Chapter 5

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He patted the spot on the couch next to him and I plopped down. He turned on the movie, Under Siege, and oldie but a goody. It wasn't long until his hand started to wander. It started on my knee and slowly moved up to the hem of my sleep shorts at the top of my thigh. Then his hand slid inside my shorts to my mound. "Spread your legs."  His voice was gruff and firm, I obeyed. I knew I was already wet, he has that effect on me. His finger tips teased me as he traced my lips before dipping the tip of a finger inside and sliding it up to bump my clit before pulling away and starting the process again. I could feel my pussy getting wetter and wetter. I moaned when he finally slipped two fingers completely inside me. 

He pumped in and out a couple of times before stopping and looking at me, "I really want you." His voice was ruff and I wasn't going to make him wait. I pulled off my shorts as he was sliding his pants down. I climbed on his lap, slowly sliding onto his rock hard erection. We both moaned as I slid all the way down. He grabbed my hips as I started to bounce. The sounds that came from this man's mouth were amazing. He looked straight into my eyes as he dug his finger tips into my flesh and begged me not to stop. "Believe me, stopping is the last thing on my mind. I'm not stopping until you explode." I bounced harder and faster until he slammed me down on him and held me there, I felt him tense up and stiffen his entire body. Immediately, his thumb was pressed against my clit and rubbing fast and hard which had me screaming. 

I leaned my head against his shoulder and sighed as he kissed my neck behind my ear. I pulled myself off of him and grabbed my shorts, slipping them back on. He grabbed my wrist, "Where are you going?" I smiled at him, "To clean up, duh." He stood and followed me to my bathroom before grabbing a wash cloth and wet it thoroughly. "Allow me." He said before dropping to his knees and sliding my shorts down. He wiped me clean and then leaned forward and pressed a kiss to my inner thigh. He stood and wiped himself off. "Come on, let's finish our movie." He grabbed my hand and pulled back to the couch. 

I woke up a couple hours later to an empty house and a note. The note read, 'Katie, Tammy and Chuck dropped it off on their way through. I have some stuff I have to get done but I will call you later. Joe.' I peeked outside and sure enough, there was my truck and my keys were hanging on the key hook. Sweet, I didn't even have to get dressed today. I wasn't upset about Joe leaving, he has stuff to do and so do I, plus we are fuck buddies, no relationship messiness. I got busy cleaning my house, not that it took long. I stripped my bed and washed my sheets and blanket. I have a few sets I like to switch between, plus you cannot fuck someone in your bed and then leave the dirty sheets.  I may have left the pillow case on the pillow he used though. I can't help it, the man smells amazing. 

It had been three days since I had last heard from Joe, I was starting to think that what we had was a one time thing, which was fine. I was not about to beg for a man's attention. I had just gotten off a rotten twelve hour shift. Call after call of bullshit and one particularly hard call that shook all of us. I came through the door and let Rusty out when I heard a knock. I turned to see Joe standing at the door, looking as miserable as I felt. I waved him in and he strode to me, pulled me into his arms and kissed me. I knew what he needed, I needed it to. We needed to get lost in something, just for a little while. When we broke for air, I turned to let Rusty in.

After locking the back door, I pulled him into the bedroom and set him down on the foot of the bed. I stepped in between his leg and kissed him briefly before taking off his shirt. I kissed down his neck and across his shoulder. I kissed a crossed his chest and down as I sank to my knees. I unhooked his belt and pants then slipped off his boots before having him stand up and sliding his pants and boxers down his legs. I looked up and met his eyes before wrapping my lips around him and taking him completely into my mouth. Immediately, his hands were in my hair, tugging slightly as he moaned his approval. After a few more strokes, he picked me up off my knees and stripped me of my clothes. He tossed me up on the bed and slid in next to me.

His mouth was on mine again and his hands were roaming my body, memorizing every inch and every flaw before finding their way to my dripping wet pussy. I arched as he thrust two fingers in and began to pump them in and out. God, that feels so fucking good. I dig my nails into his back as he dives in for another kiss, deep and passionate, as he moves over me and slams into me. "Fuck, baby, you feel so fucking good." He growls in my ear and I am tipped over the edge. Joe doesn't slow down, he just keeps slamming into me as I keep coming, over and over. Finally, he slams into me one last time before he falls down, rolling off of me. 

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