hard. "Yes, Baby that's it, give it all to me." He gritted out as I felt him grip me tighter. I knew he was close and then he exploded. He rolled onto his side, taking me with him and staying inside of me.  I was a sweaty mess but he held me against him as if I was his life raft. He kissed my head right behind my ear and whispered, "You are amazing, never in my life have I felt this way." 


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